Reborn Rich To Rival Country

Chapter 799 Establishment Of The Fifth Largest Grain Company

the next day.

After nearly a month and a half of skyrocketing international food prices, the four major grain merchants finally asked the media to speak out: "The crisis of grain production reduction has passed, and now the four major grain merchants have sufficient supplies."

The translation means: We have too much food here, and we have to reduce the price.

Sure enough, after the four major grain merchants spoke out, international grain prices fell.

From 10 times the original price, it was first cut in half to 5 times, and after a day, it was cut in half again, and it was not finished until the original price was reduced, and finally the price was reduced to one-third of the original price.

Such an incredible price cut can't help but make everyone stunned and ask, what is going on.

At this time, an employee of one of the four major grain merchants posted a post on the Internet, which caused a sensation among people all over the world!

The post said that the four major grain merchants cut prices this time, not because the food crisis is over, but because they lost more than 3 trillion in blood in the price war against Daxia. Once it comes down, the old grains in the hands of the four major grain merchants will be rotten in their hands, so they can only deal with them at low prices.

"No, the blood loss is more than 3 trillion? My God!"

"Is Daxia so strong? Isn't it still a poor country?"

"Aren't these four oligarchs of the hegemonic country victorious in every battle? What's the situation?"

In the post, the employee of the four major grain merchants roughly described the price war between the four major grains and Chen Mo.

In order to enter the Daxia market, the four major grain merchants first covered up their goods and hyped up the international grain prices of major grains such as wheat and corn, causing them to continue to rise. The increase in wheat was 13.4 times, and the increase in corn was 13.2 times.

The drastic changes in international food prices caused panic in most countries, and even some countries started to experience widespread famine due to their backwardness.

When the world is in deep water, what will happen to the food prices in Daxia?

On a year-on-year basis, the price of summer wheat has only risen by 0.2 times, and the price of corn has not even risen!

The reason why this phenomenon occurs is entirely because of one person - the legendary stock god of Daxia, white-Dragon, White Dragon King Chen Mo!

Every time the four major grain merchants create the illusion that the supply is in short supply, Chen Mo makes up for the shortfall by distributing a large amount of goods. In order to maintain the situation of food shortage, the four major grain merchants have to buy a large amount of grain again at a high price, but Chen Mo sells the grain again. To make up the gap, from one toss per month to one toss of half, and finally to one toss every three days, one toss every two days, and one toss a day!

The grain is constantly thrown out, and it has continuously absorbed the funds of the four major grain merchants, and also absorbed the confidence of these four giants in cooking grain. Finally, I heard that Chen Mo still has a trillion catties of grain in his hands. Shang was immediately stunned, so he had to stop his stupid behavior, stopped the price war in embarrassment, and quickly sold grain to make up for the funding gap.

"This time Chen Mo's success in the four major grain price wars not only restored the grain price in Daxia, but also brought the international grain price to a minimum of ten years of calm!"

"Although I am an employee of the four major grain merchants, I sincerely thank Chen Mo."

"It is said that Chen Mo mortgaged his entire net worth for this price war, and even ventured into the hegemonic country to borrow food. He was seriously injured and almost died in the hegemonic country!"

"He is the hero of Daxia and the hero of the world!"

This post was retweeted by various countries on the same day, and the number of views quickly exceeded 1 billion!

The poor people of countless countries are in

And when this post spread to Daxia, it caused an even bigger sensation!

"No wonder Hongxing Supermarket has been selling grains at low prices every day for more than a month. It turns out that Chen Mo is fighting a price war with the four major grain merchants!"

"I'm so touched! If I lose, Chen Mo will go bankrupt. If I was so rich, I would never take this risk."

"I paid attention to him in the past when the Hong Kong stock market rescued the market. I didn't expect that when I saw his name on the Internet again, it was actually in this way. He is indeed my idol!"

"If there is no Chen Mo, how much will the domestic food price rise? I'm afraid I can only eat one meal a day."

"Eat a meal? Let me tell you, once the price of food skyrockets to that point, the price of all other commodities will go up to the point where your scalp tingles! In that case, you might even starve to death! If you don't know what happened to the Fire Nation and the Earth Nation when the food prices skyrocketed, you can check it online!"

"That's right upstairs, although this silent battle didn't cause us much loss, or even how much we feel, that's because the White Dragon King, the big business man, is silently solving the crisis and the storm for us! There is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the load for you."

As soon as this reply came out, it immediately resonated with the whole network, and the whole network was frantically swiping for Chen Mo! ! !

"How can the years be quiet, but someone is carrying the load for you!"

"How can the years be quiet, but someone is carrying the load for you!"


the other side.

He Chaoling knocked on the door and entered Chen Mo's office.

"Boss, the brand new company you asked me to register has been completed."

Saying that, He Chaoling put a stack of documents in front of Chen Mo.

On the cover of the first page of the document is written: Hongxing Grain Company!

He Chaoling couldn't contain the excitement in her heart at this time.

From the very beginning, He Chaoling was coerced by Chen Mo to be his secretary, He Chaoling has been looking for an opportunity - an opportunity to leave Chen Mo and return to freedom.

After going through so many things with Chen Mo, He Chaoling no longer has the slightest resentment for the man she admired.

Today, when He Chaoling learned that Chen Mo was going to register a grain company, her inner shock was like a volcanic eruption! ! ruthless!

Too cruel! ! !

Let the four major grain merchants lose three trillion, and this is not the end, Chen Mo actually dares to reach out to the base camp of these four oligarchs, and go directly to the den of the four oligarchs to grab meat and eat! ! !

After Chen Mo read the document, he nodded with satisfaction, and then ordered:

"Pass my order, and immediately let people buy cheap grain sold by the four major grain merchants. Eat about half of the amount."

"After a while, new grains are produced in China, and some new grains will be purchased into the warehouse."

He Chaoling: "Yes!!!"

the same day.

The news of the establishment of Hongxing Food Group has spread from Daxia to countries all over the world!

Chen Mo's name is reflected in the eyes of the people of the world for the second time!

And Anderson, after seeing the news, covered his heart and put on a mask of pain.

"Son of a bitch!!!"

"The four major grain merchants are actually weak, and they reached out to the nest of the four major grain merchants!!!"

"And it's a company made from cheaply sold grain from the four major grain merchants!"

Kaliasis said with a wry smile: "According to the information from the children, the size of Chen Mo's Hongxing Grain Company is almost the same as that of Duff Grain Company, which ranks fourth among the four major grain merchants."

"From then on, when people mention the grain giants again, it is not the four major grain merchants, but the five major grain merchants!"

"What?!" Anderson's eyes widened, his body trembling!

Five major grain merchants? !

It's only been a month and a half! ! !

Chen Mo actually not only defeated the four major grain merchants in the price war, but even established the fifth largest grain merchant in the world? ! ! !


"How can he have so much money?!" Anderson asked in confusion.

"Hongxing Grain Merchant Group, Chen Mo only holds 30% of the shares, and the remaining 70% is held by the state." Kaliasis said.

"The state holds 70% of the shares? Is Chen Mo an idiot? He's lost his patriotic love? If he has money and doesn't make money, do you really think he is a shitty patriotic hero?!" Anderson said in exasperation.

In this case, setting up a grain company is simply a money printing machine!

Make sure you don't lose!

But Chen Mo, actually only took 30% of the shares, and the rest of the shares were all given to the state!

Passionate about patriotism? !

But Anderson cursed, but his heart was sour.

Why doesn't the Sunset Empire have such excellent and patriotic young people!

If there were more young people like Chen Mo who gave benefits to the country, why couldn't the Sunset Empire rise up? !

At the same time, the God Monkey Kingdom.

Madha and Draco were being hanged on a cross and whipped by the family at this time.

The day after the two smart people bought 50 million catties of grain from Chen Mo's hands at a high price, they were preparing to sell a wave of grain at a high price and earn a lot of money.


The four major grain merchants announced price cuts!

Cut in half and cut in half, continue to cut in half, and finally, the price of food has dropped to one-third of the original price!

Two big smart, people are stupid!

Madha suddenly realized why Chen Mo was so anxious to complete the transaction.

He must have expected the price of food to drop! ! !

I've been fooled by Chen Mo again! ! !

Well now, 50 million catties of grain are either sold at a low price or rotten in their hands, and the hearts of Madha and Draco are heartbroken.

In addition, the two owed too much money to the bank and the family, and they were directly sentenced to the special whipping punishment of the God Monkey Kingdom.

At this time, the temperature in the God Monkey Country was as high as 50 degrees, and the scorching sun was shining on Madha, which made him in a trance, not to mention the 100 whippings every day!

"Chen Mo, you cheated on me!!! I won't let you go!!!"

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