Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 211 The Four Giants Attack

Chen Mo smiled politely: "Gao Si, you are too polite."

Gao Mingyuan picked up the microphone and said to the audience:

"Before giving this gift, I have to explain some things first."

"In recent months, Jiangbei City, our province, has seen rapid economic development!"

"The latest statistics show that Jiangbei's gdp rose by 160% last month!"

"The reason is that we, Comrade Song Siming, restarted the system of financial advisors and elected an excellent financial advisor to lead Jiangbei's economic development."

"So, I discussed it with Secretary Xiong and the leaders of the provincial government. For the economic development of our Jianghai Province, we plan to nominate a provincial financial advisor!"

Whoa! ! !

Say this!

The audience was full of shock and uproar! ! !

Financial Talker!

The uncrowned king of the financial world! ! !

It has been decades since Fang Jinxin died unexpectedly.

They have also heard of the financial talker in Jiangbei before.

But after all, Jiangbei is only a small second-tier city, and no one takes it seriously.

Now, Gao Mingyuan has united a group of high-level officials of the provincial government, and actually wants to nominate a provincial-level financial advisor!

Provincial financial talker! ! !

If it is really elected according to the previous rules, the entire financial circle of Jianghai Province must respect the words and the people!

For everyone present, it is tantamount to a blockbuster!


Gao Mingyuan has made it very clear.

The provincial financial talker they want to recommend... is Chen Mo!

Isn't this just a gift of weight?

This is simply a great gift! ! !

All the people were dumbfounded.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

"I agree!"

Everyone looked at the figure.

It turned out to be the head of the Wang family, Wang Richard, one of the four giants in the provincial capital.

"I think the financial intermediary system is very good, and it is very helpful to our economy in Jianghai. I agree with Gao Si's idea."

Chen Mo smiled at Wang Richard.


Strangely, Richard Wang showed a playful smile at Chen Mo.

"I also agree with Gao Si's idea!"

Zheng Shuang, the head of the Zheng family of the four giants, also stood up.

"Me too!"

Zhou Shenglin, the head of the Zhou family of the four giants, stood up and said.

Finally, Wu Chen stood up:

"Me too!"

Everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

This Chen Mo's face is not ordinary!

The owners of the four giants in the provincial capital all stood up for their platforms and escorted the position of his talkers? !

In the financial world of the provincial capital, the four giants each occupy a very important position.

They all agreed, what else could the others say?

They all stood up immediately.

"My Li family agrees!"

"Meilidai Group agrees!"

"Tianxi Technology Group agrees!"

"Jianghai Bank agrees!"


Seeing this scene, Gao Mingyuan smiled and said:

"Hehe, thank you for your support to our provincial government."

"If that's the case, then I'll make an announcement on my own." "The first Jianghai Province financial advisor is Chen..."

"Wait a moment!"

Just when Gao Mingyuan had not finished speaking.

Richard Wang spoke again.

"Patriarch Wang, do you have anything to say?" Gao Mingyuan frowned.

"The financial affairs person involves the Jianghai economy, and the financial circle of the provincial capital. This is a very important matter. Therefore, I think it is necessary to elect a person with high morals and respect, and everyone is convinced to take the position."

"I personally think that Wu Chen and the head of the Wu family are very suitable in terms of age and qualifications."

After a pause, Richard Wang sneered at Chen Mo and said:

"Mr. Chen, I'm not targeting you!

It's just that the head of the Wu family is more suitable than you, and there is no other meaning. "

No other meaning?

Cerebral palsy can hear it, but what you said inside and outside means something else!

Gao Mingyuan's face suddenly sank.

The audience under the stage was also slightly startled.

Immediately afterwards, everyone whispered.

"There's a good show to watch!"

"Wu Chen has been in the limelight recently. He has been dormant for more than ten years, and he once soared into the clouds and turned into dragons.

"It seems that Old Wu has negotiated with the patriarchs of the four major families, and wants to force the palace at this Jianghai feast!"

"Didn't you say that Wu Chen and Chen Mo have a good relationship?"

"In the face of real interests, even a biological father can deny it, let alone a friendship."

"Hey, eat melons and watch a play, today's feast, I am afraid that there is no one before and no one here!"

While the crowd was whispering.

The four masters stood up one after another.

Zheng Shuang: "I also think the Wu family is more suitable."

Zhou Shenglin: "Me too."

At this time, Wu Chen stood up leisurely and said modestly:

"Every family owner is showing love. In fact, I still have many areas where I am lacking in ability. Suddenly, I was asked to take the role of this financial talker, and Wu was extremely frightened!"

He said no, but everyone could see that Wu Chen was very honest!

To unite the patriarchs of the four giants, this is a must!

Gong Ziyuan's angry back molars rattled, his fists were tightly clenched, and his body couldn't stop shaking!

"Wu Chen is too grandson!"

"It was Brother Mo who helped him return to his position as the head of the family, and also helped him avenge his many years of revenge!"

"What's the result? He avenged his revenge, and came to grab Mo Ge's position as a talker on the day the Gong's Group went public!"

Gong Ming sighed and comforted:

"Wu Chen, who has been able to play the role of a helper in the Wu family for more than ten years, bear humiliation and bear heavy burdens, enough to be seen as a hero."

"The talker is the uncrowned king of the financial world. If he doesn't come out to fight, I'd be surprised."

"The mall is like a battlefield! If you win, you will take everything; if you lose, you will have nothing."

On the battlefield, either you die or I live; on the shopping mall, the law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, catches people by surprise.

In the shopping mall, many people can sell their parents and mothers for profit, let alone benefactors who are not related by blood!

Chen Mo naturally thought of this too.

So he wasn't very angry about Wu Chen coming out to argue with others.


What makes Chen Mo angry is that Wu Chen should not be listed on the day of Gong's Group, and suddenly attacked!

This clearly prevents him from getting off the stage in front of everyone!

Chen Mo's eyes shot sharply at Wu Chen.

Wu Chen didn't feel any guilt, he still looked at Chen Mo with that innocent smile.


Everyone seems to be able to see the sizzling sparks between the eyes of the two!

Chen Mo said with unprecedented toughness:

"If that's the case, then I'll recommend it to someone Chen."

"Also, for the sake of fairness, anyone who wants to be this talker can recommend themselves."

"Talking about people, those who are capable live in it!"


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