Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 715 The First Assessment Of The Old Man And The New

The flesh and blood on Leng Feng's knees had been ground to a thin layer, and Sen Bai's bones had also been worn away a lot!

Paying such a price, Leng Feng's victory is naturally rich.

More than a dozen drivers were all seriously injured lying on the ground unable to move.

Leng Feng held back the pain and uncovered the skull helmet of the leading driver.

This is an unfamiliar face, neither Leng Feng nor Chen Mo know each other.

Leng Feng picked up the dagger from his waist and placed it across the man's neck artery: "Speak! Who ordered you to do it?"

"I...I don't know..."

"They paid me 50 million to do this..."

"I thought I wouldn't cause any fatalities, so I agreed..."

"I really don't know who it is!"

Even though Leng Feng used various means to torture him, the answer he got was still unknown.

"It seems that they really don't know." Leng Feng said helplessly.

"Call the police and deal with it." Chen Mo said.

Soon, the police came and the group was arrested.

Leng Feng was also taken to the hospital.

He Chenguang said angrily, "It must be the Lu family or the merchant!"

"The merchant is the most suspicious! This time Shang Li was also selected. He definitely doesn't want you to pass the assessment, boss!"

Chen Mo shook his head: "I don't think so. The merchant knows the importance of this new admission, and he dare not do such a thing at this juncture.

The crime of endangering the veterans and accepting new players is so serious that the four heavenly kings can't keep it!

Merchants are not that stupid! The Lu family has no such courage! "

"Who is that?" He Chenguang asked in confusion.

"I don't know either... However, obviously my selection will bring harm to the interests of the mastermind behind the scenes... Hehe, this competition is interesting." Chen Mo laughed mockingly.

three days later.

The pavilion of the elders.

Above the quaint high hall, Li Chungang sat upright.

Below, there are the Four Heavenly Kings and the Eight Great Vajra.

100 players from all over the world gathered together and sat down on the Taishi chair below!

Li Chungang glanced at the time, and then said loudly:

"I think you all know something about Daxia Yuanpao Pavilion, so I won't introduce it here."

"This time, the old pavilion has recruited new talents. This is because the aging of the old pavilion is serious, and the thinking has been unable to keep up with the wave of world economic development."

"And Daxia is now in a very delicate and awkward position."

"The old pavilion, not only to develop the domestic economy, but also to resist the attack of foreign capital, it can be said to be surrounded by tigers and wolves!"

"Therefore, this new recruitment is the most difficult one in history. We don't need normal members of the Elder Pavilion. What we need are geniuses among geniuses, dragons and phoenixes among dragons and phoenixes, and kings among human kings!"

Speaking of this, Li Chungang looked around at the 100 Tianjiao below.

Everyone, including Chen Mo, has a radiance in their eyes!

"This assessment is divided into three sessions!"

"If you fail to meet the standard in each assessment, you will be eliminated immediately!"

"Those who pass all three games will be immediately accepted as members of the Elder Pavilion!"

"Those with outstanding results in the three assessments will have the opportunity to become a middle-level manager of the Elder Pavilion!"

Whoa! ! !

As soon as this statement came out, there was an uproar!

The middle-level manager of the Elder Pavilion?

In the past, the middle-level managers of the Elder Pavilion had to join the Elder Pavilion for 20 years and have made outstanding contributions before they would be considered for promotion!

This time, if you accept the new assessment, you will have the opportunity to be promoted to the middle level!

Everyone is excited! Once the examination results are excellent, they will definitely be famous in history, honor their ancestors! ! !

After waiting for a while, everyone was quiet, and Li Chungang continued:

"In time, earn 1 billion!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the first assessment.

For ordinary people, the first assessment is simply a fantasy!

But for these geniuses, it's as simple as eating and drinking!

Not to mention 1 billion, it is 10 billion, they can all earn it!

"It's too simple!"

"I'll just fry stocks, just cut some leeks and I'll have it!"

"I just researched several good futures, and I just used it this time! Hehe!"


Everyone had a relaxed look on their faces.

at this time……

"Conditions: 1. Don't make money through financial products including stocks, futures, and funds!"

"2. Do not use any existing personal connections to ask for information!"

"3. Don't let family, friends, and cooperative enterprises buy their own products, or give money in disguise!"

"In this assessment, all the business activities of the contestants will be strictly supervised by the Elder Pavilion. Once cheating is found, they will be eliminated immediately and will never be hired!"

As soon as Li Chungang's words came out, the smiles on everyone's faces froze.

No one thinks that the examination is easy and simple.

Can't make money with financial products?

Can't use people's contacts?

Why the hell can't you ask someone you know to buy things or send money?

Wouldn't it be necessary to start from scratch as a flat-headed common man?

In that case, let alone making 1 billion a month, it is very likely that the first business will be smashed, and 100,000 yuan will be worth it!

"This is impossible! Under these three conditions, no one can do it!"

"That's right, without the leverage of financial products, 100,000 becomes 1 billion, which is equivalent to 10,000 times the principal! 10,000 times!!!"

"People are not allowed to be used, and information is not allowed to be inquired. Aren't I smeared? I don't know what business I do!"


At the scene, everyone was complaining and complaining, thinking that this was impossible and a daydream!

Zhuge Wan'er was blowing bubble gum and grinned: "Interesting!"

Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about how to earn his first pot of gold.

Shang Li was secretly proud in his heart: "I already knew the content of the first assessment, and I made preparations early! Humph! I will definitely win the first place in the first assessment!"

At this time, Li Chungang's indifferent voice sounded again:

"Indeed, for ordinary people, or even financial geniuses, to achieve 100,000 to 1 billion a month under the constraints of three conditions is as difficult as reaching the sky!"


"I said it before!"

"This time, the old pavilion is looking for a genius among geniuses, a dragon and a phoenix among dragons and phoenixes, and the king of people among kings!"

"If you can't do it, it means that you do not meet the new standards of the old pavilion! You can quit immediately!"

The words fall.

The whole place was silent.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, not daring to complain any more.


If it can be done so easily, how can it be regarded as a genius among geniuses, a dragon and a phoenix among dragons and phoenixes, and a king among kings of men?

"In this assessment, the more you earn, the better the results will be calculated. According to the final amount of money earned, the assessment will be ranked. The first place will add 10 points to the total settlement after three assessments, and the second place will add 9 points. By analogy, no points will be added from 11th place onwards.”

"Okay, I announce that the assessment will officially start tomorrow! Please go back and prepare!"

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