Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 234 Devil's Eye

At this point, the host came on stage, and the audience was quiet.

After a few pieces of jewelry were auctioned off, the auction came to an end.

"Everyone, this piece of jewelry that will appear next is very interesting. It is the relic of the famous great pirate Barbossa, known as One Piece!"

"The name of this collection is the Devil's Eye, and it was the last piece of jewelry that Barbossa wore when he was arrested fifty years ago."

"According to Barbosey's account, this collection has a secret, a secret related to love, but he didn't study it until his death."

"Later this piece of jewelry went through many twists and turns and spread here@"

The auctioneer stepped forward, lifted the red cloth, and revealed a necklace-like jewelry. Under the mottled bronze chain, there was a huge, strange eye made of bronze.

"Eye of the Devil, the starting price of the auction is 10 million, and the price increase shall not be less than 100,000 each time. The auction is officially launched!"

As the auctioneer finished speaking,

"Is there a mistake? A broken bronze necklace costs 10 million? Look at the mottled marks on it! Just this thing, you can buy three for ten yuan at the wholesale market!"

"Businessmen are crazy about money? Who would spend 10 million on a broken bronze necklace?"

"It's just nonsense!"

Many people shook their heads speechlessly, ready to see the auctioneer's joke.

Shang Youya also smiled and said, "Even if this thing is related to One Piece, it's worth hundreds of thousands if you die?

After all, it is something produced in modern times, not an antique. "

But Chen Mo stared at this devil's eye, his eyes lit up.

Because he has the memory of later generations, he knows very well that there is a secret about love hidden in this devil's eye!

This incident was only discovered around 2013. At that time, the TV station used three episodes to tell the origin of the Devil's Eye, which was a shock.

"11 million!"

Without thinking at all, Chen Mo directly asked for the price.

The secret hidden in the Devil's Eye is definitely much higher than this price!

If you don't take advantage of it, that's a bastard!

"12 million!"

"1500 dollars!"


Almost in an instant, the price rushed to 20 million! !

Immediately, the entire venue was a sensation, and no one thought that it was just a piece of broken jewelry, how could so many people bid for it.

Shang Youya and the others were even more stunned.

On the one hand, I am surprised by the popularity of this broken jewelry, but more importantly, I am shocked by Chen Mo's financial resources!

Dare to bid, it means that Chen Mo's money is definitely far more than this!

Chen Mo's current net worth is probably at least 30 to 50 million, right?

This is several times higher than Shang Rong's net worth!

"I'll give 30 million!"

At this time, a man around thirty-five years old shouted arrogantly.

"He Chaoshen!"

"It's really He Chaoshen. I heard that he just recently had a party with several female stars in Hong Kong City, and scandals are flying all over the sky!"

"As expected of the He family in Portugal, a broken necklace dares to shout 30 million!"

The crowd was amazed.

At this time, after He Chaoshen shouted 30 million, everyone else shut up.

One is that the price far exceeds their psychological price, and the other is that they dare not offend the He family in Portugal.

"30 million for the first time!"

"30 million second time!"

"30 million third..."

He Chaoshen was leaning on Erlang's legs, squinting his eyes, and was disappointed.

In his opinion, in today's auction, there is absolutely no one who is his opponent, and he can get this piece of jewelry without any effort.

"Dad's birthday will be in a few days. His old man likes this kind of bizarre jewelry the most. When I give it to him, he must like it very much."

"In the past two months, He Chaoling has relied on her father's love, and she has firmly held the power of the consortium, and has run on a few of our families. Now I want to see my father without He Chaoling's consent. I don't know when this kind of day will be. It's a head..." Thinking of this, He Chaoshen sighed irritably.

Just when he thought the dust had settled.

Suddenly a calm voice came:


Immediately, the entire venue fell silent!

All eyes were focused on the past.

I saw a handsome young man like a prince in a fairy tale, raising his hand calmly.

"My god, 50 million! Just to buy a broken necklace?"

"Whose family's child is this, dare to fight with the young master of the He family in Portugal?"

"I don't know. Listening to the accent, it should be a tourist from the mainland."

While everyone was talking, they glanced at Chen Mo with astonishment.

Shang Rong and others were stunned!

They couldn't even afford to stay in a hotel of 20,000 yuan a night, but Chen Mo shouted out an offer of 50 million yuan, which was beyond their understanding of money!


He Chaoshen abruptly opened his eyes and glanced at the past.

After seeing Chen Mo, he was slightly taken aback, as if he didn't expect that the person who robbed him was actually a young man in his early twenties, his face sank:

"60 million!"

He is the son of the He family!

If he was frightened by a twenty-year-old child, wouldn't he have lost all face of the He family?

After speaking, He Chaoshen casually plucked his ears and said proudly:

"Mainland boy, if you have the ability, keep calling!

This young master wants to see if you are qualified to play with me! "

Many Portuguese people felt refreshed when they heard He Chaoshen's words.

At this moment, most of the developed cities near the Portuguese city are very xenophobic, especially since the mainland economy has not taken off now, they especially look down on mainlanders.

In their perception, the mainland is a place where poor mountains and rivers make troublesome people, and there may not be even asphalt roads or even phone booths in the countryside!

Besides, even people from other cities hope that their local people can beat non-local people in terms of wealth!

Seeing that Chen Mo was silent, He Chaoshen smiled, knowing that Chen Mo couldn't afford it.

After all, the value of necklaces is limited, and 60 million pieces is far beyond the highest price.

"Mr. He offered a price of 60 million, 60 million once, does anyone else bid a higher price?"

the auctioneer asked.

At this time, He Chaoshen was sure that Chen Mo was lost tonight.

"What's your name, mainland boy, why don't you call me? What's wrong with comparing me to He Chaoshen in Portuguese city, fighting me for riches?"

He Chaoshen became more and more arrogant.

Other local tyrants in Portugal also looked at Chen Mo with the mentality of watching the excitement.

"Chen Mo can't afford it, 60 million is enough to buy an entire high-end community in the provincial capital of Jianghai Province!" Tang Guohong said.

"Chen Mo is too young to fight for wealth with the young and old of the He family in Portugal, not to mention that you can't fight against others, just this kind of behavior has already offended others to death!" Shang Rong said.

"It's embarrassing for us mainlanders, Chen Mo really shouldn't ask for the price!"

"Yeah, what are you showing off, isn't it Lan Yuner's money?"

Ji Ya and others said.

"60 million, the second time!"

The auctioneer swallowed and his voice was a little excited.

If it is sold, it will be the most valuable item he has ever auctioned since he started his career!

"When it's over, let someone send the necklace to my house."

He Chaoshen got up directly, glanced at Chen Mo disdainfully, and turned his head to leave.

"One hundred million!"


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