Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1097 Constantine’s dissatisfaction

After the hustle and bustle of the day, Wang Ye and Rosiana sent the distinguished guests to the car together and waved goodbye.

If it were an ordinary couple getting married, there would be no need to do this. It would be enough for family members to help see off the guests. But they are different. After all, most of the guests come for their own sake, so the two of them must also go there in person. see a visitor out.

Their families cannot replace them...

Until the last car was sent away, the two of them took a long breath in unison, their originally straight waists bent down, and when they looked at each other, they both laughed.

"I didn't expect getting married to be so tiring. I feel like my cheeks are sore from smiling." Wang Ye said, rubbing his cheeks.

Rosiana even threw aside the high heels on her feet and stepped barefoot on the red carpet laid on the steps. It was extremely comfortable.

Now that there are no outsiders, the two of them don't have to be nervous anymore. This is their own home, so they can do whatever makes them feel comfortable.

However, they could only relax for a short while. They would have to be busy when they returned to the hall.

The guests have all left, but there are still "family members". Of course, the less important family members have also been settled. Only a few important people are still there, like Constantine from Rosiana's side. , adoptive father, Hovchenko from Wang Ye's side, they haven't left yet, and they obviously still have some things to say to the newlyweds.

After resting for two minutes, Wang Ye and Rosiana returned to the main building lobby.

Hovchenko, Konstantin, and his adoptive father were sitting on the sofa drinking tea and chatting. When they saw the two coming in, they waved them over.

After Wang Ye and Rosiana sat down, Constantine took the lead and said with a smile:

"Misha, your wedding today is really grand. It is estimated that hundreds of millions of people around the world watched your wedding live broadcast. This is the most watched wedding in history. I wonder if there will be others in the future. The wedding can surpass you, but I guess there won’t be any more.”

He spoke with pride on his face.

This is also the glory of their Romanov family. Maybe when the family was most glorious in the past, the Tsar's wedding was not as grand as it is today!

After all, there was no live TV or Internet broadcast at that time, so even if someone was as noble as the Tsar, the number of guests who could watch the ceremony at the wedding was probably only a thousand people. Ordinary people at most knew that the Tsar was getting married, but what exactly was a wedding? It looked like no one could see it, and it was certainly incomparable to Wang Ye's wedding today.

Hovchenko also said with emotion: "Today's technology is really advanced. In addition to live TV broadcasts, I saw that the impact of this wedding is actually greater on the Internet! Including major portals, search engines, and Facebook On social media like this, everyone is discussing Misha’s wedding. In the past, it would have been unimaginable to have such a huge influence.”

In fact, there was a push behind the explosion on the Internet. Wang Ye did not personally instruct it. Rosiana's campaign team and her family should have done some work behind the scenes.

One of the reasons why this wedding is held at this time is to build momentum for Rosiana's election!

That’s why it spreads so widely on the Internet and is known to so many people.

So far, the effect is quite good, and it is far easier to be accepted by young people than the kind of publicity that Rosiana usually accepts interviews on TV.

Hearing Hovchenko's words, the adoptive father was also quite touched.

He sighed: "Yes, technology is developing so fast now, especially the Internet.

A few years ago, who would have thought that the Internet could develop to the extent it has today? I even heard that many newspapers and magazines are facing bankruptcy because most people no longer buy newspapers and magazines when they want to read news, but read it directly on the Internet. .

News on the Internet is updated in real time, and there are all kinds of news in a wide variety of categories, and more importantly, they are all free!

This is indeed a dimensionality reduction blow to traditional newspapers and magazines.

Even when I look at this general election, several candidates like Rosiana have begun to promote it on the Internet, and the effect seems to be pretty good.

However, Meddev and Gryzlov are still a bit too traditional and have too fixed ideas. They are not as good as Rosiana in this regard. "

There is something in this. Obviously, Rosiana's campaign team has been hyping her wedding to Wang Ye on the Internet these days to build momentum for her election. It must not be hidden from the Kremlin.

In addition, as the adoptive father said, Grezlov and Meddev are still a bit old-fashioned in their thinking.

At the beginning, I really didn’t pay attention to online publicity. Instead, I followed the rules and did TV interviews, soft articles in magazines and newspapers, and local promotions.

But in the past two days, they must have seen how strong Rosiana's publicity on the Internet was and how effective it was, so they came to their senses and hurriedly increased their investment in publicity on the Internet.

However, almost the entire Russian Internet is under the control of Wang Ye, so he did not come forward to express his support for Rosiana, but Rosiana still took a big advantage!

After all, this is the boss lady of Facebook, MAIL.RU, YANDEX and other Russian Internet giant companies. No one needs to say anything. The editors of the following websites should also know how to do it...

As for Meddev and Grezlov, if they want to promote on these websites, they must either spend money to promote hard, or find ways to write soft articles.

However, both methods have considerable drawbacks.

If you spend money to make a hard push, the advertising fees required will be sky-high. These Internet giants are not lenient at all when they want to increase their prices. No matter who you are, whether you are the General Secretary of the Government or the Speaker of the Duma, the advertising fees will be as much as you need!

Then try to find a way for the team to write soft articles for promotion. Firstly, the effect may not meet expectations, and secondly, you may also face the review and traffic limit of the website...

After all, you didn’t pay any money, and you want to use the traffic of the website, so it’s no wonder that the website can give you a good look...

Therefore, through this period of Internet hype, Rosiana, who was originally at a disadvantage in the competition, actually caught up with Meddev and Grezlov in the latest public support survey, and even had faint signs of catching up from behind. !

This made my adoptive father full of emotions and couldn't help but mention it.


Rosiana smiled slightly, but did not explain or say anything more.

Since the Kremlin publicly stated that it would support Meddev's participation in the election, her relationship with the Kremlin has been far worse than before.

After all, the two of them are not related by blood. When facing major interests, it is natural to consider personal interests first.

Constantine glanced at his granddaughter and Wang Ye, laughed, and then said:

"Yes, this is the advantage of young people, they are flexible and quick to accept new things!

I think that in this ever-changing new century, if we want our country to not fall too far behind other countries, we need more outstanding young people like Misha and Rosiana to step forward and shoulder important responsibilities. Come.

In their hands, this country can have better development and a better future!

If there were always a bunch of brainless old men on stage, like me, haha...

Then the future of this country is worrying. "

The meaning behind his words was a bit sinister, and he was obviously dissatisfied with the Kremlin's attitude towards this election.

Two years ago, Constantine thought that if his granddaughter participated in the general election, she would definitely get the dual support of Misha and the Kremlin. As long as the support rate among the people did not overturn, it would be easy to win the election!

But the real election was about to begin, and the Kremlin actually introduced a new candidate to compete with Rosiana. How could he not be angry?

Of course, the adoptive father also heard the meaning of Constantine's words and frowned slightly.

Wang Ye felt that the atmosphere was a bit subtle, so he quickly smoothed things over with a smile:

"Today is my and Rosiana's special day. We don't talk about official business. We are usually busy working every day. Let's not talk about work today.

By the way, when it comes to the Internet, I think this is a big trend.

Not only in the aspect of news promotion, traditional channels will be replaced by the Internet. In fact, there are many, many industries that will even face the impact of the Internet in the future.

But this is also a good opportunity for some industries and even countries to overtake in corners!

Just like shopping, although stores, department stores, and newer shopping malls still account for the largest share of the entire retail market, Internet shopping has begun to rise. It should be possible to see that the United States, which is at the forefront of the Internet, , e-commerce platforms such as Amazon have reached considerable scale and are beginning to squeeze the market share of traditional sales channels.

In this regard, our country is still lagging behind and needs to catch up.

I have already talked with the heads of Internet companies such as YANDEX and asked them to pay attention to the Internet shopping platform. Otherwise, it will be much more difficult to catch up after Amazon and other e-commerce platforms enter our market on a large scale. …”

Wang Ye was at a loss for words, but this was also his true thought. The Internet industry was one of the industries he valued most in his life.

Looking at his investments in the past few years, basically most of the funds have been invested in the Internet industry.

Acquired YANDEX and MAIL.RU, invested in Apple, Amazon, Google, Penguin, and supported Facebook...

Later, after he reached a high position, he began to consider automobiles, chips, large aircraft, large infrastructure, etc. After all, these industries can drive the development of a country's overall economy and provide more job opportunities and tax revenue.

As far as making money is concerned, it actually cannot be compared with the Internet.

It's just that the location is different, and the angle of thinking about the problem is also different. There is no right or wrong way.


Hovchenko felt the same way. He was not interested in politics right now, so he didn't speak when Konstantin and his adoptive father had a tit-for-tat confrontation just now.

Now that Wang Ye had talked about a topic he was interested in, he changed the subject and said:

"Whether Misha has any talent in politics, I don't know much about this, after all, I have never been in politics.

But no one should be able to question his vision and judgment in the economic and financial Internet.

That has been proven through successful cases time and time again.

By the way, Misha, your hedge fund has almost made enough. To be honest, when I learned that I made so much money, I felt a little scared.

These are all cut from the big cake of the United States. Now they are too busy to deal with international hot money like us, but when they calm down, will there be a settlement later? "

When it comes to the hedge fund managed by Wang Ye, several other people no longer bother to discuss politics. After all, they have invested a lot of money in this fund!

How much you can earn and whether you can get the money safely in the end are indeed what everyone is concerned about.

Wang Ye smiled slightly and said calmly: "Don't worry, there will be a wave of big money-making opportunities later. After that wave is completed, we will stop and divide the money.

But now, there is no rush, and there is no need to worry about risks at all.

Let’s put it this way, in this economic crisis, we are not the only ones making money, and we are not the ones making the most money.

Besides, all our sources of funds and operating methods are all legal and compliant. Even if others want to cause trouble for us, they must be able to find a handle.

If you really want to play tricks with us, then we are not the ones willing to swallow your anger..."

After hearing Wang Ye's last words, several people present laughed.

Indeed, their hedge fund background is really quite big. Even if they are as tyrannical as the United States, they probably would not be willing to offend easily.

Not to mention the identities of the people present, don't forget that the other shareholders of the fund, namely the European royal families, are not easy to mess with.

Therefore, as long as the Sharks hedge fund does not violate any rules during its operation, makes money honestly, and then leaves the market at the right time, there will basically be no risk.

Even if the Americans find out later, they can only be dumb and unable to say anything.


Thinking of the large sum of money that was about to be received, everyone felt better. After chatting about how to distribute the money after receiving it, the adoptive father and Hovchenko stood up and left without saying anything.

The two of them don't live here.

Although Hovchenko was Wang Ye's uncle and had nothing to do with him, he also had his own apartment in Moscow, so he did not stay.

Constantine did stay, he had no intention of returning to Petersburg today.

After sending his adoptive father and Hovchenko away, the three returned to the living room again, and Konstantin said dissatisfiedly:

"I'm going to the Kremlin Palace in the next two days to talk to him alone!"

There is no need to say what we want to talk about. It must be about the general election.

Rosiana quickly persuaded: "I don't think this is good. Let's forget it. Grandpa, the adoptive father is actually in a difficult situation. After all, he has a huge faction like the Shilavik Group behind him, and he must also take advantage of the faction's interests." Put it first.

If he were to support me, how would the rest of the faction view him. "

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