Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 735 Congratulations To Chen Mo For Winning The First Place

At this moment, other people present also seemed to realize this.

"Wait... King Langya's granddaughter is only the second? The first is..."

"It's the young man in the corner! Only his results have not been announced yet!"

"No... No, 4.22 billion is only second, so how terrible is his performance?"


The people who reacted, for a moment, all stared at Chen Mo in astonishment.

The original focus of attention shifted from Shang Li in the first row to Chen Mo in the corner!

The atmosphere in the hall gradually became weird.

Li Chungang smiled playfully and said, "Chen Mo, come ahead."


Chen Mo nodded, stood up calmly, and walked to the front of the center of the hall in a hurry.

"I believe everyone has guessed it. This young guy is the first place in this assessment!"


Li Chungang held the Golden List and recited aloud:

"The first place in this assessment is Chen Mo, Jiangbei Finance's representative! Results..."

Thinking of this, Li Chungang deliberately paused.

"4.615 billion!"

Whoa! ! !

When Chen Mo's score comes out, add it!

"4.615 billion? More perverted than perverted!!!"

"How is this possible? I can't even think of a way to make so much money!"

"This is not a human, this is a fucking walking humanoid money printing machine!"

"The money printing machine can't make money faster than him!"

"I thought that a business genius like Zhuge Wan'er, who has not been seen in a hundred years, was ruthless enough, but I didn't expect a more ruthless one!"

"This is a rare business genius in a thousand years!"


One after another, the order of the hall was completely out of control. Everyone couldn't control their voices and was amazed.

Shang Li screamed on the spot: "Impossible! How is this possible!!!"

4.615 billion?

He didn't even get half of this grade by cheating! ! !

This result, I am afraid that Li Chungang Li Pavilion Master himself will not be able to do it, right?

How could Chen Mo do it?

Shang Li didn't want to believe it, and couldn't believe it!

"Cheating, he must be cheating!"

Shang Li gritted his teeth and stared at Chen Mo with red eyes. His fingernails were already clenched into his palms, they were bleeding, and he didn't know it.

The funny thing is that Shang Li cheated and won the third place, which he took for granted.

Others surpassed him too much, and Shang Li felt that others must be cheating, and he felt as if he had been treated unfairly.

This is a proper double standard dog!

Zhuge Wan'er's beautiful eyes were round, her legs were tensed, she looked at Chen Mo incredulously, her chin was trembling unconsciously!

4.615 billion?

Ask yourself, even if Zhuge Wan'er tried her best, she wouldn't be able to achieve this result!

Thinking of how "confident" she has shown in front of Chen Mo these days, Zhuge Wan'er feels like a weak local dog showing off how powerful she is to a mighty lion.

It's like a mayfly shaking a big tree, it's ridiculous!

Zhuge Wan'er, who has been in business since the age of 14, has never been as embarrassed, ashamed, and at a loss as she is now.

"He...he doesn't really want me to change my surname to Chen..."

When Zhuge Wan'er thought of this, her delicate face turned even redder.

"Hey, old thief Zhuge, this young man can do it! He has suppressed us Wan'er!" Wang Pengpai gloated.

"It looks like someone said that he would like someone to press his granddaughter, right? Well, this time, I got what I wanted!" Liu Wuchang also said with a smirk. Zhuge Trout smiled awkwardly and reluctantly said: "Second, it's pretty good... Young people, always have to go through some setbacks, the road can't be too smooth..."

In fact, Zhuge Trout was also muttering in his heart: "Where is the evildoer who came out of here, why is his strength so terrifying?"

What everyone didn't know was that the most embarrassing person at the scene was actually the King of Shang.

Originally, in his plan, he was the one who handled the business plan of Shang Li's assessment this time, and it was definitely the first!


Only took third!

Moreover, the first and second, both crushed his score by more than double!

Shang Ying's embarrassed toes are about to go out of the two rooms and one living room!

Fortunately, no one knew that Shang Li's plan was made by him, otherwise, he would have to find a tofu to kill him!

When the discussion at the scene gradually subsided, Li Chungang continued:

"Congratulations to Chen Mo for winning the first place in this assessment and getting 10 extra points!"

"His score has broken the highest score in the first assessment of the veteran Ge Naxin over the years!"

"Let's give this young man some applause!"


There was thunderous applause!

The admiration is endless!

Li Chungang said with a smile: "Chen Mo, give your first testimonial."

Chen Mo touched his nose and said:

"Uh...Actually, I really didn't expect that I could take the first place..."

"I thought this result would be in the top ten at most. I didn't expect others to pull their hips so much..."

Li Chungang: "..."

Four kings:"……"

Everyone: "..."

Zhuge Wan'er wanted to scold Chen Mo: "Pretend to be a criminal!!!"

Does this speak human words?

4.6 billion, do you still think you can only enter the top ten?

Is it difficult, do you think this person can make 10 billion a month?

Seeing Chen Mo pretending to be so forceful, Shang Li stood up unbearably:

"Pavilion Master, I request to announce Chen Mo's business plan!"

"I don't believe he can make 4.6 billion a month without cheating!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene immediately fell silent.

In fact, there are not a few people who have the same idea as Shang Li.

It's just that they didn't dare to say it, for fear of offending people.

Chen Mo laughed and said, "How do you know that you can't make so much money without cheating? Oh, I see. Could it be that you made 2 billion by cheating?"

Shang Li panicked: " spit out blood!"

Li Chungang: "I believe that many of you have the same idea as Shang Li, right? That's all, anyway, Chen Mo's business plan is going to be incorporated into next year's business textbooks, so it doesn't hurt to publish it."

Then, Li Chungang gave a general description of what Chen Mo did this month.

When they heard that Chen Mo actually collected wild vegetables for a dime a pound, he could sell them for 20 yuan a pound with his backhand, and he made almost qualified profits in a month, everyone was overwhelmed.

"I'm going, why didn't I think of it!"

"Last month, I even bought a few kilograms of wild vegetables to eat and play! I didn't even think about it at all!"

"200 times the profit! It's more profitable than selling that!"

"I heard a friend say about wild vegetables before. It is said that the capital of the imperial capital and the southern capital want to make a wave of speculation and make some money. In fact, I also want to do this for the first pot of gold, but I haven't found a suitable one. The source of wild vegetables."


Shang Ying's expression was twitching, and he was very distressed.


It is none other than the merchants who make money from cooking wild vegetables with Southern Capital!

This is equivalent to a business made by the merchant unintentionally, and it has fulfilled the first pot of gold in Chen Mo's assessment!

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