Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 759 I Want To Be The Biggest Long-Short Duo In History

When Zhuge Wan'er heard this, her whole body was stunned.

Borrow the 1.5 trillion in her hand?

Well, with the fluttering word "borrow", I want to take such a huge sum of money from her!

You know, if the money is not enough, even the Zhuge family, one of the Four Heavenly Kings, will go bankrupt!

"Chen Mo, are you playing with me?" Zhuge Wan'er said angrily.

"I'm not kidding, I really want to borrow this money from you." Chen Mo said helplessly.

"Okay, then tell me what you want to do with the money? Also, if you take the money, what will I use to complete the third assessment? How can you guarantee that you can pay me back?"

Zhuge Wan'er was repeatedly tortured by her soul.

"It's inconvenient to talk on the phone, so come to my house and let's talk in person?"


Zhuge Wan'er asked for Chen Mo's address and hung up.

She would have to see, what excuse is this bad guy trying to use to defraud himself of money!

Not long after, Zhuge Wan'er drove to Chen Mo's palace.

After arriving in the living room, Zhuge Wan'er sat down on the Taishi chair that the master's house could only sit on, Erlang's legs were upturned, and he took up Chen Mo's tribute-level mother tree big red robe and rinsed his mouth.


"Chen Mo, you're having a good life! The palace is all over!"

"I'm just wondering, you are so rich, why do you care about my three melons and dates?"

Zhuge Wan'er said with a strange yin and yang air.

"The palace has been mortgaged. All my house, car, land, company, etc., are all mortgaged."

Chen Mo smiled and pushed the mortgage certificate to Zhuge Wan'er.

Zhuge Wan'er took a look at it in disbelief.

It's actually true! ! !

"Are you crazy? For an assessment, you mortgaged all your assets?!" Zhuge Wan'er said in disbelief.

These mortgages, one month's interest is astronomical! ! !

Entering the Elder Pavilion and becoming a member of the Elder Pavilion has many advantages, but it is not good enough to fight for your life!

"I not only mortgaged the assets, but also borrowed one trillion yuan from the old pavilion." Chen Mo put the loan certificate of the old pavilion in front of Zhuge Wan'er with a smile.

Zhuge Wan'er looked at Chen Mo in surprise: "Chen Mo, what are you trying to do?!"

"I want the peaceful life of the simple Daxia people not to be disturbed, I want the evil and ugly foreign capital to be taught a lesson, and I want everyone who thinks that we can be mercenaries in Daxia to pay a painful price!"

Every time Chen Mo said a sentence, his tone increased a little!

Every time you say a word, you are two steps closer to Zhuge Wan'er!

By the end, he was already breathing heavily with excitement, and leaned over in front of Zhuge Wan'er with red eyes!

The distance between the faces of the two is less than 2 cm, and Zhuge Wan'er can even feel the frenzy emanating from Chen Mo's body!

"You... what are you trying to say?" Zhuge Wan'er shrank her neck in fear.

"I want to fight the four major grain merchants!"

Chen Mo's words are shocking!

How smart is Zhuge Wan'er, just from this sentence, she immediately understood the cause and effect.

"The four major grain merchants are going to attack Daxia?"

Zhuge Wan'er was stunned with cold sweat on her forehead.

"Well, there are indications that the four major grains are going to start a price war with Daxia." Chen Mo said solemnly: "Now the old pavilion is not prepared at all. If the four major grains are caught by surprise, I am afraid that the price of grains will skyrocket several times. , and will drive the prices of other commodities to skyrocket..."

Zhuge Wan'er was drenched in cold sweat, her delicate body trembling uncontrollably!

In history, none of the countries that have been engaged in price wars by the four major grain merchants have a good end!

In 1994, the four major grains launched a grain price war with Haiguo!

It took only three months to quickly occupy more than 80% of Haiguo's grain market share, causing Haiguo farmers to lose their jobs.

In the end, the price of rice skyrocketed tenfold in Haiguo, and even the prices of other food products soared like a rocket. Haiguo’s currency continued to depreciate internationally and eventually became waste paper. Because Haiguo people can't afford food, many people live by eating dirt biscuits, and many people are dying because of eating dirt!

In 1997, the four major grain merchants suddenly announced a ban on selling grain to the Fire Nation!

Since the Fire Nation's own land is not suitable for the production of food, the food is all imported.

On the second day after the news was released, the prices of food and related commodities soared fifteenfold!

All the people of the Fire Nation rush to buy food like crazy, for fear that there is no food to eat.

At this time, the four major grain merchants secretly colluded with the Huoguo grain merchants to secretly sell high-priced grains, making a lot of money.

In the end, Fire Nation, which was originally at a developed level, returned to extreme poverty after half a year, and all industries experienced large-scale regressions.

The worst is the wood country in 2000.

The poor wood country, in the grain war of the four major grain merchants, directly declared the country bankrupt! All citizens became refugees!

All in all, no country can gain the slightest advantage in the price war between the four major grain merchants!

"So... do you want to borrow my money and go face to face with the four major grain companies?" Zhuge Wan'er swallowed and asked with a tingling scalp.

"That's right. How? Borrow or not? I can pay a certain amount of interest. If you are lucky, the credit will be yours." Chen Mo said.

Zhuge Wan'er shook her head directly: "Chen Mo, do you think I'm an idiot? Even if it is successful, you may not be able to afford such a huge fee, right? I won't borrow it!"

Chen Mo sighed and said nothing more.

After all, a large sum of money like 1.5 trillion billion would not be easily lent to others if it was him.

"The cooperation is almost there!"

Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and looked at Zhuge Wan'er in surprise.

Zhuge Wan'er said as a matter of course: "What? Are you not allowed to contribute to the country as well?"

Chen Mo smiled with relief: "I thought I was the only one who would be so stupid."

"Hey, we're all patriotic idiots!"

After speaking, Zhuge Wan'er stood up, stretched out her hand and said with a smile:

"Comrade Chen Mo, come on together! Kill the four major grain merchants!"

Chen Mo tightly held Zhuge Wan'er's hand and said seriously: "Well, the four major grains of the dead dog!"

The two agreed to cooperate.

Zhuge Wan'er immediately called her subordinates: "All investments in the Lanxi Empire have been withdrawn, and I will use the funds for other purposes!"


hang up the phone.

Zhuge Wan'er asked, "Come on, tell me what I need to do?"

"In a few days, the four major grains will definitely spend huge sums of money to hype the world's food shortage and hype up food prices."

"At that time, you need to buy the bargains in advance of the hegemony's grain futures, be the biggest bull in history, and make a fortune!"

"I will go to the God Monkey Country and the Maoxiong Country to buy grain. When the grain price rises, I will sell the grain at a fair price and stabilize the price. As long as this month is passed, the grain of the neighboring countries will mature, and the four major grain merchants will not be able to bear it. Pressure, reduce food prices, before that, you will be the biggest short seller in history again, and then cut a piece of meat from the four major grain merchants!"

Chen Mo's eyes sparkled, and he said arrogantly:

"This time I want to be the biggest long-short giant in history, and complete the long-short double kill on the four major grains!!!"

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