Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 737: Abandoned Aircraft Carrier

"Please come with me, all the players."

At this time, the staff invited 30 players to the special car of the old pavilion.

Everyone is wondering, why do you still need to take a car when you announce the second assessment content?

The players drove all the way along the coast to the port of a pier.

After getting out of the car.

In addition to the boundless, sparkling, azure sea, there is also...

15 majestic and magnificent aircraft carriers like giants in the sea!

People standing in front of these aircraft carriers are as small as an ant!

As soon as the sun shines, the shadow of the aircraft carrier is refracted on the shore, and it takes a long time to leave the shadow!

These big guys with a row of 110,000 tons act like a sea city, lighting up the sea area of ​​hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. Wherever it goes, it is always majestic.

However, after a closer look, the appearance of these 15 aircraft carriers is already mottled and old, and it is obviously overwhelmed.

"As you can see, these 15 aircraft carriers were all transformed by Daxia's acquisition of decommissioned aircraft carriers from foreign countries since the 1980s. Now, they have reached their limit and are embarrassingly reused. They stopped here and became abandoned aircraft carriers. ."

"And your second assessment content is: Selling the used aircraft carrier!"

"The assessment time is one month."

Li Chungang said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone stared at this big guy with a dumbfounded expression.

Selling used aircraft carriers?

You all say it's "waste", so other than selling it as scrap iron, how else can you sell it?

"The limitations of the second assessment are as follows: 1. The same as the first assessment."

"2. The sale price is required to be no less than 5 billion."

"3. Rank according to the highest price of selling used aircraft carriers. Only the top five players can get additional points this time."

Hearing this, many players were mourning again!

"How is this possible! It's just these crap, didn't you spend 5 billion when you bought it in the 1980s?"

"It's only 10 billion to build a brand new aircraft carrier on the hegemony side. You asked me to sell these junk for 5 billion? And it will cost 5 billion to buy another one?"

"Even 15 ships can't be sold for that much money!"

"If you don't allow yourself to use your network resources, who am I going to sell this to?"

"That's right, there are only a handful of countries in the world that need to buy an aircraft carrier!"


Listening to the wailing of the players, Li Chungang made a silent gesture and continued:

"The content of this assessment is too difficult, so now we give you the following conditions: 1. Each player has 7 days to consider the plan. During these 7 days, you can choose the used aircraft carrier for sale at any time."

"2. Each group of players can choose to sell or not to sell. For those who choose not to sell, the sales amount is directly calculated as 5 billion. Note that only one person in each group is allowed to not sell, but those who choose not to sell cannot be made in advance. Choose. In the end, choose the group that does not sell, and choose first according to the ranking of the first assessment."

"3. This sales theater will provide assistance within its ability, such as identity, such as transportation, etc."

At this moment, some players suddenly realized: "I understand!"

"What do you unserstand?"

"The second assessment not only assesses business ability, but also the ability to choose and judge." The person said: "The pavilion master said before that in each group, one person must be promoted and one person will be eliminated.

Then in this case, you have to judge whether your opponent has the ability to sell the used aircraft carrier for more than 5 billion.

There is also whether you have the ability to meet the requirements of more than 5 billion.

After comprehensive consideration, you can choose to sell or not to sell.

In the end, maybe you choose not to sell, but you can advance, but those who choose to sell will be eliminated! "

Everyone also suddenly realized.


Selling used aircraft carriers is a very difficult task in itself!

If you choose not to sell, you can set a sales of 5 billion!

In this way, it seems that those who choose not to sell will take advantage of it! "That's over. I ranked first in the last assessment. I must be the one who sold the used aircraft carrier in our group!"

"Me too!"

"Hey, if you didn't do well in the first assessment, you'll have to suffer this time too!"


Just when many people were wailing and complaining that they might not be able to choose not to sell the aircraft carrier.

A discordant voice rang in the ears of everyone.

"Master Li, I choose to sell the aircraft carrier."

The understated voice sounded, causing everyone in the audience to look over in surprise.

I saw Chen Mo put his hands in his pockets lazily, letting the sea breeze blow his bangs.

"Chen Mo chose to sell aircraft carriers!"

"Is he sure he can sell this pile of scrap iron for more than 5 billion?"

"Unlikely, right?"

"It's not impossible, it's absolutely impossible! Who would spend more than 5 billion on this crap?"

"I don't think it's possible either."

"This time Chen Mo is too big."

"If you want me, decisively choose not to sell, anyway, the opponent can't do it."


Everyone thinks that Chen Mo is too big this time.

Although the old aircraft carrier is barely able to sail, it is not much different from a pair of broken copper and iron!

This thing, there is only one plan to sell it - to sell scrap iron!

And selling scrap iron to the death can earn millions.

Zeng Renwang, who teamed up with Chen Mo, laughed happily!

He thought that the task of selling aircraft carriers in this group would definitely fall on his head.

Unexpectedly, Chen Mo actually took the initiative to follow!

"Maybe this time, I can get something for nothing, and I'll be promoted without doing anything!"

Zeng Ren Wang secretly laughed in his heart.

Chen Mo smiled, stood on the shore with his hands on his back, and said loudly, "You seem to have made a mistake."

"I, Chen Mo, never thought about whether I could complete the assessment."

"My goal, there is only one - the first assessment!!!"

Domineering words, deafening!

At this moment, Zeng Renwang didn't know why, and couldn't be happy anymore.

He only felt that when Chen Mo said this domineeringly, he had already been eliminated!

"Pavilion Master, I also choose to sell!"

Zhuge Wan'er walked in front of the person unconvinced.

After speaking, she raised her head, looked at Chen Mo and said:

"In the first assessment, I was careless and let you get the first place by luck."

"The first place in the second assessment, Miss Ben has decided!"

Li Chungang couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Up against the odds!

This is the courage a member of the Elder Pavilion should have!

While Shang Li looked at Chen Mo and Zhuge Wan'er who were bickering in front, he sneered secretly.

Silly x will choose to sell!

Obviously there is an advantage in the first assessment, so you should choose not to sell it!

"Chen Mo, you will definitely regret your choice!"

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