Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1116 Both sides suffer losses

If Wang Ye guessed correctly, this should be the work of Meddev or Kremlin!

Their real target is actually Gryzlov, and they want to put the name of "corruption" on Gryzlov's head!

If this matter is not clear, will voters still dare to vote for Grezlov?

As long as the competitor Gryzlov is eliminated, Meddev's probability of winning will obviously be greater when facing Rosiana.

Because Rosiana's "potential" is basically this high, it will be difficult to achieve a higher approval rating.

But Meddev is different!

After killing Gryzlov, he could also win over the support of some forces from the faction that Gryzlov split away from. After all, everyone used to be part of the Silavik Group, and there was that camaraderie...

If Gryzlov can be eliminated before the start of the second round, there will be no need for a runoff election, it will be done in the second round!

Therefore, before the start of the second round of elections, some TV stations began to reveal dirty information about Gryzlov's son...

It is said that this time it is not just as simple as exposing black information, but the inspection department has already started taking action to bring Gryzlov's son to court!

We even have to find out whether there is a "protective umbrella" behind it.

This is simply not covered up, the target is pointed directly at Grezlov!


After the incident came out, Gryzlov naturally received the news immediately, and his face instantly became extremely gloomy.

Of course, Gryzlov also knew about his son's misdeeds, and had taught him a lesson several times to get him to restrain himself!

But this kind of thing is quite common. Not only my own son does this, but also other senior officials...

The real reason why his son is being dragged out for "target shooting" now is because he is here for him.

Perhaps this is Meddev's counterattack against Yevrogen's resignation a few days ago!

At that time, I was shot and assassinated. I took that opportunity to dismiss Meddev's right-hand man Yevrogen from office. At that time, there was no reaction from Meddev's side. I thought he had suffered the loss of the dumb man. Woolen cloth.

Looking back now, it turns out that it was not the case. He was just waiting for an opportunity to give himself a fatal blow!

I absolutely cannot sit still and wait for death. If I really wait until the judicial process is entered, let alone whether the shit basin will be really put on my head, it will also affect my election...

After all, not many voters are willing to support a candidate who seeks personal gain with power!

Of course, Meddev probably never thought about incriminating himself by messing with his son. After all, although he resigned as speaker, he is still a member of the Duma, which has certain exemptions. Right.

Thinking of this, Gryzlov couldn't sit still. He picked up the phone and called Zhirinov, wanting to discuss with him what to do next.


After receiving Gryzlov's call, Zhirinov quickly rushed to his home.

When they first met, Zhirinov's first words were, "This time things are going to be difficult!"

Obviously, he also understood the meaning behind this matter.

Maybe the other party doesn't care at all whether Gryzlov's son can be convicted, but as long as they publicize this case during the election period and have close contact with Gryzlov, then their goal will be achieved!

In the past, when people attacked each other, at most they would criticize each other for being inexperienced and incompetent, and not doing practical things. But if it is linked to crimes, it would cross the line.

It can also be seen from this that Meddev is really anxious and is starting to use any means.

Gryzlov nodded with a gloomy face. He had no choice but to let his son fail. Now someone else has caught him and directly threatened his own election!

Zhirinov's second sentence was, "We cannot sit back and wait for death, nor can we passively defend, we must take the initiative!"

"Take the initiative? What do you mean..." Grezlov asked tentatively.

Zhirinov smiled slightly and said calmly: "Since the other party has no bottom line, then we don't need to show mercy. Aren't they going to mess with you about your son? Then we will By using the same method, Meddev also secretly obtained a lot of benefits for himself and his relatives and friends when he was the president of Gazprom, and I have the evidence in my hands!"

Grezlov's brows jumped, and his face showed joy.

If Zhirinov hadn't been joking, then he would have been saved!

If the other party wants to attack him, he still needs to conduct an "indirect attack" through his own son, and the harm to him will naturally not be that obvious.

Now his counterattack is to directly attack Meddev. As long as the evidence is conclusive, Meddev will stop participating in the election and go directly to jail!

In the past, even if he had such evidence, Gryzlov might have to carefully consider whether to use it. After all, he had been in politics for decades and the country was in such chaos in the past few years that no one was so clean.

So there are some things that everyone has a tacit understanding not to mention, otherwise no one will have an easy time.

But now that Meddev has set a precedent, of course you don't have to be polite!


Gryzlov and Zhirinov had been plotting for a long time that night. The next day, in the country's largest circulation newspaper, a striking headline "Shocking!" appeared on the front page. The secrets behind Meddev! 》.

In this report, it was written from the time Meddev entered the political arena. The first ten years of his political career were basically lackluster. That is, after the "senior brother" entered the Kremlin Palace, he followed him to work in the Kremlin Palace office, but his position was not high. , just an ordinary worker.

Later, he suddenly got a promotion and was appointed president of Gazprom, which was considered a major turning point in his life.

During his tenure as Gazprom's president, Meddev was quite high-profile. He once broke up with the Duma over a natural gas pipeline problem, although it ended in failure...

Moreover, during his tenure at Gazprom, he repeatedly used his power to seek personal gain for his family and friends!

Just because it was done relatively covertly, no one discovered it at the time.

He has served as the president of Gazprom for the past three years, and has almost no outstanding achievements, that is, maintaining the normal operation of the group.

But under such circumstances, he was inexplicably promoted to Prime Minister of the government and rose to the top in one step!

No one can explain clearly why the Kremlin chose him as prime minister, and what kind of abilities they chose in him.

During his tenure as Prime Minister, although the country's economic development seemed to be quite rapid, this also became an important basis for him to participate in the general election, and he boasted of his political achievements on various occasions on many occasions.

But those who really understand the country's high-level politics know very well that the economic development in recent years has nothing to do with the government, but it doesn't have much to do with it.

Because in recent years, the department that really leads the country’s economic development is the National Economic Affairs Commission!

All major economic policies and guidelines are launched and implemented by this committee. The government agency is at most an executive department, and Meddev obviously does not have any credit here...

This article directly took off Meddev's "underpants", and it did not save any face for the Kremlin. It almost pointed at the Kremlin and scolded the Kremlin for promoting one of its own people without principles.

Obviously, this was the counterattack after Gryzlov and Zhirinov discussed it!

If Meddev doesn't want to ruin his reputation, then he should drag him down with him unceremoniously.

If you want to die, let's die together, no one should live!


Last night's TV reports and today's newspaper headlines certainly caused a nationwide stir.

After all, this involves the two candidates Meddev and Gryzlov, and they are still popular candidates. Now that the scandals of the two have been exposed one after another, the majority of voters are confused. Are these two good or bad? Damn it, after the new round of general elections begins, who should I vote for...

It is said that after today's newspaper came out, the Kremlin was furious and threatened to arrest all the management of this newspaper!

Of course, this is just a folk rumor. After all, even the Kremlin cannot do whatever it wants. If you want to arrest someone, you have to be sure that it is illegal.

Meddev was of course panicked and went to the Kremlin immediately.

After arriving at his adoptive father's office, before he could sit down, Meddev said angrily: "Gryzlov is crazy! He has bad intentions for publishing such a nonsense report! And such How could the news be published? There must be something wrong with the editorial department of that newspaper."

The adoptive father was not in the mood to talk to him about this. Since Meddev could use the First Television Station to attack Grezlov, of course he could also use the resources at his disposal to attack Meddev.

I just didn't expect that Gryzlov would actually have such a hidden hand, and he would fight back so resolutely. It seems that the conflict between the two sides is irreconcilable.

In fact, the Kremlin disagrees with Meddev making a fuss about Gryzlov's son, believing that this will set a bad precedent and put everyone in the political arena in danger.

However, Meddev was more insistent at the time, and his adoptive father did not stop him too much, thinking that although this routine was a bit excessive, it should be quite effective.

Moreover, Gryzlov has always been with the Duma. Although he has high reputation and seniority, he does not have much real power. Even if he wants to fight back, he may not be able to find any way to deal with it for a while.

I never expected that Gryzlov’s counterattack would come so quickly and cruelly...

Now it's my turn to have a headache.

After all, the case of Gryzlov's son has not been linked to Gryzlov himself for the time being, but Meddev's use of power for personal gain has directly affected him personally.

How to conduct this second round of general election...


With a long sigh, the adoptive father said helplessly: "You have gone too far this time, but you are first and he is last, so there is nothing to complain about. The key now is to think about how to get through this difficulty. "

Meddev also had a sad face. To be honest, some of the things reported in the newspapers were indeed done by him, while some were deliberately discredited.

If you really give him some time, you can still clean yourself up.

But the problem is that the second round of the general election is about to begin. I go into the election with a "big blame" on my back. I don't have to think about it to know the outcome.

Although Gryzlov's side will also be affected, it is obvious that he will not be affected as much as his own side.

"How about... I give a televised speech to resolutely deny the accusations in this report, and at the same time sue the other party for maliciously spreading rumors and slandering my reputation?" Meddev said tentatively.

This is also a method. After all, newspapers are not judges and cannot directly convict Meddev. At most, they can reveal some so-called inside stories and secrets. But whether it is true or false must be determined by the authoritative department.

If Meddev firmly denies it and says that he was wronged, then to a certain extent, some impact can indeed be restored...

The adoptive father frowned and thought for a moment, and then said decisively: "This is necessary and feasible. But just denying it is not enough, because since the other party dares to release these black materials, they must have some evidence in their hands, and then it will be a big deal." Some of the evidence cannot be confirmed, but as long as it can be confirmed that you have done one or two disgraceful things, it will be a major blow to you! Therefore, we still have to solve the problem fundamentally."

"Fundamentally? What do you mean?" Meddev was a little confused and didn't understand what his adoptive father meant.

The adoptive father secretly sighed in his heart, although his junior brother was very good, there was still a long way to go compared to someone else!

If the person standing in front of him was Misha, he should be able to understand what he said immediately, and even come up with a better solution...

There is no way, who made me choose this junior brother!

He patiently explained: "I think that if the quarrel continues like this, both you and Gryzlov will definitely suffer losses, and it will only benefit Rosiana. Maybe in this round of elections, she will directly get more than 50% of the votes." Support rate.

Grezlov should also understand this.

So if you want to completely solve this problem, you should go to peace talks with Gryzlov. The two of them have agreed not to compete with each other in such a way that they hurt the enemy by one thousand and lose eight hundred to themselves.

Both sides dropped the charges at the same time, so no one should take advantage of the other and focus on the election.

In this way, future troubles will be eliminated and the impact will not be too great. "

The meaning of the adoptive father is very obvious, that is, since both parties have "truck cards" in their hands, they should not play them out to prevent the snipe and the clam from fighting each other and getting the advantage of Rosiana in vain!

Although Meddev was a little reluctant, he had to admit that his adoptive father was right.

He and Gryzlov were messing around, but it ended up being a lose-lose situation for both of them. When the results of the second round came out, both of them were eliminated, and Rosiana became the biggest winner!

That would be funny...

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