Another thing is when she saw Liu Mang.

She instinctively felt disgusted.

Perhaps it was because her natal beast god in the game world had almost died in the mouth of an ancient Titan python in the game world!

With this idea in mind, when watching the live broadcast, she really liked Liu Mang to be blown to death, but the result disappointed her. Not only did the big snake demon not die, but he was also fine.

In addition, she did not take her eyelid twitching seriously. After watching the live broadcast for a while, she found that she could not track the figure of the big snake demon, so she gave up in the end.

But in fact, when Liu Mang turned into a big roc that covered the sky, netizens all over the world were once again blown up and panicked.

This means that this big snake demon still has many powerful means that have not been used.

After all, it can change the appearance of biological forms at will.

It is really closer to those creatures in myths and legends.

In addition, Liu Mang's flying speed in the sky is really too fast.

You know, Liu Mang's speed can reach 1,500 kilometers per hour!

This is just his normal speed!

Not to mention when he turned into a golden-winged roc.

Liu Mang's speed was even more terrifying, reaching nearly 8,000 kilometers per hour.

This was when Liu Mang was flying freely without spending any demonic power.

Once he activated his demonic power to fly, he would probably be able to reach a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per hour.

No wonder the Golden Winged Dapeng bird easily caught up with him just by flapping its wings.

Because the speed of the Golden Winged Dapeng bird, even when he activated his skills, could not compare to that of the Dapeng bird, unless he activated the power of the demon pill in his body to achieve the effect of a sudden increase in speed, but it would consume a lot of demonic power.

Therefore, Liu Mang did not spend much time, and actually quietly flew to the territory of the ancient Asian country, and finally turned into an eagle of normal size to avoid causing panic.

After all, once he appeared in the ancient Asian country, it would cause great panic. How could he find Pan Xiaoqian in a mess at that time!

With this idea in mind, Liu Mang approached a familiar city for the first time.

He directly turned into a human form, but not into his own appearance.

Instead, he turned into the appearance of the snake that he liked to play the most in the King of Fighters.

It is worth mentioning that when Liu Mang transformed into a big snake, he was surprised to find that his strength was not greatly weakened, and he could retain nearly 1/500 of his strength.

Then Liu Mang, who was puzzled, transformed into someone else.

Then he immediately discovered a very important problem. It is very important to transform into what kind of creature or even what kind of person!

When he transformed into the form of an ordinary person, the powerful power in his body was instantly suppressed and sealed, and he could not exert much of one hundred thousandth. At most, his physical body still far surpassed mortals and was comparable to Superman, but it could not interpret the power of his body at all!

Mother, only the form of a big snake can carry 1/500 of his original peak strength. As for the ordinary appearance of ordinary people, I am afraid that even one hundred thousandth is enough.

Then, Liu Mang changed according to the appearance of the creatures in the film and television Journey to the West, hoping to make some changes.

As a result, whether it was the Jade Emperor or Sun Wukong, he was useless after the transformation.

The most intuitive thing is that when he transformed into the appearance of those immortals and humans, his body's upper limit of strength did not increase.

This strange phenomenon made Liu Mang a little puzzled, and then he couldn't help but ask in his heart:

"System! Why can't I increase the upper limit of my body's strength when I transform into other creatures in movies and TV shows? On the contrary, when I transform into a human-like snake, I will show a different upper limit of my strength?"

At this time, the voice of the system in my mind also sounded:

【Ding! Warm reminder to the host! Because the person the host transforms into is not the appearance of the snake, but the appearance of the demonized Yamata no Orochi on earth.】

【Ding! The host can understand this! There is indeed a creature called Yamata no Orochi, and the human appearance of Yamata no Orochi happens to be similar to the human appearance of the host, so the upper limit of the carrying power is slightly higher.】

【Ding! However, the Jade Emperor transformed by the host, as well as various gods and humans, are quite different from their original form, so they do not possess any of the special abilities of that existence, nor do they have the ability to carry a higher upper limit on the host's power.】

【Ding! Of course, the host can also try to change more appearances. It is possible to change to a powerful creature close to the human form. At that time, the host's human appearance can carry a higher upper limit of the host's own energy!

After hearing the system's explanation, Liu Mang was even more speechless.

He never expected that if the transformed human appearance was close to the appearance of a powerful creature changing into a human form, it would actually allow the upper limit of the strength state that can be endured in the human state to be higher!

The next moment, Liu Mang suddenly had an idea and directly changed into a state of 90% of his former human appearance.

What surprised Liu Mang was that when he changed back to his former handsome and handsome young man, his inconspicuous body could actually reach nearly 0.2% of his original strength!

When he completely changed into his former appearance, his frail and thin young body could actually contain 0.25% of his own peak strength!

This moment made Liu Mang realize that in the human state, the most ideal state is to retain 0.25% of the strength state.

And even if it is only under 0.25% of the strength state.

Liu Mang does not need to worry about any sudden crisis for the time being.

Because Liu Mang's own strength can also reach the legendary level of combat power, and his demon power has probably reached the early legendary level.

【Note: Before becoming an Earthly Immortal, the calculation method for the combat power multiplier is as follows: assuming that the initial stage of the legendary realm is 1, the middle stage is 2, the late stage is 4, the peak stage is 8-10, and the initial stage of the epic realm is 80-100.】

【Note: In addition, the way the game world's will settles combat power is calculated through multiple comprehensive calculations, including but not limited to magical means, biological species, combat skills, realms, and other compensation calculations.】

【Note: The calculation of the reward does not start when the host appears in the real world. It can also be understood that the will of the World of Beasts does not want humans to be too strong. Even if the host is very satisfied with the player, he may not be able to give 10% of the strength reward. It depends on the mood of the will of the World of Beasts.】

【Note: The will of the world of Wanshou Continent is not fair. Compared with any creature on Earth, it is more inclined to the creatures in the game world. It can be understood as different treatment.】

""That's right! Even if it's only 0.25% of the strength, it should be enough! It's equivalent to 400th of the strength of the original body." Feeling this body that used to be his,

Liu Mang was full of emotion and thoughts.

To be honest, this was the first time he turned back into a human.

Moreover, this was only temporarily needed.

In the future, he would basically not change into a human form.

Because when the game world invaded the real world, many powerful creatures would suddenly appear on the earth.

Naturally, he would not dare to change into a human form easily.

Because when he was in human form, he was really too fragile and uncomfortable!

It was like he had fallen from the late epic realm to the early legendary realm.

Although he could also use his own demonic power and other means, it was far worse than when he was in the original state. He couldn't even exert 1% of his strength!

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