Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 790 Another One

Hanging up the phone, Chen Mo couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, it's really unfortunate that people get stuck in their teeth when they drink cold water!

Chen Mo has already made a plan to pay 60 billion to Madha, but he didn't expect this guy to give him money!

It is inappropriate for him not to charge this money!

At this moment, Chen Mo's phone rang, and it was Zhuge Wan'er.


Zhuge Wan'er's voice is as quirky as ever, with a willfulness and arrogance that other women can never imitate.

"As for the company, I just got off the phone with Sancai Boy. Do you have anything to do with me?" Chen Mo said.

"What? You have to have something to come to you? You didn't have this attitude when you asked me to cooperate with you before, and now you turn your face and don't recognize anyone after you're done?" Zhuge Wan'er teased.

"Come on, is there something wrong?" Chen Mo asked.

"Come to my room." Zhuge Wan'er said.

Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment: "This... is not good, in broad daylight..."

"You're almost done! Do you want Hongxing Real Estate? Don't let me hang up!"

"Hey, hey, I want it, I want it! You wait for me, I'll be there soon!"


In the room, Zhuge Wan'er was holding a HelloKitty doll, her right hand was beating wildly!

"Kill your heartless bastard to death!"

"Kill you to death, hammer you to death!"

"Let you have something to do, Zhong Wuyan, and nothing to Xia Yingchun!!!"


When Chen Mo rushed over in a hurry, this was what he saw.

And the part where Zhuge Wan'er was beating made Chen Mo's crotch cold.

On the way here, Chen Mo had already communicated with He Chaoling, but the answer given by He Chaoling was that there was no difference, and the other party was still rushing to grab Hongxing's chips.

Coupled with Zhuge Wan'er's angry look, Chen Mo suddenly became suspicious.

"Don't you lie to me and want to beat me up?" Chen Mo said.

Zhuge Wan'er snorted softly, took out the notebook that was as heavy as a brick, and threw it in front of Chen Mo: "See for yourself!"

Chen Mo picked up the notebook and began to check it.

At this time, it is the trading time of Hong Kong stocks.

On the disk, Hongxing's share price has now been pushed to 210 yuan after Chen Mo entered the market to grab chips.

This share price is definitely a super high premium, far exceeding the price that Hongxing Real Estate should have.

So now, Hongxing's stock price is very watery.

On this point, many domestic media are reporting frantically, and some institutions have marked the risk level of Hongxing as the highest level. As a result, investors dare not hold Hongxing's shares at all.

The data in Chen Mo's eyes is that Hongxing's trading volume today is a little bigger than usual, which is also normal.

After all, investors are afraid that the premium is too high, so selling is the best choice.

And most of these dumped stocks have flowed into the hands of Chen Mo and unknown opponents, and a small part has flowed into the hands of some institutions that are not afraid of death.

"I didn't see anything unusual." Chen Mo said.

Zhuge Wan'er poked at the other web pages on the computer screen: "That's because you haven't been staring at it all the time. I've been staring at you for the past few days for this unscrupulous bastard!" Chen Mo heard that and opened Zhuge Wan'er. those pages.

These pages are all domestic well-known financial media.

And the dates are all these days.

Unsurprisingly, these news are all warning investors that Hongxing's share price has been overpriced and the risk is particularly high. Investors and institutions are advised to buy cautiously.

However, despite such overwhelming bad news, Hongxing's stock price has been rising steadily!

This is so weird!

"You're right, something really happened. The other party wants an opponent." Chen Mo nodded.

Zhuge Wan'er: "These news should all be smoke bombs released by your opponents."

"He wants to brew a tense atmosphere and lower the psychological defense of all investors."

"Then at a critical moment, with a big negative, suddenly sell a lot of money!"

"What will happen at this time?"

Chen Mo said with a light smile: "A dam is already full of water, or even overflowing. At this time, a little crack is enough to destroy the entire dam! As a result, it naturally fell like a cliff, and the red Xing's entire market has been smashed!"

Zhuge Wan'er nodded: "That's right, Daxia's investors always buy up and not down, once the stock price falls off a cliff, coupled with the bad news that has been brewing for so long a few days ago, no one will buy Hongxing's stock again. , then Hongxing is over."

Chen Mo: "At this time, if the other party is short, then they can get out of the market with a big profit. If they want to control the market, they can also accumulate chips at a low price. When they have enough chips, they can directly launch an acquisition of Hongxing. !"

"Well, this hand is really beautiful. It can be attacked and defended."

"If it wasn't for your alliance to win the price war ahead of time, I'm afraid I really wouldn't be able to keep Hongxing."

If Chen Mo's money is still in the food, then once the opponent attacks, he will lose everything!

Zhuge Wan'er laughed jokingly: "I have three trillion in my hand, but you have at least one trillion, right?"

"The two of us together, even a hegemonic country's stock market can be upside down!"

"I really feel sad for this opponent of yours. What kind of unlucky person must be able to choose to snipe you before we return the money to the family and the patriarchate?"

Chen Mo also smiled helplessly and said, "This is another boy who sells money."

at the same time.

The Li Family Villa in Hong Kong City.

Shang Li looked at the dense data on the computer screen, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Young Master Shang, is the time coming?" Li Cheng asked excitedly.

Shang Li stood proudly with his hands on his back: "Well, my layout has been completed!"

"Chen Mo should have been beaten by the four major grain merchants now and can't fight back."

"We made a sudden move. He had no money and energy, so he could only watch Hongxing being swallowed up by us!"

Li Cheng's eyes lit up, and said happily: "Okay! Finally, I can make Chen Mo shriveled!"

Li Yiji shook his head and said, "It's more than just being deflated!"

"If we smashed Hongxing's deal, we can use the money we earned from Hongxing to continue smashing the deals of other Chen Mo companies!"

"Smashed one by one! One by one destroyed!"

"The taste of falling from heaven to the bottom of the valley must be tasted by Chen Mo!"

Shang Li, Li Cheng, and Li Yiji looked at each other, and then laughed happily.

As everyone knows, what they think is the fish on the plate has already opened its bloody mouth...

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