"Anderson, what do you mean?" Khadgar's fat big-faced plate, with a fat fold like a Shar Pei, shook particularly violently under anger.

"It's nothing interesting, I'm just tired and don't want to take risks." Anderson said lightly.

"You clearly don't trust me! Do you think I can't win Chen Mo's mere big summer?" Khadgar said dissatisfied.

"If you think so, I can't help it." Anderson said.

In fact, Anderson was reluctant to admit it, he just had a strong hunch... Chen Mo would win!

This sixth sense has saved Anderson many times.

This time, Anderson decided to trust his sixth sense.

"Anderson, the foundation named Anderson as the third apostle, the controller of the world's granary, and will never be easily defeated by a mere Daxia person."

Since Kaliasis chose to persevere, he naturally wanted to pull Anderson together, which would have a better chance of winning.

"I said, it's not that I don't believe it, it's just that I don't want to take any more risks. The loss of the family is too great, and I can't play this money game anymore." Anderson smiled bitterly.

"Okay! I'll sign with you!"

Khadgar saw that Anderson was determined to quit, and knew that it was useless to persuade him.

He had the agreement printed and signed by both parties.

"Anderson, just wait and see, I will definitely win this battle!!!"

"When the time comes, I hope you won't be jealous of the profits we have grabbed!"

Khadgar slapped the agreement on the table and snorted coldly.

Anderson silently picked up the agreement and read it over, then sat aside to drink.

From the moment the agreement was signed, Anderson had officially withdrawn from the game, being a participant and a bystander.

Winning or losing has nothing to do with him.

Khadgar picked up the walkie-talkie and said solemnly:

"Give me the remaining funds to concentrate and increase the speed of scanning goods by 10 times!!!"

The CEOs of the four major grain merchants looked at each other.

They knew that Khadgar was in a hurry, and he was going to break the boat and launch a general attack.

The outcome depends on this wave!


at the same time.

Merchant Villa.

Shang Ying doesn't go to work every day now. Apart from eating and sleeping, he has been following the battle between the four major grain merchants and Chen Mo 24 hours a day.

"This kid is really reckless, he's almost out of stock, and he dares to clamor with the four major grain merchants like this."

Shang Ying couldn't help but admire.

If it is a business win, I am afraid that from the beginning, a conservative sales strategy will be adopted to extend the sales cycle and allow the goods in their hands to sell for a few more days.

But looking at it now, doing that will only let the four major grain merchants know that the supply of goods in their hands is insufficient, in exchange for a stormy attack!

Chen Mo's approach is the optimal solution, and it is also the one that can best attack the opponent.

But this approach is too risky, one careless will ruin the family, ordinary people, even a king like him would not dare to use it!

"If my business has such a good man, why can't he rise up..."

Shang Ying sighed.

At this moment, Shang Li came over with a smile on his face.

"Grandpa, I have good news for you!"

"Clang clang clang ~~~~"

Shang Li tossed a check and swayed ostentatiously in front of Shang Ying.

Shang Ying wondered, "What is this?"

He took it over and took a look, the numbers above shocked Shang Ying!

I saw that 100 billion was written on this check! ! !

"Where did you get this check from?"

Shang Ying was not happy for the first time, or proud of Shang Li, but asked sharply.

According to Shang Ying's arrangement, Shang Li has been working on a chip project during this time. Of course, it is a relatively low-end chip project. Drawings, assembly lines, etc. are all ready-made. It only needs to invest money and can be produced immediately.

Then sell it to poorer countries and make a small profit.

In this way, Shang Li doesn't need to borrow money from the Elder Pavilion, and can make a lot of contributions only by relying on the resources of the merchant.

It is a steady operation.

But since last week, Shang Li people disappeared and appeared again, suddenly holding a check of 100 billion...

Shang Ying knew his grandson too well.

He simply has no ability to make 100 billion in a week!

"Grandpa, don't worry, the money is coming from the right way!"

Shang Li smiled.


Shang Ying's expression softened a little after hearing this: "Tell grandpa, how did you make this money?"

Shang Li smiled and said: "I cooperate with the employees of the four major grain merchants who are assigned to Daxia, buy the grain they want to burn at a low price, and then transport it to a poor country to sell it at a high price to earn the difference."

Shang Ying: "..."

The smile on his face suddenly froze.

"Grandpa, the employees of the four major grain merchants eat a lot of money, I just eat some soup, and they are secretly doing this without the company.

The countries where I sell goods are also those very poor countries that don’t even have a phone booth. You can rest assured that the news can’t get out. "

Shang Li said with a smile.

"Chen Mo has been fighting a price war with the four major grain merchants in the past two days. I am called the snipe and clam to compete for the fisherman's profit! Haha, I made 100 billion in 7 days, beautiful..."

Snapped! ! !

However, before Shang Li could finish speaking, Shang Ying slapped him in the face.

Shang Li covered his face and looked at Shang Ying in astonishment: "Grandpa, you... why are you hitting me?"

"You...you bastard bastard!!!"

Shang Ying blushed angrily and roared:

"Who asked you to cooperate with the four major grain merchants?!"

"How dare you earn this kind of unconscionable money?!!"

"If this were placed in ancient times, you would be slaughtered, do you know that?! Ah!!"

Shang Ying was about to be pissed off by Shang Li!

For the sake of the country and the people, Chen Mo is fighting a price war with the four major grain merchants.

Good business!

Cooperate with the worms of the four major grain companies to make such unconscionable money!

To put it harshly, this is a fucking traitor!

Although Shang Ying fully agrees with the statement "no profiteers, no business", it is a matter of bottom line and principle not to co-operate with foreign capital to take money from Daxia people!

Although Shang Li's practice is not illegal, as the grandson of the Four Heavenly Kings, once someone finds out that he has done such a thing, he must be scolded to death by the common people!

"You quickly cut off your cooperation with that group of foreigners. Donate this money to charity organizations. During this time, you are honestly messing with your chips. You are not allowed to mess around anymore, do you hear?!" Shang Ying shouted angrily.

"heard it."

Shang Li said in a low voice with dissatisfaction.

He didn't understand, he was just being a second-order trafficker, and he didn't break the law. Why was his grandfather so angry?

If you don't let me do it, I won't do it?

There is no reason not to earn the white money in front of you?

In fact, Shang Li wanted to discuss with Shang Ying. He wanted to take advantage of Chen Mo's price war with the four major grain merchants to snipe Chen Mo's company stock.

But looking at Shang Ying's attitude, he probably wouldn't agree.

Shang Li didn't dare to say anything.

He intends to do this quietly, first behead and then play!

"Chen Mo, I want to take advantage of your illness and kill you!"

Shang Li thought secretly.

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