"Why are you here?" Chen Mo fondly stroked Gong Ziyuan's beautiful back.

"I miss you, I don't want to.

After you left, you felt that you couldn't do anything, and you didn't feel comfortable going to bed at night, so you ran over. "

Gong Ziyuan pouted a little aggrieved.

Chen Mo saw that her cheeks were bulging out of grievance, her fingers were itchy, and she wanted to poke her cheeks.

His partner must have been tired recently, thin and haggard.

Of course, it's still very good-looking. Anyway, after watching it for so long, Chen Mo has never seen enough.

Looking at Gong Ziyuan's face, he can eat white rice without cooking, eat dumplings without vinegar, eat noodles without soup... Anyway, Chen Mo couldn't describe the joy from his heart.

"Silly girl, I came out this time for work." Chen Mo said.

Of course, he didn't dare to speak out about the three kings of thieves foolishly.

Otherwise, Gong Ziyuan will definitely worry to death!

"Then work with me! I like sticking to you! I'm going to be your follower! Humph!" Gong Ziyuan said coquettishly.

Anyone who has had a relationship with someone who has been in love must know this feeling.

Especially girls who are in love, will involuntarily want to act like a spoiled child, and want to use some cute words like a child.

Its purpose is to make her boyfriend love her more.

"Okay, okay, I'll take you with me from now on, okay?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Yeah!!!" Gong Ziyuan was about to jump up happily.

The two of them spread dog food like no one else around, so they almost stared out Wu Yao and the others.

This is Gong Ziyuan!

The newly rising female rich in the mainland!

It has a net worth of 6 billion!

This time, he was even invited by the old man of Portugal as a guest by plane!

A person of this weight actually knew Chen Mo!

And it looks like... is Chen Mo's girlfriend? !

"Xiao Chen, who is this?" Shang Rong asked curiously.

"Hey, Uncle Shang, where are you still?" Chen Mo asked in surprise.

Everyone: "..."

I lost Lei Loumu!

You forgot about us by spreading the dog food, didn't you?

Chen Mo was helpless and could only introduce:

"This is Shang Rong, my former colleague boss..."

Chen Mo introduced them one by one.

"Hello, I'm Chen Mo's girlfriend, my name is Gong Ziyuan, and everyone will be friends from now on." Gong Ziyuan kept her posture low, her hands on her lower abdomen, and a charming smile appeared on her face.

"You...you are Chen Mo's girlfriend?!" Wu Yao said in disbelief.

However, Wu Yao still has the basic qualities of being a person, and she didn't mention Lan Yuner at all.

Instead, Jiya blurted out:

"How can you be his girlfriend? He...he's not the little white raised by Lan Yuner..."


Shang Rong's face changed, and he gave her a stern look.

Although Shang Rong is not a big man, he is a boss anyway, he understands what to say and what not to say. Ji Ya smiled shyly, but did not dare to speak.

Suddenly, another surprised voice sounded:

"Brother Mo, Sister Ziyuan, you are all here! Wow, wow, so happy!"

Lan Yuner ran over in small steps, holding Gong Ziyuan's hand excitedly.

Because Gong Zili and Gong Zili are good best friends, they often go to Gong Ziyuan's house, so the two are also very acquainted.

The two women chatted cordially, talking and laughing, and occasionally teasing Chen Mo.

This scene again shocked Shang Rong and others!


Qi people's blessing? !

Lan Yuner and Gong Ziyuan actually know each other? !

Several people only feel that the three views are destroyed!

Shang Rong and Tang Guohong looked at Chen Mo with envy, jealousy and hatred!

Chen Mo was too lazy to explain.

Just let them make up their minds, why explain so much?

At this time, Shen Han was leading Shang Youya to the young master Zhou who was surrounded by everyone, bowed his head slightly, and said in a respectful and pleasing voice:

"Young Master Zhou."

"Oh, Xiao Shen."

Zhou Hua was holding a glass of wine at this time, chatting and laughing with many celebrities present, and when he saw Shen Han, he just nodded slightly, and then ignored it, his attitude was quite arrogant.

"Young Master Zhou, this is a friend I just met, from the mainland. His name is Shang Youya."

Shen Han pushed Shang Youya in front of him.

At this time, Shang Youya felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems that this Shen Han is simply a little brother!

Where is Zhou Hua's friend?

Shen Han also boasted that he could make himself strong Zhou Hua?

Ha ha!

But Shang Youya didn't dare to be slighted in the slightest, and quickly said respectfully:

"Hello Zhou Shao, my name is Shang Youya, and my father is the president of Tianshang Financial Company."

The daughter of the boss of the poor company X in the Mainland?

Zhou Hua could see at a glance that he was trying to flatter himself, and his eyes were full of contempt.

However, after taking a closer look at Shang Youya, although she is not as beautiful as Lan Yuner, she has her own characteristics. She is youthful, beautiful and lovely. Among ordinary people, she is definitely top-notch!

Moreover, Shang Youya's speech, manners, and dress have the charm of a lady. These are definitely not learned overnight, they must have received a good family education since childhood.

Look at the way she walks...

Zhou Hua's eyes lit up!

This is definitely a golden girl!

Listening to Shang Youya's introduction, she is still a top student who graduated from a famous school.

The combination of these conditions finally made Zhou Hua a little moved.

"I don't know where Shen Han, this kid, got such a superb product.

Forget it, since he is kind, I will accept it bluntly! "


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