Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 753 The Third Apostle [Gluttony]

Teachers are divided into senior teachers and special teachers, and naturally there are also these students.

Gong Ziyuan roughly classified and graded the students according to their colleges, college entrance examination scores, and awards they had won.

Of course, this is only a temporary rating system for websites.

If the follow-up part-time student performs well and gets more five-star praise, then his grade will be raised accordingly.

In this way, the basic grade of a college student can be calculated from his data, and then it will be put on the Internet, and the auction mechanism will be opened to parents, so that parents can bid on the Internet for high-level college students they are interested in, and the price will be awarded.

When students see that people with high grades can get so much salary, they will naturally try desperately to improve their grades and enter a virtuous circle.

Gong Ziyuan could foresee that once the parents of high school students, especially the parents of senior high school students, got used to this hierarchical system and auction system, it would definitely lead to an extraordinary auction boom!

After all, the imperial capital Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are too many rich masters.

The wealthy people are most willing to spend on education.

As for profit, Gong Ziyuan intends to take a certain amount of transaction amount from both parents and part-time students. Of course, since this project is considered a semi-public welfare, Gong Ziyuan feels that it can make ends meet.

She mainly focused on the benefits these top students brought after graduating, not the tens of dollars earned as a part-time tutor.

"If the top-ranked talents such as Dili University and Dili University can be recruited into the company in this way, then the company will be several times ahead of other peers in terms of talents alone!"

Gong Ziyuan thought secretly.

When the design was almost finished, Gong Ziyuan sent his plan directly to Ma Teng, and called Ma Teng for an in-depth discussion.

After reading this plan, Ma Teng agreed with it.

He also believes that it is a great virtue to help poor college students use their knowledge to make money and go to school!

Moreover, college students are definitely the main source of talents for Internet companies in the future!

It is no exaggeration to say that those who get college students will get the world of the Internet in the future!

"Don't worry, President Gong, teach us about technology and development." Ma Teng said respectfully.

After the plug-in incident and the tutoring network incident, Ma Teng has completely convinced himself as the boss.

It's no wonder that Yingying Yanyan, beside her boss, has so many talented, beautiful and beautiful women with backgrounds passing by, Chen Mo always keeps her original intention!

Such an excellent wife who is willing to make progress, who doesn't want it?



Golden Rice Building.

This is a 300-story skyscraper located in the most prosperous district of Baguo's capital!

At the same time, it is also the headquarters of the world's four major grain merchants "ABCD"!

The world's four largest grain merchants are multinational grain merchants with a history of more than 100 years, and control 80% of the world's grain trading volume.

In addition, they also have grain pricing power, and they have control over everything from upstream raw materials, to midstream production and processing, to downstream market supply.

How big is the influence of the four major grain merchants? It can be said that a monopoly of the entire industry chain has been implemented over the entire food and agriculture industry. One-stop control from sowing, harvesting, transportation, storage, processing, and sales, from farmland to dining table, affects the daily life of more than 7 billion people around the world.

Therefore, they are often referred to as the "hands behind the scenes" in the international grain market. They are low-key, mysterious, and powerful.

What everyone doesn't know is that the bosses of these four major grain companies are actually the same person! The so-called "four major grain merchants" who usually appear in front of people are just puppets.

At this time, the seventh apostle Anderson and the eighth apostle Calliasis came to the boss's office at the top of the Golden Rice Building early, and waited for more than three hours without a single complaint!

You must know that these two apostles themselves are from prominent families, and even the emperors of their own countries have to give three points of thin noodles.

However, even after seeing the behind-the-scenes boss of the four major grain merchants, the two of them willingly waited for 3 hours!

There is no other reason, because this person is the third apostle "Gluttony" Khadgar among the Twelve Apostles of the Foundation!

About half an hour later.

A middle-aged man with a bald head, incomparably bloated and fat, like a walking ball of meat, walked over with a smile.

The man's face was full of flesh, with three gold-encrusted teeth, ten fingers wearing expensive rings of different materials, and a cigar in his mouth.

He is the third apostle "Gluttony" Khadgar!

"Sorry, I just went to harvest a country's grain market, and I came a little late."

Khadgar smiled.

"It doesn't matter, we didn't wait long." Anderson didn't dare to say anything, after all, the gap between the two sides was too big.

"Khadgar, you should know why the Foundation brought us here, right?" Calliasis said.

"Of course, isn't it just to let the four major grain merchants join forces with you to launch a grain price war against Daxia!"

Khadgar said indifferently: "In other industries, I may not be able to do anything, but in the food industry, as long as I think about it, no country can withstand my attack!"

If anyone else said this, Anderson and Kaliasis would just scoff at it.

But from Khadgar's mouth, the two did not feel exaggerated at all.

"If you control food, you control all of humanity."

This was the motto given to Khadgar by the Twelve Gods of the Foundation when he was promoted to the third apostle.

The repeated failure to enter the Daxia market made the foundation lose its patience.

This time, the foundation intends to let the three apostles join the four major grain merchants to open the Daxia market with food, forcing Daxia to give profits to the foundation in various fields, so that they can grab money freely!

"Khadgar, I believe in your ability, but the market in this country in Daxia is very complicated. Moreover, the strength of the people in the Daxia business community is also extremely terrifying, so you are still..."

"Anderson, when did you become so timid?"

Khadgar interrupted Anderson's speech impatiently, and said disdainfully:

"The four major grain companies in my hands not only have a high degree of monopoly of the entire industry chain, but also have a series of superb futures and other economic speculation skills, and have the right to set global grain prices!"

"No one, not even the twelve main gods of the Foundation, dare to say that they will fight against me in the food field!"

"The food industry in Daxia is not very developed. Why do they fight me in my home court?"

"You two, just listen to my instructions! Do as I tell you!"

"I promise that within a week, the price of food in Daxia will skyrocket tenfold!!!"

After speaking, Khadgar impatiently left the office.

Anderson looked at the yellow sky outside the window of the Golden Rice Building and sighed:

"I hope so..."

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