Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 721 The Second Pot Of Gold

In the evening, Chen Mo brought Wan Xuebing over an ib desktop computer that was considered a super high configuration in 2001.

Wan Xuebing touched the desktop, his eyes glowing green!

"I'll go, 512b of memory, Pentium 3 processor..."

"This is at least 30,000 yuan, right?"

Chen Mo smiled and said, "If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools."

"By the way, have you played Adventure Island?"

Wan Xuebing said proudly: "Of course I have played it! I played it as soon as the internal test started! When there was no recharge system at the beginning, I passed the first place in our district!"

"That's great!"

Chen Mo asked Wan Xuebing to turn on the computer and began to express his needs to the game interface of "Maple Adventure":

"I need you to do such a plug-in..."

After Chen Mo finished describing his needs, Wan Xuebing said nonchalantly, "That's it? Just wait, I'll make the first version for you tonight!"

Chen Mo sighed in his heart that he is indeed the number one in the future hacker industry!

If it was replaced by Ma Teng's group of people, it would take at least a week for a dozen people to do this plug-in!

"Brother Chen, you made a plug-in, why do you want to make money? Do you make money by yourself?" Wan Xuebing even had the energy to ask Chen Mo questions while typing the code.

In fact, at the time of the internal testing of "Adventure Island", Xixi Plug-in Studio had already established a plug-in industry chain.

Production and development, channel distribution, testing and maintenance, and terminal sales, every link has to make money. Not to mention that Chen Mo has no ability to establish a channel network that sells millions of copies a month, even if there is a ready-made network in front of him, If the benefits are spread evenly, it will be amazing if you can get 30% by selling millions of copies a month.

In 2001, the payment method was very simple. The online payment had not been developed yet. Jack Ma had not even built the treasure, let alone all kinds of convenient payment software.

Therefore, in the current Internet age, the payment bottleneck is very large. Even online games such as Chen Mo's "Legend" and "Journey" have to rely on countless Internet cafes across the country for offline channel sales, and there is no way to achieve online sales. trade.

At present, most of the plug-in sales are monthly.

And sales terminals are in Internet cafes!

Distributors of plug-ins will develop cooperation with Internet cafes across the country, just like selling physical point cards on behalf of Internet cafes, providing monthly passwords for plug-ins that they sell on behalf of themselves, so that players can directly purchase monthly passwords for plug-ins in Internet cafes.

If it weren't for the assessment, if Chen Mo didn't transform into Mo Chen, Chen Mo could let the pheasant directly open up the sales channels of Internet cafes all over the country, and become the sales leader in the plug-in industry in one fell swoop!

But now, he is Mo Chen, he only has himself and Wan Xuebing, how can he spread the national channels? It's a fantasy!

So Chen Mo had a plan.

He plans to open a 7-day free trial period directly after the plug-in development is completed.

Although the current online payment has not yet been opened, in this era of barbaric growth of the Internet, the speed of transmission of free things can be said to be the speed of light!

This plug-in that I made by myself has integrated the effect of the most powerful plug-in of all the "Adventure Island" in the previous life!

In actual use, the function and speed are more than ten times that of Xixi plug-in. At the same time, the user is completely regarded as a network novice, and the products created can be used by even fools!

The effect of comprehensive use is bound to be a hang-up!

It's free and easy to use. No matter how Chen Mo tries to promote it, users have no reason to spend money on poor products.

In this way, he will greatly impact Xixi Plug-in and other sporadic plug-in studios.

This method of Chen Mo is actually very damaging. It is equivalent to smashing the pot as soon as it comes up, and directly abolishing all the stable plug-in sales ecological chain that has been completed. , it is a routine to directly wash away countless antivirus software such as Yinshan.

Once Xixi Plug-in, a plug-in studio that already has a business model, encounters a crisis of smashing the pot, they will definitely not sit still. After all, with sales of several hundred million a month, no one will watch it slip away from their fingertips.

In this case, there are only two choices in front of them: 1. Immediately develop a more powerful plug-in than the one made by Chen Mo. 2. Find Chen Mo to cooperate.

The possibility of the former is infinitely close to 0!

Wan Xuebing's programming level, coupled with Chen Mo's solution that integrated all the advantages of plug-ins in the previous life, where can this group of unprofessional plug-in developers be comparable?

Then, all they can choose is to find Chen Mo to cooperate!

At this time, Chen Mo will speak directly and ask Xixi Plug-in Studio to buy out his plug-ins and let them sell them on their existing channels.

In fact, in the long run, if you want to make more money, you still have to share and cooperate.

But how much profit can the plug-in make?

The national channels add up to 1 billion in the sky!

If it wasn't for the assessment, Chen Mo wouldn't even bother to look at this low-end business!

Moreover, what Chen Mo knows is that in the future, the Xixi Plug-in Studio will be arrested directly by the police because it ruined "Adventure Island" and offended domestic enterprises.

Chen Mo is still in the assessment period, of course it is impossible to be implicated because of this.

It was three o'clock in the morning.

Chen Mo was still asleep when he heard the doorbell ding-dong ding-dong.

"It's done! Brother Chen, I've done it!!! Hehe!"

Wan Xuebing proudly pulled Chen Mo to see the plug-in he had created.

Chen Mo used it for a while, and the effect was really awesome.

"This plug-in, I call it "The King of Adventure Island" v1.0 free trial version! "

Chen Mo nodded and praised: "Well done!"

After a pause, Chen Mo said again: "But Xiao Wan, I have to tell you something. Did you pull the boss up at three in the morning to look at the product? If it wasn't for Lao Tzu's good temper, he would have to blow your dog's head off. !"

The young Wan Xuebing stuck his tongue out, touched his head embarrassedly and smiled: "Boss, this is my first profitable product, so I'm not too excited! Be sure to pay attention next time!"

"Go back to sleep, and I'll optimize the plug-in."

Chen Mo said angrily: "Sleep with wool! Now I can't sleep at all!"

"You go to optimize the product, I'll find some navy, and go to the Internet to promote it."

Chen Mo turned on his computer, went to one of the most popular forums in Adventure Island and made a post: "I am a student and my family is poor. I beg you all to introduce a free plugin for Adventure Island!"

It is indeed the most popular online game in Daxia Kingdom.

Even in the early hours of the morning, Chen Mo's attractive post was immediately hit hundreds of floors:

"What do you want to eat? The current plug-ins are expensive, how can there be free ones?"

"Kneeling and begging is a somewhat meaningful word!"

"Students just study hard and play some online games!"

"I do know one of the free plug-ins, but the function is too bad, there is not much difference between using it and not using it."

"Wash and sleep, everything is in your dreams."


In short, most of the replies are mocking Chen Mo for dreaming.

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