Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 746 Sorry, Chen Mo Is The First Again

Chen Mo rolled his eyes at Shang Li: "Why do you care so much about me? Are you in love with me?"

"I'm sorry, I only like beautiful women, not ugly men."


"Young Master Shang, opening champagne at halftime is a taboo in the business world. As for me, I advise you to wait until the results come out before beeping."

Zhuge Wan'er couldn't help but retorted.

In her opinion, even if Chen Mo didn't earn as much as herself, he must have passed the pass line properly.

"Okay, let's go and see!"

Shang Li put down a harsh word and left.

I haven't been out for a few days in a month, and Shang Li still doesn't believe it, so Chen Mo can pass!

That night, a group of senior officials from the Elder Pavilion routinely gathered together to review the players' results.

Because there are a lot fewer people, and there are 15 players with a fixed score of 5 billion, the review speed this time is very fast.

"Tian Xin, 5 million, huh, that's a few kilos more for scrap iron." Li Chungang teased.

This time Li Chungang is in a good mood.

Because this question in the second assessment is indeed a super-syllabus question.

The purpose of this kind of question is not to test the ability of the contestants. After all, the contestants in the first test have already demonstrated their abilities to the fullest. But to test the players' ability to "choose"!

There is a saying in "Thinking Power": Choice is greater than effort, thinking determines the way out.

Choice is more important than effort.

This is more prominent in business.

According to the thoughts of the Four Heavenly Kings, even if they knew that this super-class question could not be completed, they rashly chose to sell it. Then this kind of person's personality is too extreme, and it is not suitable for the elders' pavilion to focus on the overall situation and safety first. of the unit.

Therefore, they hope that the players who have an advantage in the first test can see through this, make good use of their advantages, and choose not to sell to ensure that they can advance steadily.

"Shen Jianlin, it's a good performance, it actually sold 1.2 billion!"

Li Chungang said with a smile.

"Shen Jianlin has built a place similar to a farmhouse on the sea, but the grade is much higher, and he has hired a lot of young beauties to work part-time jobs in the past.

The idea is quite good, but unfortunately, he did not see the deep meaning behind this question, did not take advantage of his high ranking in the first assessment, and did this question wrong. "Wang Pengpai shook his head and sighed.

Fortunately, there are not many players like Shen Jianlin.

Most of the top-ranking players have cautiously chosen not to sell.

And those players with lower grades who didn't have to be selected will be miserable.

Those who can sell more than 10 million are already considered good results. Most of them are directly sold and sold, and they have earned millions of perfunctory results.

"Shang Li, 5 billion. Well, old businessman, your grandson is still very stable and cautious." Li Chungang nodded and praised.

"Thank you pavilion master for your praise." Shang Ying said with a smile.

In fact, the "answer" of the second assessment was still revealed to Shang Li by Shang Ying.

"Zhuge thief, your granddaughter was led astray by the guy named Chen Mo this time." Liu Wuchang smiled with a beard.

"Haha, I believe Wan'er has her own judgment." Zhuge Trout said so, but he was actually beating a drum in his heart.

After all, of the 15 players who chose to sell, 13 have already failed.

Moreover, this question was posed by the four heavenly kings together, and the difficulty was already estimated at that time - the four agreed that it was impossible to complete!

"Zhuge Wan'er..."

Li Chungang glanced at the results, deliberately lengthened his voice, and at the same time looked at Zhuge Trout with a half-smile: "Old Zhuge, are you nervous?"

But on the surface, he pretended to be calm and said, "Ha, nervous? What is nervous? Anyway, I'm not nervous."

"Pavilion Master Li, don't betray you. What is the performance of the golden grandson of the old thief Zhuge?" Liu Wuchang asked.

"See for yourself."

Li Chungang turned the screen to the crowd.

"Zhuge Wan'er, billion 36.78 million?!!!"


The Four Heavenly Kings, including Zhuge Trout, widened their eyes and took a deep breath.

Zhuge Wan'er actually did this super-syllabus question!

Moreover, not only the score is twice the passing line, but also a lot more! ! !

"Old Zhuge, as expected of your golden grandson, this is too cruel! Over 12 billion!" Liu Wuchang exclaimed.

"It's said that women can hold up half the sky, but I didn't expect that when I came to you, Old Zhuge, it was the women who directly beat our gentlemen! You granddaughter, I am completely convinced!"

Wang Pengpai was praising Zhuge Wan'er, and he didn't forget to step on the business to win: "Old businessman, compared to the granddaughter of old Zhuge, your grandson seems to be a little far worse? No, you have another one. Forget it. Hahaha…”

Shang Ying's face was red and white, but in the end he had no choice but to say: "How many times I can reproduce, I can't give birth to the perverted genius of the Zhuge thief's family!"

Zhuge Trout laughed and said: "Low-key, low-key, it's all the genes of this old man, hahaha..."

"Old Zhuge, don't be happy so early, don't forget that there is another genius whose results have not been announced!" Liu Wuchang said with a smile.

"I remembered when you said that. Chen Mo's results haven't been announced yet!" Wang Pengpai said.

"Ha, whether it's announced or not will not affect Wan'er taking the first place in the second assessment." Shang Ying shook his head and chuckled.


That's more than 12 billion! ! !

Even if the four heavenly kings of them shot together, they may not be able to sell for so much money!

Shang Ying doesn't think Chen Mo can surpass this achievement.

"Hey, can't you say that! Chen Mo, this young man, I think it's pretty good, maybe he can surpass Wan'er?"

Zhuge Trout said so, but that proud look betrayed him.

It's just a foreshadowing, and in the end, in order to highlight the excellence of his granddaughter.

"Old Zhuge, I am very pleased that you can think so." Li Chungang said with a joking smile.


Zhuge Trout's expression changed suddenly.


"Don't you tell me... Chen Mo's grades... are better than Wan'er?"

Zhuge Trout shivered.

Liu Wuchang, Wang Pengpai and Shang Ying also looked at Li Chungang in shock.

Amid the crowd's attention, Li Chungang smiled and nodded and said, "Yes, Chen Mo's performance not only surpassed Zhuge Wan'er, but also surpassed it by more than half a star."

Having said that, Li Chungang announced Chen Mo's results:

"Chen Mo's final score is...24.524.21 million!"

boom! ! !

Li Chungang's words were like a blast of thunder, directly hitting the heads of the Four Heavenly Kings, shocking them both outside and inside!

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