Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 1029 Not So Simple

"I see! I know what the real rules of the game are!"

"I understand. The rules of the game are that when the scarecrow turns around, no movement is allowed! Once it moves, it will die! And the scarecrow turns back and runs towards the finish line!"

"What, is it that simple?"

"Simple? That's because we are from God's perspective. Try it from the player's point of view? No one can be sure that the rule is really the 123 wooden man, which was measured by the fate of the first batch of players!"

"Yeah, even if you know the rules of the game, under the huge pressure of death, I'm afraid some timid people will not dare to move!"

"Judging from Chen Mo's reaction, he should have been the first in the audience to guess."

"No wonder the Horror Guild chose the Great Xia White Dragon King, there is something!"

The members of Shenwang were all excited.

The appearance of Chen Mo has indeed added a great highlight to the game.

At this moment, most of the players who had guessed the rules of the game also followed Chen Mo.

And a small number of brainless ones, such as Shen Youwei, don't care about anything else, just follow everyone!

In short, in a very short period of time, all players began to run towards the finish line!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Wait until the large army has moved forward a certain distance.

The electronic synth sounds of the giant scarecrow rang out again.



At the same time as the sound fell, the scarecrow turned around and was about to face the player again.

Chen Mo, who knew what this meant, stopped almost immediately, chose a comfortable posture after all, and didn't move.

Most of the other players also stopped one after another, not understanding.

There are only a small number of players who still haven't guessed the rules at this moment, and at this moment, they look around at the players who suddenly "pause" with some doubts.

Before they figure out why the others are "pausing"...

The giant scarecrow has already scanned and locked the player who is still moving.

"Player 401, eliminated!"

"Player 232, eliminated!"

"Player 007, eliminated!"

With the icy prompt sound ringing in the ears of all players.

One player after another fell to the ground, and there were many dead bodies on the sand.

The blood has infected the earth, and this small area seems to be dyed red by the blood.

The hearts of all players raised their voices again.

Although the players who are still alive at the moment, all already know the real rules of the game.

But seeing this scene, my heart was still deeply shocked.

So much so that some people's bodies trembled uncontrollably.

And such trembling, obviously the movement is too large, and did not escape the scarecrow's eyes.

welcome these players.

Only one shot to death!

Moreover, Chen Mo found that the turning time of the scarecrow in this round was significantly longer than the previous round.

Many people, because of the wrong standing posture, could not bear it, could not keep their balance, and one of them fell to the ground with cramps in their legs.

And then...these players are gone then...

Fortunately, the scarecrow turned around again at this time.

Chen Mo, who had reached his limit, put his hands on his thighs, gasping for breath.

Most of the other surviving players did the same.

Know the rules, so what?

Staying still is also physically exhausting, and it takes too long. If the standing posture is wrong, the body will also shake uncontrollably.

"No, it's not the way to go on like this."

"The road to the end is too long, and it will take longer and longer for the scarecrow to turn around."

"If you rely on willpower to stand still, the longer the time, the higher the probability of making mistakes!"

"Once you make a mistake, you will die!" Seeing that others have started to run forward, many of them have even surpassed Chen Mo.

However, Chen Mo didn't rush to follow, but slowly trot forward while continuing to think about how to deal with the next situation.

This game is not as simple as knowing the rules and passing the level easily.

"When the scarecrow is facing away from the player, the faster you run, the more likely it is to make mistakes when the scarecrow is facing the player because it takes too much effort and the breathing fluctuates too much!"

"Blind pursuit of speed should not be the best way to clear this game."

"I can't keep running as fast as I just did."

"Otherwise, if the breathing fluctuates too much, it will definitely be judged to be eliminated."

"However, if you don't run, you will definitely be eliminated..."

"How can you not be eliminated?"

Chen Mo carefully recalled the structure of the scarecrow in front of him.


He has a flash of inspiration!

Just now, when this scarecrow was determining whether the player was a "wooden man", his eyes twitched like he had a cerebral thrombosis.

Apparently, its eyes are a scanning device.

It's just that it's 2002, and this kind of photosensitive scanning device can never be too high-definition, let alone have a see-through function!

That is to say, if there is an obstruction in front of it when it turns around, it must not scan me!

After Chen Mo thought of this, he locked his eyes on a big black man in front of him.

This big black man is not only tall, but also very fat, so it is absolutely not a problem to cover himself.

After figuring this out, Chen Mo had an idea in an instant.

After all, if you just run blindly, it will be very difficult to "pause" the whole person while waiting for the giant scarecrow to turn around, under the condition of huge physical energy consumption and shortness of breath.

Chen Mo just saw a person who was judged to be eliminated because his breathing was too violent.

But now, this problem no longer exists.

After figuring this out, Chen Mo ran towards the big black man in a hurry.

Moreover, in order to allow himself to pass the level easily in the next round, Chen Mo did not run to the leading position of the large team.

When he wants to stay in front of the finish line, someone can stop him!

Anyway, in this game, rankings are meaningless.

This abnormal situation, the players in the field can not understand.

After all, Chen Mo was the one who ran first, that is to say, he was the one who knew the rules first.

But now he slowed down and stopped running.

Couldn't he be physically fit?

The members of Shenwang also think so.

"This weak chicken, Daxia, can't keep up with the human body!"

"I just said, this game is not a simple game that can be cleared by knowing the rules. If the standing posture is incorrect, it will take too much physical effort!"

"Yeah, just now someone was judged to be eliminated because of too much breathing."

"I understand. In this game, understanding the general rules of the game is only the first step. Physical strength and control must also keep up, otherwise you will not be able to pass the level!"

"It's really hard! Under such a lot of pressure, only elite warriors can maintain their physical strength and control, but this group of people, who are pampered and managed, obviously don't have that ability."

"Hey, these people won't be wiped out, will they?"

Some people thought so maliciously.

At this time, Diana, who was watching the live broadcast in front of the computer, hugged Chen Yueer nervously and sweated profusely.

"God bless, God bless Chen Mo to pass the customs! Please!"

Anderson said: "I have already recorded the video just now and sent someone to send it to Daxia.

Soon, the people on Chen Mo's side should know that he is still alive and will find a way to rescue him. "

"It's just that, I see the current situation, he may not be able to last until then."

Anderson smiled maliciously.

Diana clenched her fists and said, "Chen Mo will definitely be able to last until then!"

"He is the true dragon of Daxia, the man who can solve the foundation in the future and stands on top of the world!"

"I will never die in such a nonsense place so easily!"

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