Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 303 Chen Haonan Surrenders

As long as this project is done well, it can be transformed into a payment channel similar to Huabei and Borrower in the later stage. In the future, you can make money, make money, and make continuous money while lying at home!

The biggest difficulty in such projects is actually debt collection.

With people like Chen Haonan, this problem is easily solved!

Chen Mo is really laughing now!

This is to send pillows when you are sleepy, and send steamed buns when you are hungry!

He would also like to thank Liu Mingwei for the group of people sent!

"We're definitely good at debt collection, but what if we really don't pay, or if we don't pay back, what should we do? According to my years of experience in debt collection, there are 100% such people." Chen Haonan asked.

"Good question." Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction, Chen Haonan's question can be said to be down to the essence.

"First, curb bad debts from the source. That is to say, when lending, we must conduct certain screenings to select people who can afford them to lend to reduce the bad debt rate, but this is a temporary solution."

"Second, it is the solution to the root cause, which will also involve my second project - express delivery!"

Chen Haonan said, "Express delivery?"

Chen Mo smiled and began to explain in detail.

Although the express delivery industry began to develop in 1996, there was no network foreshadowing in the early stage, and the development was slow, so the current market vacancy is very large!

Express companies such as Moufeng and Mouda are still small workshops!

In 2000, everyone used to use the official express - postal express! The postal delivery of this matter can be said to be outrageously slow! If you send a letter, you may not receive it for ten days and a half months!

Chen Mo is fully confident that the latecomers will come first!

Those college students who are not on loan can let them join their own express company, and the number of colleges in a city can cover the whole city!

Taking advantage of this advantage, all parts of the country can be connected. Once the scale is formed, all the certain express, such as Da, and Dong express that have not appeared in the future will all have to stand aside!

"So it is!" Chen Haonan instantly became excited.

If it is true as Chen Mo said, this line of business has a head start, and it is the kind that can make a lot of money and become a big boss in Hong Kong City!

"By the way, I forgot to mention that the loan interest rate should not be higher than 24%, and the debt should not be collected violently. At most, it is enough to scare verbally, do you hear?" Chen Mo said.

Anything above 24% is usury.

Chen Mo will not do illegal things.

"The interest rate is so low..." Chen Haonan was a little disappointed.

If the interest rate is 50%, or even 100%!

There are thousands of universities in the whole summer, how fast the money comes in!

"Don't worry, the interest rate is low, and a lot of people are still unpaid.

At that time, I have to come to our courier company to work.

At that time, wages were set at the local minimum standard.

For example, our Jiangbei minimum standard is now 150 yuan, but why don't you let him do 3,000 yuan? " Chen Mo said with a smile.

When Chen Haonan calculated the profit rate, he shivered instantly!

2000% interest rate! ! !

This is too cruel! ! !

Zhou Papi will tremble when he sees it, and Grandet will cry when he sees it!

The most crucial point...

This is reasonable and legal! ! !

We set the minimum wage for our employees, who can say that we are unreasonable?

Live more and less money, the employees are happy, and I can’t control it when the king is here!

Thinking of this, Chen Haonan couldn't help sighing: "Brother Mo, compared to those of us in society, a capitalist like you is a ruthless character who eats people and doesn't spit out bones!"

"Come on, I never do anything that hurts the world." Chen Mo said with a smile.


Without any hesitation, Chen Haonan stood up and called the boss respectfully.

To earn Liu Mingwei's 100,000 yuan is to walk on the tip of a knife, and maybe he will go in and squat for a few years.

But it is different from Chen Mo. Everyone said that it is a regular company, and looking at Chen Mo's decisive temperament, it will never be a thing in the pool in the future.

If he doesn't agree, he'll be a fool.

"Well, get ready, go to Hong Kong City University to do a pilot test the day after tomorrow, and if the effect is good, it will be promoted nationwide!"

Chen Mo patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Do it well, this is a big project with a profit of 900 billion in the future. How much meat you can eat depends on you."

"Yes! Boss!"

As soon as Chen Haonan was encouraged by Chen Mo, he could not wait to pack up and go to Hong Kong City University now! "DiDi~~~"

At this time, an elongated Rolly-Royce commercial vehicle drove over.

The younger brother beside Chen Haonan suddenly exclaimed, "Brother Haonan, that's the Huo family car!"

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned towards the car, and everyone's eyes were filled with awe and envy!

Huo family, Hong Kong City, and even the uncompromising wealthy family in Daxia!

Comparing with these gangsters who eat on the side of the road, it is one heaven and one underground!

At this moment, the car door opened, and a dignified middle-aged man stepped down from above.

"Yes... it's Huo Zhenhua!!!"

A younger brother couldn't help but shook Chen Haonan's hand excitedly, as if a brainless fan saw his idol and screamed, "Brother Haonan, look! It's Huo Zhenhua!!!"

Huo Zhenhua was not followed by any bodyguards.

Because in Hong Kong City, no gangster who doesn't have long eyes dares to attack the Huo family!

This is the confidence of the wealthy Huo family!

When Chen Haonan looked at the domineering Huo Zhenhua, he was also fascinated.

This is the boss he wants to be!

However, the next moment, Huo Zhenhua suddenly walked towards here, stopped beside Chen Mo, and said with a smile, "Chen Sheng, I'm here to pick you up."

boom! ! !

Seeing this scene in the eyes of Chen Haonan and others, it made them feel like they were hit by five thunders, and their worldview was about to collapse! ! !

This is the head of the dignified Huo family, Huo Yingxiong's eldest son, and Huo Zhenhua, the current president of the Huo Group! ! !

How many people in the entire Hong Kong City can make Huo Zhenhua respectful?

However, in front of the cheap boss he just recognized, he was so respectful?

Moreover, it seems that Huo Zhenhua is still driving by himself, acting as the driver, to pick up Chen Mo?


Chen Haonan only felt that Lei was stunned and tender inside, his face was full of horror and inconceivable, and his chin couldn't even close!

Huo Zhenhua glanced at Chen Haonan and the others, looked at the gangsters and frowned, "Chen Sheng, are you in trouble?"

"Do you need my help?"

Chen Haonan and the others shivered instantly! Sweaty!

The Huo family can directly contact the war zone!

If he dealt with it, he would really "handle" them all!

"No, I met a few old friends and had a few drinks together."

Chen Mo waved his hand, then turned his head and said to Chen Haonan: "Haonan, I'm going to have a cup of tea with Mr. Huo, so I won't chat with you."

After that, Chen Mo, under the leadership of Huo Zhenhua, strode into the car that Chen Haonan could never get on in his life.

Looking at the distant back of the luxury car, Chen Haonan's eyes were dull and lost, like a dream.

a long time.

Chen Haonan's most trusted younger brother, Pheasant, swallowed his saliva and said in shock, "Brother Haonan, what do you think our boss is from?

Dare to let Huo Zhenhua be his driver? ! "

Chen Haonan took a breath, thought for a moment, and then said, "Don't ask, it's someone we can't afford to offend anyway!"

"That damn Liu Mingwei, he wants the lives of our brothers for 100,000 yuan!"

If he really touched Chen Mo today, wouldn't the Huo family have to sizzle their group?

"Brother Haonan, what about Liu Mingwei?"

Now that he is under Chen Mo's command, he has to accept his name, Pheasant asked cautiously.

"The boss doesn't say it, but we have to give the boss an explanation!"

Chen Haonan's smoke was extinguished, his eyes gloomy and he said: "Go! Find that kid to settle the account!"


It was dark and the road was dark, and Liu Mingwei walked into the alley against the wall.

He also thought that if he didn't see Chen Mo's injury with his own eyes, he would not pay the remaining 50,000 yuan...

The light of the flashlight suddenly shone on his face, and a man rushed out, threw him to the ground, and smashed a baseball bat on his arm—severe pain!

Liu Mingwei felt that his bones were broken and his flesh was rotten, and he passed out as soon as it got dark.


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