Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 252 The Mighty Tianlong Jiuxiao Shenlei Listen To My Orders

Portuguese city theater.

A god of war came forward and mobilized 100,000 elites to conduct a three-way blockade search by sea, land and air. I don't know how efficient it is!

In less than half a day, Zhuo Ziqiang's group of younger brothers who had no anti-reconnaissance awareness at all were exposed.

Kong Wu immediately told the Portuguese police and He Daxian about the incident.

Soon, He Daxian, He Houxia, and He Ziyan, accompanied by the soldiers, braved the thunderstorm and drove to the Buried Dragon Mountain.

Lei Roo also went with the police force from the whole city.

When the group came to the mid-mountain of Buried Dragon Mountain, they began to find the whereabouts of the three brothers of the Thief King.

Kong Wu waved his hand.

Elite fighters in camouflage uniforms, with silenced weapons, silently submerged into the heavy rain to kill these little thugs silently.

All the way to the top of the mountain entrance.

At this time, the entrance is narrow, and several younger brothers can be seen holding He Honghuo, and the guns are aimed at He Honghuo's forehead.

Kong Wu did not dare to act rashly, and called Lei Hou to discuss:

"How sure are the snipers on your side that they can kill all the enemies with one hit?"

Lei Roo shook his head directly: "Impossible! The rain is too heavy and the sniper's sight is blocked. No matter how powerful a sniper is, there is no way to deal with so many people at the same time in this weather!"

Kong Wu took a deep breath and said:

"Then arrange for snipers and stormtroopers to be in place first, and don't panic, and see if there is a suitable opportunity to win it in one fell swoop."

"The safety of Mr. He and Mr. Chen must be guaranteed!"

Soon, the snipers quickly occupied the commanding heights, and set up an 85-type sniper rifle on the mountain near Buried Dragon Mountain, blocking all roads that could go down the mountain.

Stormtroopers filed down, black Kevlar helmets, scratch-resistant cloth combat suits, knee pads, elbow pads, tactical belts hung with all kinds of scraps, 79-type micro submachine guns with fish bones, tactical flashlight red dots Scopes and other things, in short, a professional batch!

The poor gangsters don't even know that their heads have been pointed at by countless submachine guns and sniper rifles.

At this moment, a burst of wanton laughter suddenly came from the top of the mountain!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, Ye Guohuan, are you three guilty?!"

Chen Mo's voice was so loud that it almost reached halfway up the mountain.

Hearing this voice, Kong Wu, Lei Hou, the He family, the soldiers, and the police were all stunned.

Equally ignorant, there are the three kings of thieves.

Zhuo Ziqiang looked at Chen Mo, who was pretending to be a ghost, with a speechless expression:

"Damn the mainland boy, is it raining in your head?"

"I asked you to open the tomb!!!"

Bang bang bang! !

The shotgun shot of the sprayer hit Chen Mo's surroundings, and the terrified Chen Mo's soul trembled!

As long as Zhuo Ziqiang is willing to hit a little bit, his body and head can be beaten into a sieve!

When the telescope saw this scene, Kong Wu, Lei Roo and the other soldiers were also very speechless.

Is this Chen Mo insane?

Deliberately provoking Zhuo Ziqiang, isn't he courting death?

Chen Mo panicked in his heart, but on the surface he was still saying:

"I am the reincarnation of the White Dragon King!"

"In the last life, the three of you were originally the Great Immortals of Yang Power, Great Immortals of Lu Power, and Great Immortals of Tiger Power!"

"In the Chechi country fighting method, you were almost beaten by Monkey King, the great sage of the sky. Fortunately, this king passed by and interceded for the three of you. Only then did Sun Wukong spare your life and allow you to be reincarnated as human beings."

"Who knew that the three of you, after you were reincarnated as human beings, would still remain thieves and cause harm to the common people!"

"Today, this king is going to kill the three of you with Jiuxiao Shenlei, and then go back to the heaven to plead guilty to Dou Victory Buddha!"

Zhuo Ziqiang, Ji Zhengxiong, and Ye Guohuan had black lines all over their heads.

Kong Wu and Lei Hao were also at a loss.

Others, looking at Chen Mo's expression, have only one expression - this is a silly X!

Return the White Dragon King, return the Monkey King...

Your rhetoric can't even deceive the old lady on the street!

Even He Honghuo, who is the most feng shui believer, thinks that Chen Mo may be too stimulated and crazy!

How can people control lightning? Ye Guohuan loaded the bullet directly, aimed at Chen Mo's forehead, and said sharply:

"The White Dragon King, right? I want to ask you, the White Dragon King, are you afraid of AK?"

Ye Guohuan's question, not only himself, but also Kong Wu, He Daxian, He Honghuo and others all looked at Chen Mo, as if looking at an idiot.

Opposite you, one takes the spray, the other takes the AK, and the other takes the sand eagle. Even if you are a Daluo Jinxian, you can still be classified as a sieve!

Could it be that Chen Mo is not afraid of this, or has he been scared stupid?

Others were also surprised.

You must know that Chen Mo is so aggressive, the difficulty of the soldiers' rescue has gone up several steps!

This mainland boy can really cause trouble!

He Hong hurriedly jumped and said:

"Chen Mo, stop talking nonsense and apologize! They will really kill you!"

At this moment, He Honghuo was extremely remorseful.

I thought that Chen Mo would have some great tricks, but I didn't expect it to be such a low-level deception!

If he had asked his family to find a way to raise money earlier, he might have saved Chen Mo's life.

Chen Mo turned a deaf ear and sat there with his eyes closed, calm and composed.

"Hehe, I see that you are dying, are you still stubborn?"

Ye Guohuan was furious at this time, and he had long since ignored any treasures.

He raised the ak sharply, and was about to pull the trigger.

Seeing this, the scalp of the sniper in the distance was numb, and his nerves were stretched to the extreme!

It's raining so hard, it's impossible to shoot at all!

And even if you snipe exactly one, it is impossible for others to snipe to death in the first time!

Chen Mo will definitely be killed after stunned by the grass!

"Afraid? What is there to be afraid of?"

Chen Mo smiled and shook his head:

"I thought that you three evil beasts can sincerely repent. I didn't expect it, but it was an evil road to the dark!"

"Forget it, let you see the immortal power of this king!"

Chen Mo said something in his mouth, and he kept pinching his hands, and he didn't even know what the trick was.

Under the horrified and puzzled eyes of everyone, Chen Mo opened his eyes abruptly, two bright beams shot out from his eyes, and he calmly spit out four words:

"Great Power Tianlong!!!"

Suddenly, there was thunder in the void, the thunder exploded, and it was full of daylight!

Chen Mo raised his hands high, for visual reasons, as if the thunder and lightning were really in his hands, like a god!

At this moment, Ye Guohuan was stunned.

Forgot to pull the trigger.

Chen Mo pointed a finger in his hand!

He didn't specifically point to anyone among the three. Anyway, he knew that the thunder disaster had already begun, and someone must have been struck by lightning first.


In the sky where the rain was pouring heavily, a flash of lightning suddenly fell, and it snaked nine turns in the air!

Because Ye Guohuan has the most ak metal, and he holds it high, it can attract lightning the most, and this lightning strikes him directly!

Chen Mo put his finger on him.


Ye Guohuan screamed and fell directly to the ground, his body was charred black, and after falling to the ground, he was torn apart!

Rolling thunder!

Hit the buildings around the top of the mountain!

Countless small pavilions for tourists to rest were smashed on the spot!

The top of the mountain, like a typhoon, was ravaged by a mess!

"He... he can really control Jiu... Jiuxiao Shenlei?!"

Standing next to Ye Guohuan, Zhuo Ziqiang's hair stood on end, his hands were black and gray, and he couldn't stop exclaiming.


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