"Brother Brown Bear, are you sure you can really kill them?"

"How can they be killed in the water?"

After hearing Liu Mang's words, the Brown Bear King said slowly:

"Why are you in such a hurry? If it were just us, it wouldn't be enough!"

"My helpers will be here soon, just wait."

The Tyrannosaurus brothers also nodded slightly.

If they rely on them alone, they will not be able to deal with these two giant beast realm Purus crocodiles.

At the same time, one of the Purus crocodiles in the river slowly climbed ashore with its huge body, and its cold eyes swept over the brown bear king and the two Tyrannosaurus Rex.

As for Liu Mang's size, it did not take him seriously at all.

Because its own length reached 120 meters, its terrifying and huge size could crush countless creatures of the same level in the giant beast realm, not to mention that it was not yet a giant beast realm.

Unless Liu Mang also reached the giant beast realm, they would pay attention to him, otherwise, he was not worth looking at at all.

"You don't know what's good for you. A brown bear that has become a giant beast by chance dares to seek death?"

At this moment, the Purus crocodile that came ashore looked at the brown bear king with contempt, his eyes full of disdain.

Obviously, it looked down on the brown bear king, and even looked down on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, because although they were ancient creatures, they were also ancient creatures, and they were the top existences among ancient creatures.

Their fully grown bodies can reach a volume of nearly 20 meters.

It can be said that Tyrannosaurus Rex is their meal.

There are basically no ancient creatures in fresh water that can threaten them. The only ones who can threaten them are those mythical creatures, such as Jiao, Dragon, strange beasts of heaven and earth, fierce beasts, alien species, etc.

Unless they are more powerful characters in the sea, such as Megalodon, Leviathan Whale, Giant Squid, etc., and unknown deep-sea giants.

After hearing the words of Purus crocodile, the brown bear king was furious and gnashed his teeth and said,"Don't be proud for too long, you will not be proud soon!"

Hearing this, Purus crocodile sneered,"Can't be happy? Could it be possible that you can invite some powerful helpers?"

Hearing this, the Brown Bear King sneered and said nothing. Seeing this, the Prussian Crocodile looked at the Tyrannosaurus brothers and said,"You two brothers should not make the mistake of thinking that you can do whatever you want just because you have a legendary father."

"We brothers also have the support of the legendary clan leader behind us!"

"Even if we really kill you, nothing will happen to us."

Hearing this, the Tyrannosaurus brothers said:

"Don't worry, even if we die, our father won't ask about it."

"If we, the younger generation, die due to our own lack of strength, the elders will not intervene. Everyone knows the rules."

The Tyrannosaurus brothers said it so bluntly.

The Purus crocodile was too lazy to persuade the other party.

Because they also have the support of legends behind them.

After waiting for more than an hour,

Liu Mang finally saw the helper of the Brown Bear King.

This is a big roc with wings spread out to cover the sky.

It is extremely proud, just like the golden feathers on its body.

After coming to the river, it was always unwilling to land, but hovered in the sky, as proud as a sky king.

But after careful observation, Liu Mang found that this golden-winged roc looked handsome, but the color of its feathers was a bit complicated, and there were many feathers of different colors on its body. At this time, Purus looked at the roc hovering in the sky and couldn't help but open his bloody mouth and taunted:"Is this your helper? A mixed-blooded mixed-hair?"

After hearing the taunting, the roc hovering in the sky became furious and screamed:

"Crocodile! You deserve to die!"

It hates it the most when people say it is a mixed-blood!

Because its bloodline is indeed impure, it is a mixture of a golden eagle and a mixed-blood roc. Although the blood of the roc flows in its body, it can indeed be said to be a mixed-blood.

So it can't integrate into the roc family at all, let alone the royal family of the roc, the golden-winged roc family.

This also makes it extremely inferior. The more arrogant it appears on the surface, the more inferior it is in its heart, and its personality is also irritable and unpredictable.

Mixed-blood has also become a word that can make it break its defense and lose its mind in anger in an instant!

The next moment, covering the sky and covering the sky, The hybrid roc swooped down from the sky at a speed as fast as lightning. Its target was obviously the Purus crocodile that was mocking it on the shore!

But at this moment, a scene that shocked Liu Mang happened.

The super behemoth in the river, the Purus crocodile, instantly stood up, rushed out of the water hundreds of meters high, opened its bloody mouth, and bit the hybrid roc in the sky.

The hybrid roc was so scared that it twisted its body instantly, dodged it narrowly, and hovered in the sky again, not daring to rush down easily! At this time, the brown bear king also roared:"Charge!"

As soon as the voice fell, the Brown Bear King took the brunt and rushed towards the Purus crocodile on the shore. Naturally, the Tyrannosaurus Rex was not willing to lag behind and rushed up one after another.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mang did not rush up rashly.

Because its size was too small compared to the Purus crocodile.

Liu Mang even seriously doubted whether he could bite through the armor of the Purus crocodile!

This is why he did not rush up.

Because if he rushed up, it would be like sending food, which is no different from sending death.

After the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Brown Bear King rushed up, the battle was about to break out.

What shocked Liu Mang was that the huge body of the Purus crocodile was extremely flexible. Whenever it launched a charge, the Brown Bear King and the Tyrannosaurus Rex would choose to dodge, and basically did not dare to confront it head-on! The

Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Brown Bear King were also somewhat restrained, and chose to attack the limbs of the Purus crocodile to and back, and relied on the advantage of numbers.

Even the Purus crocodile was somewhat passive, especially the Brown Bear King, who would basically blast the Purus crocodile from behind whenever he got the chance.

After the battle lasted for half an hour, the Purus crocodile, which was a little tired of dealing with it, seemed a little aggrieved during the battle.

Because these three guys not only did not confront it head-on, but one chose to attack its limbs and back.

If it weren't for its terrifying defense, it would have been torn to pieces by the Brown Bear King and the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

At this time, the Brown Bear King, who seized the opportunity again, rushed up directly, hugged the Purus crocodile's neck from behind, pressed his head against the Purus crocodile's head, and held the Purus crocodile's jaws tightly with both arms, preventing it from opening its mouth, and then roared:"Kill it for me!"

Hearing this, the Tyrannosaurus brothers opened their bloody mouths without hesitation and bit the Purus crocodile madly.

As for Liu Mang, who was still watching the battle in the distance, he was watching the battle with great interest at the moment.

But the next moment, he felt a cold chill coming from behind him!

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