Finally, he had accumulated enough energy to evolve to adulthood.

He had been busy for more than ten days for today.

But it was all worth it.

After he was promoted to adulthood, his road to take-off had just begun.

In a happy mood, Liu Mang twisted his body and returned to the snake cave in the bushes.

But what made Liu Mang a little dissatisfied was that the snake cave had become a little crowded compared to before.

But after thinking about it, Liu Mang was relieved. After all, his growth rate was too fast.

According to the normal development speed, if there was no help from the players, it would be unlikely for him to reach the current conditions, even if he waited until the game invaded the real world.

"It seems that after this evolution, when I reach adulthood, I can consider moving!"

After muttering to himself, Liu Mang could not wait to say silently:"System! Start evolving!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Successfully deducted 6000 evolution points! Evolution is starting…!】

Then, Liu Mang felt dizzy and gradually lost consciousness.

Two hours later, when he woke up again,

Liu Mang twisted his huge body and got out of the snake hole.

In the bushes, Liu Mang was also very curious about the changes in his body after evolution.

First of all, his size became larger, and his whole body became fatter.

The dark and shiny scales were like a layer of armor, covering his whole body in an orderly manner.

Just as Liu Mang was looking at his changes with satisfaction, the voice of the system sounded:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the ancient Titanoboa's native skill: Breathing in Water】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the innate skill of the adult creatures in the game world: Animal Language (communication across races)】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Mission completed successfully! Obtained bronze treasure chest x1!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! You have been successfully selected by the will of the world. In the next five days, you will be selected by the reborn player and become the reborn player's natal beast god!】

【Ding! Host, do you want to open the bronze treasure chest?】


After listening to the system's voice,

Liu Mang was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth.

Unexpectedly, after an evolution to adulthood, he gained two skills, and these two skills are very practical.

Therefore, Liu Mang was naturally happy, but it would be better if he could get a few more skills in the combat direction.

However, Liu Mang was not discouraged by this, but was looking forward to the bronze treasure chest.

I wonder what good things can be found in this so-called treasure chest rewarded by the system?

With this thought in mind, Liu Mang said without hesitation:"System! Open the bronze treasure chest!"

The next moment, the system's voice sounded again:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully opened the bronze treasure chest!】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! You have successfully obtained the special skill: Venomous Fang!】

【Note: With this skill, a terrifying amount of toxin can be discharged from the fangs, which is enough to poison any creature of the same level (upper limit: only below the behemoth level) except for special creatures!】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained 1000 evolution points!】


【Stare! Congratulations to the host! Successfully obtained the special skill: Recovery!】

【Note: After acquiring this skill, as long as you have not received fatal injuries, at 0:00 a.m. every day, any non-fatal physical injuries you have received will be completely restored to their original state!】


After the system's voice ended,

Liu Mang was completely stunned.

He didn't expect that a bronze treasure chest would directly give him two skills.

And these two skills are related to combat.

Whether it's fangs or recovery!

These two skills are very terrifying!

Especially the recovery skill!

No matter what kind of damage is suffered, as long as it is physical damage and not fatal, it can be fully recovered the next day.

This is a bit against the sky, it is completely prepared for him to fight, and he will not be afraid of getting hurt in the future!

In a good mood, Liu Mang couldn't help but be in high spirits.

Then, he said silently in his heart without hesitation:

"System! Open the information page.

He wanted to see how many evolution points it would take to evolve once.

The next moment, the information page appeared in front of him.

【Host: Liu Mang】

【Species: Paleotitanboa】

【Stage: Early Adulthood】

【Volume: 18 meters, 70 centimeters wide, 5,000 kilograms in weight】

【Combat power: bite force 4000 catties, speed 45 km/h】

【Evolution Points: 1100/15000】

【Skills: Gluttonous Maw, Death Coil, Iron Skin, Water Breathing, Animal Language, Venomous Fangs, Recovery】

【Backpack: None】


After seeing the required evolution points,

Liu Mang was speechless.

There was really no logic in these evolution points.

It took 6,000 evolution points to evolve from the peak of childhood to the early adulthood.

But now, it takes 15,000 evolution points to evolve from the early adulthood to the middle stage, which is almost double the amount.

In a happy mood, Liu Mang twisted his terrifying snake body and then shuttled through the jungle wantonly. He was not as scared as before.

Because as the size grew larger, there were fewer and fewer creatures that could threaten him in this nearby jungle. As for the behemoths, he was not worried at all.

Because every time a behemoth appeared, it would shake the earth and make a lot of noise. As long as he was not a fool, he would avoid it from a distance, unless he encountered a behemoth that had a grudge against him. Otherwise, those big guys would not chase him to death.

Moreover, although he had just reached adulthood, he was now 18 meters long and weighed several tons. With such a size, he could basically kill most of the top beasts.

It can be said that among the common land creatures, only the giant elephants can escape his clutches.

But at this moment, an emotionless voice came from his mind:

【Are you willing to become the player's natal beast god? 】

This cold voice is completely different from the voice of the system. The voice is cold and emotionless, and the tone is high and mighty, as if it is the way of heaven.

Liu Mang was stunned at first, and then he immediately realized that this voice was definitely the voice of the will of the game world.

Therefore, Liu Mang responded without hesitation:"Yes!"

In addition, according to Liu Mang's guess, he can become the player's natal beast god. If nothing unexpected happens, it is obviously because of the system. Otherwise, it would be really difficult to become the natal beast god of the game player.

Because there are so many creatures in this game world.

It can be said that every creature that can become a game player is a lucky one.

At the same time, with Liu Mang's agreement to become the natal beast god of the reborn player.

The next moment, Liu Mang's whole body suddenly glowed with white light, and his whole body was in a state of invisibility.

Under the cover of this white light, Liu Mang felt very comfortable all over, as if his soul had been sublimated!

The next moment, a pleasant murmur came from Liu Mang's ears:

"God bless me, I hope my natal beast god will be as strong as possible."

"But don’t let another elk come like in the last life."

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