Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 237: The King Of Portugal Has To Come Forward

At this time, the exhibition auction has ended.

He Chaoshen felt pale, and just wanted to leave this place of right and wrong quickly.

"Mr. He, please stay!"

At this moment, Chen Mo stepped forward and stopped him.

"What? You don't think that if you pick up a leak in my hand, you will be able to wrestle with the He family in Portugal?" He Chaoshen looked at Chen Mo with gloomy eyes.

"Mr. He, you are wrong, I want to talk to you about some personal matters." Chen Mo said.

"Not interested in!"

He Chaoshen replied coldly and turned to leave.

Not to mention that Chen Mo picked up 1.3 billion leaks in his hands, even if he picked up 13 billion leaks, it is impossible for He Chaoshen to take it seriously! This is the confidence of the He family in Portugal!

"As long as you are willing to do me a favor, I am willing to give this heart of the ocean to you, Mr. He!"

Chen Mo's words made He Chaoshen's body stagnate.

He is not so lavish enough to ignore 1.3 billion.

"What are you busy with?" He Chaoshen frowned slightly, but quickly let go, "Portuguese, there's nothing I can't do with He Chaoshen!"

"Ask Mr. He to talk to me in the private room." Chen Mo said.

Chen Mo said goodbye to Shang Youya and his group, and followed He Chaoshen to a luxurious private room in Tianshen Qixing.

"Tell me, what can I do for you?" He Chaoshen got straight to the point.

"As long as Mr. He can let me meet with Mr. He Honghuo alone, this ocean heart will be given to you." Chen Mo said with a smile.

The heart of the ocean will not appreciate much even in 2021.

And if Chen Mo can meet He Honghuo, he is sure to get the 5 billion owed by He Chaoling back!

He Chaoshen was instantly discouraged when he heard the words.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with this."

"Now whoever wants to see my dad, even me, has to go through my sister's review."

Chen Mo: "Is it possible to secretly bring me to see his old man?"

He Chaoshen shook his head: "It's impossible! Those who take care of my dad are all my sister's confidants. If there is any trouble, they will immediately report it to my sister."

The worst happened.

As Chen Mo guessed, He Honghuo was placed under house arrest by He Chaoling!

"Is it destined to run for nothing this time?"

Chen Mo frowned.

The scourge of He Chaoling will not be eliminated. Once she is relieved, she will surely usher in her crazy revenge again!

The He family is too powerful, and it is not something Chen Mo can handle with his strength.

The last time Gong's stock price sniper battle was able to win, in fact, a large part of it was due to luck.

At this time, He Chaoshen hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Mr. Chen, can you tell me why you want to see your father?"

"Because I want to get rid of He Chaoling!"

A word is like a stone breaking the sky!

He Chaoshen suddenly widened his eyes!

Chen Mo knew about the relationship between He Chaoshen and He Chaoling, so he didn't hide it from him, and explained everything clearly.

" are Chen Mo who fought back in the Gong's sniper battle some time ago and defeated a group of capital bosses?!"

He Chaoshen, of course, has heard of Chen Mo's name.

It's just that he didn't associate that kind of god-like character with the young man in front of him.

Is this too young?

His son is almost older than Chen Mo!

Chen Mo smiled and nodded.

He Chaoshen thought again and again, raised his head and said to Chen Mo:

"I want to see my father now, there is still a way to go."

"What way?"

"Let the King of Portugal, He Daxian, come forward!"

Hearing the name He Daxian, Chen Mo was slightly startled.

This name, he is too eloquent!

The most powerful family in Portugal is the He family, but it is not the He family headed by He Honghuo, but the He family headed by He Daxian, the king of Portugal! I think that when He Honghuo was not rich, he was still a horse boy under He Daxian.

People in Portugal call He Daxian the "Portuguese King" because at critical moments, he can always step forward and solve problems for others.

Due to the business relationship, He Daxian has a lot of contacts with developed countries, including leaders of many developed countries, and even the gods of war from various countries!

For matters that the authorities are inconvenient to come forward with or cannot handle, they often ask He Daxian to come forward as an intermediary or a resident representative. And for anything that is beneficial to the residents of Portugal, He Daxian always does not avoid hard work and danger, and does his best to mediate.

He Daxian has contacts with the top giants in Daxia.

He is also one of the owners of the four major gaming licenses in Portugal!

Industries spread over banks, real estate, ships, foreign trade and so on.

The assets are several times that of He Honghuo!

In Portugal, other rich people have to bring bodyguards when they go out, only He Daxian dares to go out alone at night! The gangsters will run around when they see him!

If this person can come forward, Chen Mo can indeed meet He Honghuo.

"But the King of Portugal is not that easy to meet, and even if you can see it, it's hard for him to help you, right?" He Chao said.

The King of Portugal is even bigger than He Honghuo, so why should he be a spearman for you?

"Don't worry, Shanren has his own plan." Chen Mo said confidently.

Chen Mo remembered that in history, He Daxian's He family had just been attacked by the plague during this period, and their assets had shrunk wildly.

At the same time, He Daxian unfortunately contracted a strange disease, which he searched all over the world but could not cure.

And that strange disease, which was only found out when he died, was a murder!

If you make good use of this information, Chen Mo believes that He Daxian will help himself.

The Portuguese City Hotel is a landmark building in the Portuguese city, and it is also the largest legal casino in the Portuguese city.

The whole building has a total of 20 floors. The height is not too high, but it covers a huge area.

The hotel has a total of more than 2,000 rooms, half of which are used for guest gaming and entertainment.

One of the main projects is the casino on the top floor!

Only guests with assets over 100 million are received here.

And the manager at the top is He Houxia, the son of He Daxian.

"I want to see Mr. He Houxia."

Chen Mo expressed his intentions as soon as he came, but where is He Houxia who can see him whenever he wants?

Sure enough, I still ate a closed door.

There is no way, Chen Mo can only come to the top floor after the capital verification is successful.

As long as Chen Mo wins enough, he doesn't believe that He Houxia won't come out to see him!

At the moment, only one table is playing on the top floor.

The two sat opposite each other.

The stack of chips on the left is a mountain, and sitting is a handsome middle-aged man with oily hair. This is the master of the town of the Portuguese City Hotel, named Gao Jin, who was invited by the He family with a lot of money.

The one on the right with only a few million chips left is a white-haired old man. According to the people present, his name is Chen Jincheng, and he is also a gaming expert!

Chen Jincheng came here today and brought a total of ten gaming experts from all over the world.

Even the most powerful Chen Jincheng is still losing at this moment.

Chen Jincheng was reading the cards, his face full of sweat.

He is so stressed!

He brought so many masters and came to the door confidently to challenge him. He wanted to kick the restaurant of the King of Portugal and Gao Jin, but he failed miserably!

After reading the cards, Chen Jincheng's face was pale, he folded his cards and shook his head: "I lost."

"it is good!!!"

There was a burst of cheers!

Gao Jin used god-like gaming skills to crush the masters of various countries and save the face of the Portuguese City Hotel!

"Brother Jin, you are amazing! Smoking!"

The younger brother Chen Daozai next to him hurriedly handed over a cigarette and lit it for him.

"It's boring."

Gao Jin shook his head boredly, disdain for these so-called masters.

Getting up to go.

At this time, a young figure sat down.

"Mr. Gao, how about I play two games with you?" Chen Mo grinned.


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