When Zhuge Wan'er woke up, she was confused for a while.

Her vision gradually became clear, and she found that Chen Mo was wrapped in gauze, half of his face was wrapped tightly, and he was lying beside his hospital bed tiredly.

next moment.

Zhuge Wan'er screamed!


She endured the severe pain that was torn everywhere on her body, and she opened the quilt and was about to get out of bed and run out.

"what are you doing?!"

Chen Mo stopped her.

"Let go of me!!! I'm going to Balzaha's house!!! I only hit 158! Let me go and finish it!!!"

Zhuge Wan'er struggled.

"It's useless, the bet has failed, and you won't recognize it if you go back."

"What's more, those 158 heads almost made you die!"

"Even if Balzaha is willing to let you continue to knock, I will not let you go back."

Chen Mo said softly.

Chen Mo couldn't bear any anger at the girl in front of him who dared to exchange his life for food.

"Then...then what to do..."

Zhuge Wan'er cried anxiously, and sat on the bed at a loss, her hands wrapped in gauze kept wiping her tears.

"Yes... I'm sorry... I'm useless... I'm too weak..."

"Just... 158 knocks..."


Chen Mo hugged Zhuge Wan'er and comforted her softly, "It's okay, you have done your best, we are all watching."

"You are a hero, the hero of Daxia!"

Leng Feng, Fan Tianlei, and He Chenguang, the three strong men, couldn't help but secretly wiped away their tears.

In the eyes of the three, Zhuge Wan'er was just a child! ! !

If you don't want to sell food, it's fine to simply refuse. Why would you hurt her with such a vicious damage? !

"I'm going to kill Balzaha!!!"

He Chenguang was about to leave.


Leng Feng grabbed He Chenguang's wrist and scolded: "Being fooled! What can I do if I kill Balzaha? Don't forget that the boss and Miss Wan'er are still dominating the country! Do you want to kill them?"

He Chenguang was discouraged, and stood to the side with his head down, without saying a word.

This feeling of wanting to help, but having nothing to do, really makes his Chinese characters so uncomfortable! ! !

Unfortunately, this time it was a price war.

No matter how high their martial arts skills are, these warriors are useless.

"There's still a day left, you can rest here, I'll just go to another supplier." Chen Mo comforted: "Okay, I'm leaving, you are here to recover."

Zhuge Wan'er pursed her lips and nodded obediently.

Chen Mo took Leng Feng out of the hospital and let He Chenguang and Fan Tianlei take care of him in the hospital.

"Boss, the supply of other suppliers... can really solve the problem this time?" Leng Feng didn't ask until he left the hospital's door.

The largest supplier of the four major grain merchants is Balzaha.

Other suppliers are three or two kittens and puppies, and the amount of supply is simply not enough.

Chen Mo sighed and said, "A dead horse should be a living horse doctor."

On this day, Chen Mo and Leng Feng traveled almost all over the hegemonic country.

All the suppliers of the four major grain merchants have been searched.

They even found suppliers from other grain companies.

But as soon as the other party heard that Chen Mo was from Daxia, he didn't even ask about the price and identity, so he refused directly.

I didn't even give Chen Mo a chance to meet!

Later, Chen Mo spent a lot of money to bribe a housekeeper of a supplier, and this was the inside story:

"Now, no matter who any supplier dares to sell food to Daxia, no matter who it sells to, it will be treated as a traitor to a hegemonic country."

After getting this news, Chen Mo suddenly fell into great despair. Capitalists are willing to risk money for money.

But knowing that making this money will definitely kill you, then the situation is different.

Until night, Chen Mo and Leng Feng dragged their tired bodies back to the hospital.

"How's it going? Have you bought any food?"

Zhuge Wan'er asked impatiently.

Looking at Zhuge Wan'er's expectant gaze, Chen Mo shook his head with a wry smile.

"Then... what about tomorrow?"

Half of Zhuge Wan'er's face wrapped in gauze was pale.

"If you take it out of this matter, it's like you never participated in it."

Chen Mo said earnestly, "I will take all the responsibilities myself!"

Zhuge Wan'er refused excitedly: "No! We have to carry it together!"

"You paid so much for Da Xia, how can I let you carry it all alone?"

"Besides, this matter is indeed caused by the two of you and I!"

"Why should I take myself out?"

Chen Mo: "Listen, Wan'er, it's not over yet."

"I will transfer the money in my hand to you in a legal form."

"In this way, you can have at least 4 trillion assets in your hands."

"Next, it's up to you to fight against the four major grain merchants."

Zhuge Wan'er shook her head, showing the attitude of her little daughter's house in front of Chen Mo for the first time.

Her eyes were rosy and tears were falling down one by one.

"Chen Mo, I...I don't want to..."

"The pressure is too much... I can't bear it..."

"Can I go back and find my grandfather to find a way?"

"Don't carry it alone... okay?"

Chen Mo patted Zhuge Wan'er on the shoulder and comforted her softly, "When things get up like this, someone will always come out and take responsibility."

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die. I'll end up in prison for ten or eight years."

Zhuge Wan'er cried and lay on Chen Mo's shoulder: "Why is this..."

"Obviously it was the evil done by the four major grain merchants..."

"Why do you have to bear it!!!"

Leng Feng couldn't help but persuade: "Boss, or... you don't go back... Any country you want to go to is fine, and you should avoid the limelight first."

Chen Mo snorted coldly: "Do you want me to betray Da Xia?"

Leng Feng shook his head: "This is not a betrayal, it is just a strategic risk aversion."

Chen Mo: "I ran away, what about my parents? What about my friends? What will Daxia people think of them?"

"Leng Feng, it's a pity that you are still the former captain of the Wolf Warriors!!!"

"How can you teach me to avoid responsibility?"

Leng Feng: "But, boss..."

Chen Mo waved his hand: "There's nothing good about it. Besides, how do you know that I will definitely go to jail? What if you just fine me some money?"

"Think about it better!"

Everyone was silent.

The trouble is so big, the four major grain merchants have lost several trillion, and they will definitely double the terms with the patriarchate in the future.

Under such circumstances, how could the Elder Pavilion forgive Chen Mo lightly?

this night.

Leng Feng, Fan Tianlei, He Chenguang and Zhuge Wan'er all fell asleep.

On the contrary, Chen Mo slept very sweetly.

It seems that he has seen everything and has nothing on his mind.

When it was just dawn, a group of people came to the airport and boarded the plane to fly back to Daxia...

"Mr Chen, please wait!"


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