
""Big brother!"

The four younger brothers ran to Liu Mang excitedly, their tone enthusiastic and excited.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mang immediately nodded the huge snake head and said with a smile:

"You are all very good, and you have each recruited a lot of your own beasts and creatures."

"Brother, I took a casual glance and found that the two lion brothers recruited the most, right?"

Hearing this, the lion brothers raised their heads proudly, looking like they were waiting for praise.

Seeing this, the hyena couldn't help but persuade him,"Brother, you can't count it this way! Although they found fourteen of their own beasts and creatures,"

"But they are two brothers! They should be counted as two portions."

After hearing this, the lion brothers were defeated by the shamelessness of the hyena.

Xiaobai also looked at the hyena speechlessly, but it really makes sense!

Liu Mang was also a little speechless for a while, but he didn't know that at this time Xiao Jin said:

"Big brother, the smaller portion should be on my brother's head."

After saying this, the hyena was speechless and glared at the two lion brothers fiercely.

"All right, all right! I have recorded all your contributions."

"There are a total of thirty-four natal beast creatures, right?"

At this point, Liu Mang took a look and then said:

"Among the thirty-four natal beast gods and creatures, which one do you four think is the most promising?"

"There are six quotas in total. Bring the ones you like with you, and the rest of the natal beasts and gods should gather in front of me."

After hearing what Liu Mang said, the four younger brothers looked at their eldest brother in surprise, and of course they also understood the meaning of this sentence.

This is telling them that among the thirty-four natal beasts and gods, only six can survive, and the rest must die!

Thinking of this, including the hyena, the lion brothers, and Xiaobai all took action.

What surprised Liu Mang was that the five natal beasts and gods recommended by the four younger brothers were all normal and of the same kind.

But the only difference was that among the six natal beasts and gods, there was a bald rooster, which was also very small in size, and stood out from the crowd.

After taking a few glances, the rooster kept explaining that it was not a chicken but a phoenix. Unfortunately, Liu Mang still had his own judgment and ignored this guy's explanation.

Looking at the twenty-eight natal beasts and gods gathered in front of him.

Liu Mang suddenly Twisting his huge body, he directly surrounded these creatures in a circle.

Then, under the puzzled gazes of these creatures, Liu Mang suddenly opened his bloody mouth.

Then, with one bite, he swallowed more than a dozen creatures in one gulp.

Before the other natal beast creatures could react, Liu Mang took two more bites and ate all the creatures. After seeing this extremely bloody and terrifying scene.

Not far away, several new brothers who had luckily joined and survived were stunned.

They were all trembling with fear, and their eyes were full of fear. How can this be called being a younger brother!

This is not a fucking snack?

Then what about them?

Will they be eaten again later?

With this idea in mind.

The only six remaining creatures were also scared silly.

At the same time.

After Liu Mang swallowed all 28 creatures.

The voice of the system continued to sound:

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured an adult natal beast, the hippopotamus, and successfully obtained 20 evolution points.……】

【Ding! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured an adult Triceratops! Successfully obtained 45 evolution points……】


【Ding! Congratulations to the host! You have successfully hunted or devoured 28 natal beast creatures! The current task progress is 30/30!】


After listening to the system's voice,

Liu Mang suddenly became extremely happy.

Now he has hunted down thirty natal beast creatures.

His mission is halfway completed, and only the last eighteen giant beast creatures remain.

Once the last eighteen giant beast creatures are hunted down, he will be able to complete the reward mission issued by the system.

Because of this, it would be strange if Liu Mang was in a bad mood!

Turning his huge snake head and glancing at the few remaining brothers who were trembling, Liu Mang immediately opened his bloody mouth and laughed,"Don't be afraid!"

"Since you can stand out from these natal beast gods and be favored by my brothers, it naturally proves that you have something to recommend you."

"You will be my younger brothers' younger brothers in the future."

After saying that, Liu Mang took a look at the six new members.

They were two extremely strong lions, two mighty and strong hyenas, a white rhino and a native chicken. This lineup was indeed a bit outrageous.

But after thinking about it, Liu Mang didn't care too much. It was a bit outrageous!

It is estimated that there are many more outrageous lineups than his subordinates in the Ten Thousand Beast Continent!

At the same time, after hearing Liu Mang's words, the uneasiness in the hearts of several new brothers was slightly relieved. At this time, several of Liu Mang's younger brothers also comforted him,"Don't worry! As long as you follow the big brother, you will get benefits in the future."

After the comfort of several younger brothers, these new brothers breathed a sigh of relief, and then nodded and agreed.

Seeing this scene, Liu Mang was also very bored, and then opened his bloody mouth and said:

"Okay! Big brother, I'm going to hunt the giant beasts. If you are interested, you can come with me. If not, you can do whatever you want!"

"Don't worry, I will remember your contributions and will never forget them."

After saying that, Liu Mang twisted his huge body and headed towards the mountain of the Bull Head King.

To be honest, Liu Mang's plan today was to hunt the Bull King of the Giant Beast Realm in the Bull Head Mountain and the Elephant King of the Giant Elephant Mountain.

There was no other way, the task of hunting the natal beast god had been completed, and the only thing left was to hunt eighteen giant beast creatures.

Now he only needed to work a little harder every day, and the task would naturally be completed easily.

Kill two a day, and twenty in ten days. The task was easily completed, and it was completed before the fight for the giant beast fruit!

As for Liu Mang's four younger brothers, seeing the back of their eldest brother leaving, they wanted to go but found that they were almost absent-minded, so they had to give up the idea. They actually wanted to see their eldest brother show his power.

At the same time.

After Liu Mang came to the Bull King Mountain.

His traces were immediately discovered by the younger brothers of the Bull Head Mountain

""My king! It's bad! The three kings of Bawang Mountain are here!"

The Black Bull King, who was sleeping in the cave, was awakened.

Then he immediately got up, looked at the younger brother standing in front of him, and scolded:

"What the hell are you yelling about? I'm sleeping!"

The little buffalo boy in front of him said aggrievedly:

"My king! The three kings of Overlord Mountain are here!"

The Bull-Headed King was stunned for a moment, then asked in confusion:

"What is this guy doing in my mountain?"

"This king also did not confiscate the younger brother who betrayed him!"

"You can't just be unhappy with me, right?"

Hearing this, the little brother Buffalo glanced at the king, and then whispered:

"My king, do you think it is possible that it came here to kill you?"

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