Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 226 Everyone Was Killed By Chen Mo

This drop, like a bucket of ice water, poured over the heads of all the investors in the country who had fallen into madness.

He Group in Portugal.

"17300 o'clock!"

"It's down to 17,000 points!"

"How can this happen, why is it still falling?!"

How excited just now, how scared now.

He Chaoling insisted: "Don't be afraid! What's there to be afraid of? It's a technical adjustment! It will rise!"

But then, she anxiously said to the trader:

"The first 30 million shares will be sold!"

"No! 50 million shares!"

The pale-faced Han Jun murmured mockingly: "It's useless... It's useless to do anything..."

The trader said anxiously: "Mr. He, the goods can't be shipped, and no one will take the order!"

"Price reduction! Down to...15..."

"Dropped to 16200 points!!!"

"My God, this is the rhythm of a collapse!!!"

He Chaoling's heart trembled when she heard the word "collapse", and hurriedly changed her tune:

"It's down to 10 yuan!"

"Mr. He, Gong's stock is now worth 5 yuan on the disk, and... it's still dropping in price!"

"Then give me the lowest price! As long as you don't lose money!"

"President He... can't get out..."

The trader shivered and said, "Gong's stock has fallen to 3 yuan..."


He Chaoling's voice was trembling at the moment.

Changteng Capital, Yida, Yike, and Eternal Group are all in chaos!



Falling and falling!

The Hang Seng Index has dropped to 15,000 points!

From the highest point of 17999 points, it has fallen by nearly 3000 points!

And this just happened in three minutes!

"14500 points!"

"Gong's stock price has dropped to 2 yuan and 5 yuan!"

"Mr. Xu! What's wrong with you, Mr. Xu?! Someone! Hurry up and call an ambulance!!! Mr. Xu passed out!!!"

"Mr. Zheng! What are you doing with the window open?! This is the 34th floor! Security!!! Pull Mr. Zheng back from the window!!!"

Wu family villa.

Wu Chen looked at the market which had dropped to 14,000 points, and couldn't laugh anymore.

Zheng Shuang, Zhou Shenglin and Wang Richard are all buzzing in their heads!

Gong's Group's share price has now fallen to one nine yuan!

Even lower than their average purchase price!

And looking at this trend, it is likely to continue to fall!

This time, they are afraid of blood loss!

Palace Group.

Gong Ming stared at the Hang Seng Index, which kept dropping, in a trance to the extreme.

It's only fifteen minutes!

The Hang Seng Index fell by 5,000 points!

This is a stock market crash!

"Chen Mo, I..."

Gong Ming held back for a long time and wanted to apologize.

Chen Mo ignored him at all, and told the trader:

"Lower the price! Give me the Gong Group's share price to nine cents!"


He Group in Portugal.

He Chaoling's spirit was on the verge of collapse.

She no longer cared about the image she just established in the hearts of the He Group employees, and hysterically shouted:

"Raise the price! Raise the price for me!"

"Keep a dollar!"

"I'm not allowed to fall below a dollar!!!"

But as soon as the words fell, the price of Gong's stock fell directly to seventy cents!

He Chaoling's average purchase price is as high as two yuan and eight!

At the price of 70 cents, she directly lost more than 70%!

bell bell~~~~

He Chaoling's cell phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was Zheng Yihong from Changteng Capital. He Chaoling frowned, why did she come to find her?

"Hey, Mr. He, I have 50 million shares of Gong Shi's stock in my hand. I'll give you two yuan, so I'll be a friend!"

He Chaoling wants to scold her!

Now Gong Shi's stock can be bought for seven cents, but Zheng Yihong is still delusional about selling it to her for two dollars?

When she is being taken advantage of?

He Chaoling hung up the phone irritably.


bell bell~~~~

bell bell~~~

"Hey, Mr. He, I'm Xu Jiaying. I have 60 million shares of Gong Shi's stock. I'll sell it to you for five pieces. Do you want it?"

"Mr. He, I beg you to do your best, and buy the 30 million shares of Gong Shi in my hand. I will pay for one dollar! My purchase price is two yuan!"

"Mr. He, I know that you want to buy Gong Shi, so I called you specially to sell you the stock in your hand at a cheap price!"


Countless similar calls kept entering He Chaoling's mobile phone.

He Chaoling was so annoyed that she was going crazy!

Just smashed the phone to the ground!

"Mr. He, the stock price has stabilized at nine cents."

"Continue to lift! The minimum must be one piece!"

Palace Group.

"The HSI has dropped to 12,500 points!"

At this time, the trader who was clamoring to resign and go home to enjoy himself suddenly ran to Chen Mo with a nervous breakdown and shouted:

"It's all your fault!"

"Why don't you persuade me to throw it away?"

"I've lost it, I've paid it all in now! The house, car, and savings are all gone!!!"

"You know that it will fall, and you know that there will be a stock market crash!!!"

Chen Mo gestured to the security guard next to him.

The trader was immediately dragged and thrown outside the company.

People are not enough to swallow elephants!

Chen Mo has seen too many people like the trader just now.

"It's time to send the last straw that broke the camel's back!"

Chen Mo murmured and beckoned to the head of the trader.

"Lower the price for me! Reduce Gong's stock price to the lowest level!"

"But... we're out of stock!"

"Then sweep the goods!"

"Mr. Chen, if you scan the goods now, you will lose a lot of money."

Chen Mo both laughed.

Lose money?

He has made billions by shorting stock index futures!

What is the money lost in Gong's stock?

"Do as I say!"

"Give me the price down to 1 cent!"

"1 cent?!"

The operator's voice is trembling!

According to the regulations of the Hong Kong stock market, if the stock price drops to 0.1 yuan, it will be forcibly delisted and go bankrupt!

However, after bankruptcy, Chen Mo can apply for bankruptcy and reorganization, and the Gong Group still belongs to him!

But the group of people who bought Gong's stock, they were miserable!

They will all be killed by Chen Mo!

He Group in Portugal.

"President He, Gong's stock price has dropped to fifty cents!"

"Forty cents now!"

"Two cents!"

"One and a half cents!!!"

He Chaoling's hair was messy, and she didn't even know that she was like a female ghost. She just shouted in her already hoarse voice:

"Hold it up!!! Be sure to lift it up!!!"

"Can't let Gong Shi fall again!!!"

"If it falls again, it will go bankrupt!!!"


Just when her words fell.

The market shows: Gong's Group 0.10!

At the moment when the price is displayed, this stock is directly removed from the Hong Kong stock market, and trading is no longer allowed!

Gong Shi went bankrupt and delisted!

He Chaoling finally couldn't help it, and slumped on the ground with tears all over her face...


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