Chen Mo: "May I ask who your Excellency is?"

"The mere lack of talent, Su Feng, the successor of Lai's Feng Shui!"

Su Feng stood with his hands behind his back, proudly raising his head.

Chen Mo's eyes suddenly lit up.

This is a great celebrity in later generations!

Su Feng, nicknamed "Modern Lai Buyi"!

Eagle Emperor Entertainment boss Yang Cheng is his friend, actress Li Zi is his goddaughter, and there are countless celebrities who have come to him for advice!

Su Feng, who is regarded as a great god by half of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, is said to have met Xie Feng, who had not debuted yet, and told Ying Huang boss Yang Cheng that this young man will definitely be a big hit in the future, so hurry up and sign him. . So Yang Cheng signed Xie Feng, and Xie Feng really became popular all the way.

In later generations, he also successfully predicted the suicide of a superstar surnamed Zhang and the divorce of a superstar surnamed Wang.

Of course, what made him famous in the first battle was the feng shui battle in the financial circle of Hong Kong City!

Under the double attack of two top feng shui buildings with "three-sided steel knives" and "roof cannons", Su Feng withstood the pressure and designed a "four-sided shield" feng shui bureau for the owner in the middle.

And the exterior of the new building is all made of bulletproof glass!

The appearance is airtight like a fortress, and it "resists" the external feng shui damage of "knife slashing" and "bombing" in a stable manner, and skillfully resolves the "knife and cannon".

After becoming famous in that battle, Su Feng's appearance fee soared hundreds of times!

Eight-character fortune-telling is 100,000 yuan, and the wedding date is 200,000 yuan. It is naturally more expensive to get better service!

For example, a developer can earn 1 million by doing a real estate Feng Shui plan!

This is just the appearance fee, not counting the red envelopes from the developers.

Chen Mo is in control of Su Feng's information!

Because a few days before his rebirth, he just watched Su Feng's interview program on TV, which not only exposed his anecdotes from childhood to adulthood, but also a lot of information about his relatives and friends.

"It turned out to be Master Su, and I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"If you have any questions, you can just ask." Chen Mo smiled.

"Okay, let me ask you, what are the meanings of "pass root", "root handle", "hijab" and "poking foot" in Feng Shui? "

This is the ranking used when reading the eight characters, which is related to the heavenly stems and the earthly branches.

But Chen Mo doesn't understand!

He will, it's just a ready-made case in the book!

You ask him about the basic knowledge of Feng Shui, or ask him to innovate and improve the Feng Shui Bureau or something...


Chen Mo doesn't understand everything!

Don't know what to do?

Chen Mo panicked in his heart, but on the surface he sneered very calmly and remained silent.

"Why didn't Master Chen answer? Shouldn't he even know this?"

"Okay, let me ask you in a simpler way, what is "three yuan and nine luck"? "

Su Feng Road.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo still laughed without saying a word.

Next, Su Feng raised many related issues such as "Feng Shui", "Yin Zhai Yang Zhai", "Cemetery Search" and so on.

Chen Mo has never heard of it!

You ask Laozi, who is Laozi asking?

Just laugh without saying a word and you're done!

Su Feng laughed contemptuously:

"You don't even know this basic feng shui knowledge, how dare you call yourself a master?"

"It's hilarious and generous!"

The feng shui masters on the side all burst into laughter.

Zheng Yitong also frowned.

Isn't this Master Chen a liar?

Otherwise, how can you not even know such vulgar Feng Shui knowledge? This level of knowledge, even he can!

Just when Su Feng wanted to ask Chen Mo to get out.


Chen Mo's sneer resounded in the lobby!

"What are you laughing at?" Zheng Yitong frowned.

"Master Zheng, if you ask me to come, just to humiliate me with this basic knowledge of Feng Shui, then this Zheng family, I will not come!"

Chen Mo flicked his sleeves, looking ashamed and angry, ready to leave.

Zheng Yitong suddenly realized.

No wonder Chen Mo has been silent!

It turns out that he thinks these questions are too low-level, and answering them loses his identity as a master!

The other feng shui masters also suddenly realized. That's right, a Feng Shui master who is a little beginner will know that a master who can defeat Qin Baojian will definitely disdain to answer such a low-level question!

Zheng Yitong quickly apologized: "Master Chen, don't be angry, Master Su didn't mean it."


Chen Mo turned his head and pointed at Su Feng:

"The Dragon King cannot be humiliated!"

"Su Feng, do you dare to compare me with a more advanced Feng Shui fighting method?"

"The loser, get out of the Zheng family!"

"Why don't you dare?" Su Feng said proudly.

"Okay! Let's measure our fate! Let's measure each other, how about that?" Chen Mo said.

"Pfft... I thought it was some kind of advanced Feng Shui, isn't it just to measure the eight characters?" Qin Baojian laughed.

"What I'm trying to do is to calculate the fate without the eight characters!" Chen Mo said calmly.

"No eight-character calculation?"

As soon as these words came out, all the Feng Shui masters looked at each other in dismay.

There is no birth date, how can this be calculated?

I have never heard of such a calculation method!

"Don't talk nonsense! In Feng Shui, you must use the eight characters to measure the past and the future! Without the eight characters, can you guess with just one mouth?" Su Feng snorted coldly.

"That's because your skill is not enough!!"

Chen Mo dismissed.

"Good good!"

Su Feng laughed in anger and said three good words in a row:

"I want to see and experience today, how advanced is your no-eight-character calculation!"

Chen Mo did his part, closed his eyes, put one hand behind his back, and put the other in front of him, pretending to be a ghost, and still mumbled something in his mouth:

"eat grape but do not spit out grape skin, do not eat grape but spit out grape skin……"

Talked about it for ten minutes.

Everyone talking is annoying.

Chen Mo abruptly opened his eyes and shot out two bright beams:

"You were born in a rural area, and your hometown is from the bitter cold land in the north of the mainland."


Everyone laughed.

"You're wrong! And it's horribly wrong!"

"Master Su grew up in Hong Kong City and came from a wealthy family!"

"If you don't think about it, don't forget it, just increase the smile!"

The audience burst into laughter, but only Su Feng's expression froze and his body trembled.

Chen Mo ignored the people who laughed at him and continued calmly:

"When you were sixteen years old, when you were in love, you secretly kissed the sleeping widow Wang next door."

"Your secondary sexual characteristics mature relatively late. Others' male characteristics are fully developed before the age of 18. You start to develop at the age of 18, and do not develop fully until the age of 24. This is why you have never dared to have sex with women. Because of your friends, you even once wondered if you were born short and had developmental defects."

"When you were 20 years old, in order to prank your classmates, you drank your urine as beer for your classmates. Until now, you haven't dared to tell the truth."

"The first job you took in that year was writing, and the unit you entered was the literary association. The reason you took up this job was because you envied those who wrote novels who didn't have to get up early in the morning, and didn't have to go to the unit on time. Every month You can also go out to collect the wind at public expense.”


"You've had bed-wetting problems since you were a child, and it hasn't gotten better until now!"

Chen Mo, from when Su Feng was a child, until now, has talked about all the big and small things, as long as they are bizarre.

After he finished speaking, the feng shui masters who couldn't help it for a long time began to complain one by one: "It's outrageous! It's outrageous!"

"Mengdu is not so outrageous!"

"Master Su has wet the bed recently? Who are you scolding?"


Qin Baojian also smiled contemptuously and said, "Master Chen, if you say something that seems like something that doesn't exist, something that happens to everyone, maybe everyone will give you a face today, even if you measure it right.

You are so meticulous about everything, including Master Su's bedwetting and kissing widows. How can you let us help you? "

"Are you right, Master Su?"

"Uh... Master Su?"

When Qin Baojian turned his head to look at Su Feng, he was shocked to find that Su Feng was sweating profusely, his whole body was trembling, his face was pale, and his legs were shaking like chaff!

next second!

In everyone's jaw-dropping eyes!

Su Feng said with trembling lips:

"He...he calculated...all right..."


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