Fat House: @Elegant and Warm Man! If you have time to feel sorry for your sister, why not play this game? If you are lucky enough, like me, you can sleep as much as you want.

Legend of Light and Shadow: @Elegant and Warm Man! If you say that licking dogs will not die well, you are guilty of a thousand deaths. You have never seen a woman. Next time I will give you an address, you can come to the hotel and listen to the sound of me fighting with your goddess.

Tiga who saves the world: Brothers, I want to know why this game is so popular?

Ma Chao of the National Service: Because this game is more playable than the Metaverse, and it inherits the fine tradition of games. Money can make you stronger, but it is easy to waste money, and each player has only one natal beast god, just like a person has only one life. If you fail, there is no chance to start over.

At the same time.

After looking at the popularity of the live broadcast room.

Pan Xiaoqian showed satisfaction on her pretty face.

After she graduated from Steel III, she heard that this game was very popular.

He liked playing Douyin, so he naturally chose to follow the trend and live broadcast the game without hesitation.

Another one is this game. I heard that it has been popular with countless players and is loved by countless rich second-generations, so she naturally likes this game.

More importantly, this game is recognized by the capital market.

But she didn't have to wait long for her to be happy.

Her natal beast god in the game stopped.

Because her natal beast god silverback gorilla parents in the game stopped.

A chat box appeared above their heads.

【There is a strong smell of blood around here, stay alert】

【There should be a large beast predator nearby.

Seeing this, Pan Xiaoqian hurriedly said:"Family, there is a situation, we must pay attention at any time."

At the same time.

Liu Mang, who was lurking in the dead leaves, was ecstatic when he saw the three big guys appearing in his field of vision, and then he became furious when he saw the young silverback gorilla.

As the saying goes, enemies are particularly jealous when they meet.

Liu Mang still remembers the silverback gorilla who killed him at the beginning.

It is this inconspicuous little silverback gorilla in front of him.

And looking at the posture in front of him, it is obvious that this guy was blessed by his parents when he was a child, so he can develop rapidly and invade the real world, and still maintain a strong strength. But

Liu Mang is a little unpredictable. He doesn't know whether this silverback gorilla has become Pan Xiaoqian's natal beast god.

The next moment, as the three silverback gorillas approached, Liu Mang could no longer hide his anger. He rushed out of the dead leaves and used the skill of Copper Skin and Iron Bones. He twisted his huge snake and rushed towards the three silverback gorillas.

When the three silverback gorillas saw the sudden appearance of the giant Liu Mang, they were all stunned.

The next moment, the two silverback gorillas and the little silverback gorilla turned around and ran without hesitation!

Because Liu Mang's size was too terrifying, a giant python that was fifteen meters long and thicker than an adult!

This has reached the adult stage of the giant python. The more important thing is not here, but the more important thing is that the silverback gorilla recognized Liu Mang's identity, the ancient Titanoboa! The maximum size of the adult can reach thirty meters!

This terrifying ancient creature giant python makes most dinosaurs give way!

Even Titanoboa is on the menu of these ancient Titanoboa!

Not only that!

Tigers, beasts, elephants, brown bears, mammoths, etc., as well as many dinosaurs, are all prey of the ancient Titanoboa.

They even saw the scene of the ancient Titanoboa fighting with the super adult Tyrannosaurus Rex, but both were injured in the end.

Because of this, the status of the ancient Titanoboa in the game world is equal to that of the top predatory dinosaurs.

This is why they ran away without hesitation after seeing Liu Mang.

Even though the ancient Titanoboa in front of them is not yet an adult, they are not able to compete with it. The size difference between the two sides is too big!

Seeing the three silverback gorillas fleeing frantically, Liu Mang sneered in his heart, but he chased after them relentlessly. If it were other top-level creatures and beasts, he could ignore and give up hunting directly.

But facing the enemies who tortured him to death in his previous life, how could Liu Mang let them go easily?

Facing Liu Mang's crazy pursuit, Pan Xiaoqian also panicked at this moment.

Once her natal beast god died, the loss would be too great for her.

Although she didn't recharge much money in this game, as long as she became strong, it would be very easy to make money from this game, and there would be a great chance to achieve financial freedom.

This is one of the reasons why this game is so popular among players in the global market.

Therefore, in a hurry, she had to spend money and start buying stamina potions.

For a bottle of stamina potion that cost 1,000 yuan, she gritted her teeth and spent 5,000 yuan.

In case her natal beast god lacked stamina and eventually died in the mouth of this giant python.

"Damn! This python is so persistent and not yet an adult, it is impossible to communicate."

"What should I do with my wife now?" the male silverback gorilla asked

"If it doesn't work, let's stop the Titanoboa and let the child go first!" said the female silverback gorilla.

They knew that running away like this was not a solution.

The python chasing them from behind was obviously persistent and seemed to be crazy. It made them feel very depressed. If they continued to delay, no one would be able to escape in the end.

""Okay, you and the child run first!"

After hesitating for a moment, the male silverback gorilla said decisively.

The female silverback gorilla was very moved, but the next moment something unexpected happened.

The male silverback gorilla pushed his wife hard, and then turned around and ran away without saying a word.

Originally, according to its intention, it would take the child away.���He threw it to the Titanoboa to buy time, but he didn't expect his wife to be unwilling.

This made him very dissatisfied. If he lost his child, he could have another one, but if he lost them, they would be gone for real.

So in just a moment, he decided to abandon his wife and children.

Because in his eyes, his own life is the most important.

If he lost his child, he could have another one, and if he lost his wife, he could find another one.

Anyway, he is so strong that he has more than one wife and children.

At the same time.

Looking at the female silverback gorilla that rolled directly in front of him.

Liu Mang opened his bloody mouth without hesitation.

While holding the female silverback gorilla in his mouth, he chased after it.

While chasing, he did not forget to swing the snake head wildly.

When the female silverback gorilla completely lost the room to struggle.

He chased while opening his bloody mouth and swallowed the silverback gorilla.

At the same time, the voice of the system also sounded:

【Stare! Congratulations to the host! Successfully devoured an adult silverback gorilla! Obtained 1020 evolution points! 】

Faced with the system's prompt, Liu Mang ignored it.

Even when the other silverback gorilla parted ways and fled.

He had no intention of chasing it at all.

He could hunt prey at any time.

But the enemy was right in front of him.

How could he let it go?

So his goal has always been clear.

He wants to kill this little silverback gorilla.

And he wants to torture this little thing to death!

Seeing this scene, the silverback gorilla Xiao Hei collapsed.

It didn't expect that the old man would abandon its mother at the critical moment and escape alone.

What it didn't expect was that this terrifying ancient Titan python was now chasing after it!

It even wanted to curse at this ancient Titan python!

This ancient Titan python might have some serious brain disease, right?

It is only 300 kilograms in size, which is far worse than his father.

But any predator with a normal brain knows who it is more cost-effective to capture.

At the same time,

Pan Xiaoqian in Douyin's live broadcast room couldn't help but break down!

Her pretty face was full of anger, and she cursed angrily:

"Does this ancient Titanoboa really have something wrong with its brain?"

"Why are you chasing after my natal beast god?"

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