Under the timely mediation of the Elder Pavilion, the official finally opened the warehouse to release the grain.

The price of food in the market fell in response.

The people finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that as long as the official action was taken, this wave of soaring food prices should be over like this.

However, the frequency of meetings in the Elder Pavilion has changed from once a day to three times a day.

"How much is the official grain stock left?" Li Chungang asked.

"According to the current distribution speed, it is estimated that it will be sold out in two days at most." Zhuge Trout said.

"What about reducing the speed of distribution?" Li Chungang asked.

"No, now people are very sensitive to food prices. A little less stock will trigger a wave of stockpiling and price increases, and the previous stock release will be all in vain." Shang Ying said.

"In other words, the price of food will still skyrocket in two days at most?" Li Chungang frowned.

"What do you want?!"

Li Chungang slammed the handle of the chair and said angrily.

Everyone trembled, and lowered their heads blushing, not daring to look at Li Chungang.

The depressing atmosphere lasted for more than ten minutes.

In these ten minutes, everyone felt like a year.

In the end, Zhuge Trout sighed and said, "Today's meeting should be dispersed first, the Four Heavenly Kings will stay, and the rest will go home."

Everyone seemed to have been granted amnesty, so they quickly anointed the soles of their feet and ran away.

After everyone left, Zhuge Trout persuaded him: "Pavilion Master, it's useless to convene high-level meetings with such a high frequency. You and I know this in my heart, why bother everyone?"

"I just can't get mad!"

"One by one, I usually want to put the name of the old pavilion on my head, for fear that the people will not know!"

"Now that something has happened, I don't even dare to let a fart!"

Li Chungang said angrily.

"It's not that I dare not let it go, it's useless to let it go!"

Liu Wuchang smiled bitterly: "Pavilion Master, now countries are in short supply of grain, and it is useless to ask anyone. Even if we buy grain from the four major grain merchants at high prices, no one will sell it!"

Shang Ying said: "Yeah, they won't sell grain unless the price rises to their satisfaction."

Li Chungang put his hand on his forehead and waved his hand with a headache: "I understand the truth, you don't need to say it. All right, let's go down, anyway, if you can't give any constructive opinions, let's go home."

The four heavenly kings looked at each other and resigned helplessly.

At this time, Li Chungang's nanny came over and asked, "Master, what would you like to have for lunch today with four dishes and one soup?"

Li Chungang raised his head and sighed: "From today onwards, all members of the Pavilion Master's Mansion will only eat one meal a day until the food prices stabilize!"

"If you don't want to, you can find me to resign."

the other side.

Golden Rice Building.

Looking at the good news coming from all over the world, Khadgar, Anderson and Kaliasis finally showed a long-lost smile on the faces of the three apostles.


Khadgar took out his treasured millennial wine to share with the two.

Anderson, who has always abstained from drinking alcohol, finally couldn't help drinking a few glasses to decompress after several days of high pressure.

"It's almost time, it's time to make our appeal to Da Xia." Anderson said impatiently.

"Well, we have been holding food for so many days, and the loss is close to 500 billion. We can't delay it any longer." Kaliasis agreed. Khadgar shook his head and chuckled, "My two brothers, why are you so impatient?"

"There is not enough food in Daxia, and the longer we delay, the more anxious they will be!"

"After two more days, we can get better prices and more benefits, isn't it?"

Khadgar has fought too many food price wars.

He naturally knew how terrifying the early losses were.

In a grain price war, he lost almost 1 trillion yuan in the early stage, and he was about to lose it.

As a result, he just gritted his teeth and persevered, and when he reached the target, he knelt down and begged him for mercy, cutting the flesh and losing money!

This time, Khadgar believes that Daxia will eventually be the result.

But Anderson didn't want to wait any longer.

"No, I can't wait any longer! The royal family of the Sunset Empire has already protested to me, and even my family thinks this price war has been going on for too long."

"In the past few days, I couldn't sleep on sleeping pills every night, and I was so stressed that I had a heart attack," Anderson said.

"The Royal Family of the Lanci Empire and the Vincent family also protested. The 'children' from all over the country continued to send letters asking me to end this price war as soon as possible. Otherwise, the world economy will be stagnant because of this, and the foundation will not benefit. On the contrary, it will hurt the vitality." Kaliasis said.

Foundations have assets all over the world.

Food prices have been at war for a long time, and these assets will change from high-quality assets to non-performing assets.

Khadgar had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Okay, hey, I'm really not reconciled, I really want to delay the collapse of the summer!"

After a pause, Khadgar took out the walkie-talkie and said:

"Children, you can start closing the net."

shortly after the message was sent.

Li Chungang received a call from the CEOs of the four major grain merchants.

Without exception, they came to discuss the issue of food prices.

Moreover, the requirements of the CEOs of the four major grain merchants are surprisingly consistent: Daxia must unblock them from investment restrictions in 234 industries including communications, finance, real estate, oil, and the Internet, so that they can hold shares in related companies in these industries. more than 50%.

At the same time, the CEOs of the four major grain merchants also requested that they apply for 231 exemptions from various taxes and fees for the industries they will invest in next.

It is also necessary to give priority to providing high-quality commercial land, priority power supply, priority water supply and so on.

Li Chungang scolded directly before he finished listening: "Do you want to eat shit?! Get out!!!"

The CEOs of the four major grain merchants were not in a hurry. They all laughed and said, "Master Li, you have two days to think about it. After two days, if we don't get a satisfactory answer, the price of grain will continue to rise."

Li Chungang felt a chill in his heart.

He knew that the four major grain merchants knew that the food in Daxia was only enough to sell for two days.

Two days passed in a flash.

On this day, in desperation, Li Chungang made all the staff anxious again and held a meeting.

He briefly described the demands of the CEOs of the four major grain merchants.

The high-level people are all fried when they hear it!

"This is Chi Guoguo's money grab!"

"It's more than just stealing money, it's even taking up our old nest!"

"If you want to invest in Daxia, you have to talk about Daxia's rules! While you come to make Daxia's money, you also want to talk and talk, and be a high-ranking uncle, I bah!!!"


Li Chungang said solemnly: "Don't talk about so many useless things. Today's grain has been sold out. If you don't give an answer to the four major grain merchants tomorrow, the price of grain will continue to rise!"

"At that time, what will happen, think about it for yourself!!!"

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