Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 295 I Want To Listen To Your Grandpa Chen

"10.6 billion..."

"10.6 billion in just a few minutes?"

Huo Zhenhua looked confused, as if he was dreaming.

Rao is the heir to the four giants in Hong Kong City, and Huo Zhenhua has never seen him make so much money in an hour!

"If I transfer hundreds of billions of funds to increase leverage, wouldn't I be able to make trillions?" Huo Zhenhua said with regret.

Chen Mo said: "If you draw hundreds of billions to enter the market, the other party will not cut the short position, but will cut the long position instead."

When Huo Zhenhua heard the words, he smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"The 18,000 mark has been broken, and the confidence of investors is bursting. There will definitely be a large number of retail investors entering the market, which will increase the volume of Hong Kong stocks!"

"The Atomic Fund has already cut the short position, the appetizers have been eaten, and the next step is to cut the long position and short the entire Hong Kong stock market!"

"This time, I don't know how many people will die."

Chen Mo let out a long sigh.

"The Huo family will definitely help Mr. Huo!" Huo Zhenhua said solemnly.

He has no doubts about Chen Mo's words now.

This kind of person will definitely enter the pavilion in the future!

"Young Master Huo, I need to find a few people with a bad stomach. Can I feed you something fresh?" Chen Mo teased as he looked at Huo Qigang who was standing at the door in a daze.

Huo Qigang reacted, his face was red and then blue, and he was aggrieved to death, but he had nothing to refute.

In front of Chen Mo's powerful strength, which has made Huo's family 10.6 billion in a short period of time, he seems so pale and powerless to say anything!

At this time, Huo Zhenhua reacted and asked suspiciously:

"Mr. Chen, did the dog offend you?"

Chen Mo said with a sad face: "Mr. Huo is the businessman I admire most, but I didn't expect that his grandson would be such a treacherous person. It's really chilling!"

Then, Chen Mo told Huo Qigang how he crossed the river and demolished the bridge.

After Huo Zhenhua heard this, his face turned pale!



Huo Zhenhua slapped Huo Qigang's face with a slap and roared:

"The Huo family's face has been disgraced by you!!!"

"Go to the study for Lao Tzu, close the confinement!!!"

Huo Qigang walked away in despair.

Huo Zhenhua took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Chen Mo: "Mr. Chen, it's my lax discipline, please forgive me."

Chen Mo waved his hand: "It's okay for a child to be ignorant."

In the evening, Huo Zhenhua specially held a banquet for Chen Mo.

The portions of the dishes are all of the kind that are small and delicate, and look very luxurious and elegant at first glance.

"Chen Mo, when are you going to start the second test?"

"Although there is a month, it is better to prepare as much as possible. I have heard that the Atomic Fund has already begun to act."

After waking up, Mr. Huo drank the red wine and asked gracefully.


"Mr. Chen helped the Huo family earn 10.6 billion this afternoon."

Huo Zhenhua couldn't help but said.


Huo Yingying spit out a mouthful of red wine, and said in astonishment, "What did you say?"

Huo Zhenhua told what happened in the afternoon.

"When the market just closed, we had a surplus of 10.6 billion on our books!"

"And according to Mr. Chen, the market should continue to rise in the next few days, and it will stop at 18,400 points. At that time, the number should be more than one billion."

Huo Zhenhua said, still couldn't help looking at Chen Mo with burning eyes.

Where is this making money?

This is clearly printing money! ! !

Thinking that the Huo family is also a big business, but it is extremely difficult to make more than 10 billion.

Not to mention, Chen Mo made all the money by smoking a cigarette.

"Huchi~~~ Huchi~~~"

At this moment, Rao is the richest man in Hong Kong, Huo Yingxiong, who is worth hundreds of billions, can no longer calm down.

His body was trembling uncontrollably, and his excited panting was a little uneven.

one day! ! !

Just one day! ! !

Chen Mo completed two tests that Huo Yingying himself thought was outrageous!

Is that human being?

Huo Yingying took a long time to recover before he regained his senses. He sighed and said, "There are talented people in the country, each leading the way. Showing for hundreds of years!"

"Forget it, Chen Mo, this old man keeps his word. This time against the Atomic Fund, my Huo family will devote all my efforts to helping you!"

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, old man!"

"By the way, where's Xiaogang?" After speaking, Huo Yingying glanced at Huo Zhenhua.

Huo Zhenhua told Huo Yingying about Huo Qigang with embarrassment.

Huo Yingxiong almost turned his back!

"Evil obstacles!!! Evil obstacles!!!"

"The fame of the old man I will be ruined by you, a traitor!!!"

He covered his heart, his face pale.

Chen Mo hurriedly persuaded: "Don't be angry, old man, Mr. Huo is just young and frivolous, not incurable!"

This is not a comforting word.

In the last life, Huo Qigang started his right path after getting married.

"Mr. Chen really thinks my grandson can be saved?"

Huo Yingxiong covered his heart and smiled bitterly, as if he was completely disappointed.

"As long as you discipline him well, you will definitely be saved!" Chen Mo said firmly.

"That old man, I will put this old face under my tongue, and beg Mr. Chen once, take Qi Gang with him, teach him well, and let him study hard with you." Huo Yingxiong said.


He Chaoqun is already around Chen Mo, who is already a fuel-oil bottle, and there is another one that is even more playful...

He is so reluctant!


Huo Yingxiong's face turned paler, and he held onto his heart tightly, as if in pain.

Huo Zhenhua hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, you promise! My dad has a heart attack!"

"Okay, I promise, I promise, can't I?" Chen Mo said helplessly.


Huo Yingxiong breathed a sigh of relief, returned to normal, leisurely shook the glass and took a sip: "Then thank you Mr. Chen."

When Chen Mo saw this, he was almost out of breath!

"Old man, how old are you, and how old are you? I'm still a young man?"

"Hey, how can this be called a routine? Chen Mo, you and He Daxian are brothers, and they are my peers. This is called helping my old man educate the younger generation!

As it should be! "Huo Yingxiong laughed.

"Uncle Chen, this will trouble you."

Huo Zhenhua is even more amazing!

For the sake of his precious son, he directly and shamelessly called him uncle!

What else can Chen Mo say?

I can only break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach!

"Don't worry about the Hong Kong government, I'll go say hello.

In two days, I'll take you to meet the leader over there. "

Huo Yingxiong's promise made Chen Mo relieved.

So far, Chen Mo has finally gathered He Daxian, He Honghuo, Huo Yingying and Zheng Yitong, as well as the full support of the Hong Kong government!

With the help of these rich people and home field advantage, Chen Mo is confident that he can definitely make those big shorts who want to invade Daxia have a good drink!

And the other side.

Huo Qigang almost lost his mind when he learned that he had been assigned to study with Chen Mo!

"Dad, is Grandpa so confused? Let me learn from a magician? What should I learn? Learn fortune-telling? Or learn to deceive people?" Huo Qigang said aggrieved.

"What magic stick? That's your Grandpa Chen!

Remember, show some respect in front of your grandpa Chen in the future, and learn from your grandpa Chen! "

"What? Chen... Grandpa Chen?"

Huo Qigang was stunned, only to feel that his worldview had collapsed!

Huo Zhenhua left after giving instructions.

Huo Qigang, who was left with fried hair, roared and screamed.

But knowing that this was the old man's idea, Huo Qigang had no choice.

He knows that he must have a bottom line for fooling around!

The old man has always said one thing in the Huo family. His words are the imperial decree in the Huo family!

If Huo Qigang dared to disobey Huo Yingying, he would probably be torn apart by his uncles that day!

But in any case, letting him listen to the words of Chen Mo, the mainland god stick, is more uncomfortable than killing him!

Huo Qigang, who was suffocating his stomach, was about to go out and wanted to drink to relieve his boredom.

At this time, an uninvited guest came to the door.


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