Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1114 Tell the truth

The New Year's bell rang, and time quickly came to January 1, 2009.

However, many people are not thinking about the New Year this year, especially the three candidates and their campaign office staff who are busy with the general election.

The latest poll shows that the election situation is still very anxious. The support rates of the three people are all over 30%, almost neck-and-neck.

No one can know who will win now. After all, according to the election rules, as long as the support rate does not reach more than 50%, it is not considered a winner.

If this stalemate continues, then this year's general election will be held, and it will take at least three rounds of general elections to determine the winner.

Russia's presidential election system is a multi-round election system. According to the rules, if someone's support rate exceeds 50% in the first round of the election, he will win immediately and the election will be over.

But if no one exceeds 50%, then those with the lowest support rates will be eliminated, and only the candidates with support rates above 20% will be retained to start the second round of the general election.

Although the support rates of Grezlov, Meddev, and Rosiana are far ahead, in fact, there are still other candidates in the first round of the election, but their support rates are basically single digits , or even lower...

If no one can get more than 50% of the votes in the second round of the general election, then only those with lower support rates will be eliminated, and only the two with the highest support rates will be retained to enter the final election!

Because there are only two candidates, even if the support rates are close, there will still be a person with a slightly higher vote rate, and then he will be the final winner.

Unless there is something too coincidental, that is, the two candidates received exactly the same number of votes...

However, this situation is basically impossible to happen, it is really too difficult, but if this situation does happen, there is no choice but to choose again until the winner is decided...


Rosiana, who has been traveling abroad recently, also returned to Moscow to spend the New Year with Wang Ye.

It can be seen that her face is also a little haggard, but she is in good spirits and her eyes are still bright.

"Hey, the election is really torturous. I think I have tried my best and used all the resources, but I still can't lead the other candidates. Do I really have to accompany him this time?"

When the two were sitting on the sofa drinking coffee and watching TV, Rosiana suddenly said with emotion.

She usually doesn't talk too much about the general election at home. After all, she also understands that Wang Ye's current public position is to remain neutral and will not interfere too much in her general election.

In addition, since I am running for president, I can't ask Wang Ye for advice on everything. Wouldn't that make me look too incompetent?

Therefore, Rosiana actually has the idea of ​​"competing" with Wang Ye in her heart. She also wants to prove to the outside world that even without Wang Ye's support, she can complete the election "alone" and win!

She obviously couldn't hold it in any longer today and couldn't help but complain.

The pressure of the general election is still a bit unbearable for her...

Wang Ye gently took her into his arms, rubbed her silky golden hair, and calmly comforted her:

“The election isn’t over yet, so it’s not a good idea to say something depressing now.

Besides, you are only in your twenties, you are still young, and you will have plenty of opportunities in the future.

Even if you fail this time, you have accumulated experience and appeared in front of the public, making many people remember your name. At worst, you can come back again in the next election. "

Rosiana said unwillingly: "Next time, I have to wait five years! I will be in my thirties by then, and I will be old!"

Wang Ye couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Haha, you are already old in your early thirties, right? Your position in the Kremlin palace is a beauty pageant. The younger, the better? Don't look at how old Gryzlov is, Dmitry Jeff is considered very young. If you are really elected, it will break the world record. I don’t know if there are any leaders of small countries younger than you, but in a big country like ours, there has never been a second generation leader. A teenage president!”

As far as Wang Ye knows, the man nicknamed by netizens as "the strongest born in the 1980s" was already twenty-seven years old when he came to power!

What's more, that place can't compete with a world power like Russia...

So if Rosiana really succeeds in entering the Kremlin at the age of twenty-six, she will definitely set a new world record!

After hearing what Wang Ye said, Rosiana also reacted and smiled herself.

However, she still refused to be outdone and said: "Aren't you the same? You are the same age as me, and you will soon be the speaker of the Duma. This position is the same as that of the Kremlin. Why can you do it but I can't?"

Wang Ye was speechless for a moment, because Rosiana was right. The two were about the same age. Why should it be natural for him to be the speaker of the Duma, while Rosiana's entry into the Kremlin would be a record-breaking one.

You can't tell her that you are reborn and you can't treat her according to common sense...

So he could only scratch his head and said with a smile: "Your situation is different from mine. After all, I have been running the Duma for so many years, and there is no one competing with me, so taking over the position of speaker is a matter of course.

But many people are eyeing the position of the Kremlin Palace, and that position is different from that of the Speaker of the Duma. It is the veritable head of a country! "

Also, even if the Speaker of the Duma is on the same level as the Kremlin's position, the responsibilities and rights are far different. If the Kremlin is strong enough, the Speaker of the Duma will basically have nothing to do.

The reason why the Duma appears to be more active this time is also the result of Wang Ye's painstaking efforts to take advantage of the situation. It does not mean that the Duma can be so strong before or in the future.

Don’t forget, Russia is a typical presidential power system!

Therefore, Wang Ye does not want a relatively strong person or someone with the support of powerful forces to assume this role. Otherwise, there will inevitably be a struggle for power between the Duma and the Kremlin in the future.

The two discussed for a while, but Rosiana was still unwilling to fail, and her words revealed that she wanted to ask Wang Ye to help her.

Although Wang Ye had already said it before, saying that he would not stand up clearly and would not help anyone, the relationship between the two was husband and wife. This was not something Meddev and Gryzlov could compare with. At the critical moment, Luo Siana did not believe that Wang Ye would really watch her lose.

This is not the first time Rosiana has worked hard. Not only she, but also her grandfather Constantine, has expressed to Wang Ye many times overtly and secretly that they hope Wang Ye can help.

Especially in this stalemate situation, once Wang Ye takes action, he will definitely break the deadlock and directly help Rosiana win!

Of course, this is what they imagined...

Wang Ye sighed, who knew his difficulties.

He hasn't let Rosiana and Constantine know the secret of his identity yet...

The reason why he has not taken action and expressed to the outside world that he is neutral and will not favor anyone is because he is afraid that he will really fall out with Kemiya. Kemiya will not stop doing anything and make a fuss about his own identity!

Although Wang Ye thinks that the Kremlin may not do this, after all, if he really falls out, he will not sit still and wait for death. If he really wants to make some "big move", the Kremlin will not be able to bear it!

But he didn't dare to gamble...

I would rather give myself some more time, try to nip all risks in the bud, and wait until nothing can threaten my existence before I can do whatever I want!

But neither Constantine nor Rosiana could understand all this, and they didn't know the secret of Wang Ye's identity.

In their eyes, everyone is a real family. At this critical moment, Wang Ye is still hiding his secrets and is unwilling to help Rosiana. The so-called reasons he gave are not convincing!

After all, as long as Rosiana wins the election, it will be of huge benefit to Wang Ye himself.

When the time comes for the couple, one will be in charge of the Kremlin and the other will be in charge of the Duma. That will be a real monopoly of power, and no one will be able to adjust their "powerful family"!

In Constantine's imagination, Wang Ye and Rosiana are young and have a long career ahead of them. From now on, the two of them will take turns "taking charge", and maybe they will actually control the "government" for forty or fifty years...

If it could be realized, to be honest, he wouldn't even dare to imagine how much interest the Romanov family would have in the future!


Regarding his identity, Wang Ye thought about it and felt that it was time to confess to Rosiana.

After all, this matter must be told to her sooner or later, and the two have become an official couple, so it is better to tell her sooner than later, otherwise it will look like she is deliberately hiding it.

In addition, now that Rosiana is participating in the general election, but she has been "hiding" aside and unwilling to take action, what will Rosiana think after a long time?

As for whether anything bad will happen after telling her his secret identity, Wang Ye thinks it won't happen.

Because the two have long become "grasshoppers on the same rope", a relationship in which both prosper and suffer. No matter what considerations it is, Rosiana will not betray herself, and Wang Ye will not do anything to betray her. Trust her feelings for you.

Although the marriage between the two has political considerations, it is also really about feelings and is not a simple exchange of interests.

At this point, Wang Ye is still confident. He believes in his own vision and will not see the wrong person.


So Wang Ye let out a long sigh, looked at Rosiana, and asked seriously: "I have something very important to tell you. Promise me, no matter what you hear next, you won't think I'm joking. , because everything I said is true.”

Rosiana sat up in shock, looked at Wang Ye suspiciously, frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "Misha, it can't be that... something bad has happened!"

She felt a little scared when she heard the meaning of Wang Ye's words, for fear that Wang Ye would say something that she couldn't accept.

For example……

To be honest, she couldn't think of anything that could affect the two of them for a while. After all, with their current status and wealth, there were really too few things that could affect them!

Even if Wang Ye tells her later that he has given birth to a lot of children outside, Rosiana will not be too angry. She will only have a cold war with him for a few days at most. As for divorce, how is that possible!

So she really didn't know what Wang Ye would say, worthy of him being so serious...

Wang Ye did not beat around the bush, but said straight to the point: "What I want to tell you is that my true identity is not actually a native Russian!"

Rosiana didn't react for a while, and laughed dumbly: "That's it? I already knew this."

This time it was Wang Ye's turn to be dumbfounded. He blinked and asked in disbelief: "You know? Who told you? Could it be his adoptive father..."

Rosiana interrupted Wang Ye's words and said with a smile: "Everyone in the country knows that you are of Chinese and Russian descent. Isn't your father a Chinese immigrant? Your mother is Kovchenko's cousin, so you call him uncle." .”

Wang Ye was stunned for a moment and said with a mixture of laughter and tears: "You misunderstood what I meant. I mean, I am not a Chinese-Russian hybrid, nor am I Kovchenko's nephew, but a real Chinese. Just seven years ago, I was just an international student, taking preparatory courses at Friendship University..."

This frightened Rosiana, her eyes widened with disbelief on her face.

When she came to her senses, she blurted out: "That's impossible! How could you deceive everyone? Doesn't Kovchenko know if he has any nephews? Also, when you run for Duma member, you have to go through Strict identity review, how can you hide your past? Yes, and the adoptive father, I don’t believe that you have rocketed up in the past few years, and he will not check your identity! "

Wang Ye spread his hands and said sincerely:

“Of course they know, because of my identity as Mikhail, it was Hovchenko who helped me do it.

Naturally, the adoptive father also knew, but they never made it clear.

I know they know who I am, and they know I know they know...

But both sides have a tacit understanding and never mention this.

You should now understand why I did not participate in this election and why I did not express my support for any party.

To be honest, the Kremlin did not force me to support Meddev, which is a great honor to me. "

Rosiana felt like her mind was in such a mess that she couldn't figure it out for a while.

What on earth is Misha talking about...

Did Hovchenko help him apply for the identity of Mikhail?

The adoptive father also knew his identity, but not only did he not make it clear, he also deliberately helped him hide it!

What is this all for?

Obviously, everything Wang Ye said was beyond Rosiana's understanding. She couldn't guess or figure out what tricks these people were playing... (End of Chapter)

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