Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1122 I'm ready

As soon as the justice finished speaking, Rosiana couldn't wait to speak: "If it is Misha...Mikhail, then I support it unconditionally! He is indeed the most suitable candidate, no one else."

Of course she supports Wang Ye. After all, if Wang Ye is elected, it will not be much different from her own election.

Now that she has no chance to continue to participate in the general election, the best outcome for Rosiana is for Wang Ye to "take over".

The reason why she wasn't the first to jump out to support was just because her relationship with Wang Ye was there. If it was too urgent, it wouldn't look good...

At this point, Zhirinov, Korokoli, Vladimir, Grezlov, and Rosiana have made it clear that they support Wang Ye in standing up to participate in the election.

Although there was no explicit support from the justice, it could be heard from his words that he had no objection at all.

The few remaining people immediately became stressed...

In fact, if Wang Ye himself is excluded, the four remaining people are his adoptive father, Gebrev, Meddev, and Shao Yigu.

This situation is very delicate.

If we carefully analyze the current situation in Moscow's political arena, it can be divided into several major factions.

The largest faction and the most powerful faction is the Kremlin faction headed by the foster father, which is also part of the split Shilavik Group. The representatives are naturally the foster father, Meddev, and Shaoyigu. , Gorbrev.

The second largest faction is undoubtedly the Duma faction headed by Wang Ye. The composition of this faction is actually a bit complicated, including Wang Ye's own party, as well as some people from the original Moscow faction who "surrendered", and also includes those formed by Kovchenko. Members of the new faction even include some Duma members who originally belonged to the Shilavek group.

The core figures include Wang Ye, Zhirinov, Korokoli, Flamir, etc.

It can only be said that Wang Ye's strength has expanded too fast in the past few years, and more people have taken refuge in him. It feels like he is in full swing!

The third largest faction should be a split from the original Shilavik group headed by Gryzlov.

The fourth largest faction is Rosiana's royalist faction...

In addition, there are neutral figures like the Justice who do not belong to any faction, and they are also a force that cannot be underestimated.


After clarifying the factional forces in the current political arena, the situation seems a bit delicate now that this meeting is going on.

Because all the other factions except the Kremlin faction have united and made it clear that they will support Wang Ye to "come out" to turn the tide!

If we compare individual factions, except for Wang Ye who can compete with Ke Gong, the other factions are still far behind.

But if all the other factions unite, even if they are as powerful as Kegong, they will not dare to cause public anger...

Wang Ye looked embarrassed and moved his lips a few times, but he didn't say anything.

It seemed like he wanted to refuse, but couldn't bear to let everyone down...

The adoptive father sitting at the head of the conference table was expressionlessly holding a coffee cup, taking a sip. Meddev was looking at this and that, with a confused face, as if he didn't know why the situation suddenly happened. Such a change will occur.

Isn’t today’s meeting discussing election fraud? Why did so many people suddenly join forces to recommend Mikhail to take over the Kremlin’s position?

Shao Yigu and Gebrev exchanged glances quietly. It can only be said that among the remaining four people who have not expressed their opinions, the two of them should have similar thoughts.

In principle, they should not agree with Wang Ye's proposal, because Wang Ye is not a member of their Shilawik group. Out of factional interests, not only should they not agree, but they should find ways to stop it!

But from a personal point of view, they are happy to see Wang Ye ascend to the throne. Privately, they have a very good relationship with Wang Ye. If Wang Ye succeeds in ascending to the throne, he will definitely not treat them badly.

It can even be said that compared to Meddev's rise to power, they prefer Wang Ye in their hearts...

In fact, this is easy to understand. It is said that there is an emperor and a minister. Once Meddev takes office, he will definitely try his best to let his cronies occupy more important positions, such as Gebrev and Shao. The situation of these original "vested interests" may not be so optimistic.

But if Wang Ye takes over, it will mean that the current Kremlin and Meddev will no longer be able to occupy important positions, and their core positions in the original Shilavik Group will also be shaken, while Gorbrev and Shaoyigu They may become the representatives of the Silavik Group!

That also has "united front value". Wang Ye will try his best to win over them in both public and private matters, rather than suppress them...


After the first few people spoke, the conference room became silent, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

Shao Yigu hesitated for a moment, but finally he was convinced and spoke.

"I think……

Zhirinov's proposal is reasonable!

Considering all aspects, Mikhail is currently the best or even the only choice.

After thinking about it, I didn't think of anyone else who could be more suitable than him.

Therefore, I also agree with this proposal! "

His words suddenly brought the atmosphere in the conference room to life again. Zhirinov, Korokoli and others also had smiles on their faces, and everyone nodded in agreement.

This is the beginning of Shao Yigu, and it also means that several core figures in the Kremlin faction have different ideas.

Gorbrev followed closely and said cautiously: "If Mikhail himself also has this wish, it is indeed feasible. Everything must be based on the overall situation. The election cannot be interrupted like this. If it continues like this If this continues, it may trigger a series of unpredictable consequences, and it may even become an international joke.”

The statements made by the two of them basically mean that the matter has been decided. Unless the adoptive father expresses strong objections, he must be able to give a reason that can convince everyone.

The question is, will his adoptive father do this?

It is no exaggeration to say that if he really insists on having his own way and goes against so many people in the conference room, it will almost be like betraying everyone, and the consequences will be very serious!

When Meddev saw that everyone had expressed their opinions, even Shao Yigu and Gebrev supported it, could it mean that the Kremlin had already had an attitude, otherwise it would be impossible for Gebrev and Shao Yigu to be like this...

Even before he spoke, he suddenly became anxious.

He said a little panicked: "Everyone agrees, so I have no objection. Mikhail is indeed very suitable!"

At this time, the adoptive father could not help but say anything, because he was the only one left who had not expressed his stance.


The adoptive father slowly put down the coffee cup in his hand, turned to look at Wang Ye, and asked calmly: "What about your own thoughts?"

Wang Ye's originally slightly bent back straightened up, took a deep breath, and said firmly:

"I'm ready to take on bigger challenges!"

Obviously, Wang Ye's answer surprised the adoptive father. He was slightly stunned and lost his mind for a moment.

However, he quickly adjusted, nodded with a smile, and said:

“In this case, everyone supports you and you yourself are prepared, then how can I object.

I have always thought that you are the most suitable candidate, but you have been unwilling to stand for election before, so...

Haha, let’s not talk about the past. Now that we have all reached a consensus, let’s let this matter be settled and the Duma can start to go through the procedures.

The meeting is over! "

After announcing the end of the meeting, the adoptive father turned to look at Wang Ye again, "Mikhail, please stay here for a while, and we'll talk some more."

After finishing speaking, he stood up first and walked out, followed closely by Wang Ye, and the two walked out of the conference room together.

Those who were left in the conference room had different expressions. Some people had explicitly made an appointment to have dinner together, while others had implicitly hinted that they wanted to talk in private.

Of course, there are also people who just get up and leave without paying attention to anyone, that is, the chief judge...


The foster father and Wang Ye walked through the long corridor. When the guards standing on both sides saw the two, they all raised their heads and saluted.

Silent all the way, when he arrived at the office, his adoptive father went straight to the sofa and sat down, and Wang Ye also sat silently opposite him.

The adoptive father had a stern look on his face, leaning forward slightly and staring sharply at Wang Ye's face, while Wang Ye had a calm look on his face and did not avoid his eyes at all.

After a long while, the adoptive father's expression relaxed. He leaned back and sunk into the soft sofa. He turned his back to the sky and said quietly: "Are you really mentally prepared? You should understand that sitting on What’s the significance of this position!”

Wang Ye said without hesitation:

“Of course I understand that if this election hadn’t been such a mess, I would rather be the speaker of my Duma than wade into this muddy water.

But everything is in such a mess now. If no one comes out to clean up this mess, then our country will be finished!

I can say with absolute certainty that from 2001 to 2021, that is, in these twenty years, the world will usher in major changes unseen in a century!

Now is the most critical time window. If we cannot quickly develop our economy and improve our overall national strength within these years, then in the future...

All I can say is that the end will be very tragic! "

This was also the first time that Wang Ye had judged the world situation with such certainty in front of his adoptive father, and the gravity of his tone made his adoptive father unable to help but feel moved.

He sat up straight and asked seriously: "Is it really as serious as you say?"

Wang Ye nodded simply and said in a more serious tone:

"Maybe it's more serious than what I said!

Therefore, I stood up this time not to fight for power, but just to do something for this country.

after all……

My name is Mikhail and I am Russian too! "

His last words were quite profound and obviously meant something.

The adoptive father must have heard it, and his expression softened a little. He subconsciously repeated: "Yes, you are Mikhail, and you are also Russian..."

After hesitating for a moment, he then asked: "If you are elected, do you have any plans in terms of personnel arrangements? Who does the Speaker of the Duma intend to appoint? Oh, and there is also the post of prime minister."

Wang Ye immediately replied: "Most departments will maintain the status quo. Speaker of the Duma, I may persuade Gryzlov to stay in office for another term. After all, under the current situation, he is the only one who can stay in the Duma.

As for the Prime Minister, I actually think you, the adoptive father, are the most suitable person. "

The adoptive father was stunned and was about to say something, but Wang Ye didn't give him a chance and immediately said with a smile: "But that would really wrong you, so let Meddev do it. I think he is doing this." After two years of work, I can be considered very competent.

And Rosiana continues to be her governor. To be honest, she still needs some years of training before she can truly take on the important responsibility. "

In a few words, Wang Ye basically arranged all the core positions.

And it takes care of all aspects and will basically not cause any resentment from any force.

Although the Shilavik Group did not obtain the most central position of the Kremlin Palace, it still retained very important key positions in the government and the Ministry of Defense.

Meddev and Grezlov were also comforted, and they should be quite satisfied with Wang Ye's arrangements.

It may be that Rosiana has been "wronged", but she can continue to hold the important position of governor of Moscow, so she probably can't express any dissatisfaction.

Besides, Wang Ye's entry into the Kremlin Palace is also great news for Rosiana.

After thinking about it, the adoptive father felt that he could not find any fault, so he sighed deeply, reached out and patted Wang Ye on the shoulder, and warned:

"Misha, your growth rate is indeed amazing. Think about how young you were when you first became a member of the parliament a few years ago.

After a few years, you will be able to take on important responsibilities and turn the tide.

Remember what you said to me today!

When I sit in this position, I don't want to fight for power, I just want to do something for this country!

Also, remember, you are Russian! "

At the end of the sentence, his expression became serious.

Wang Ye nodded heavily, "Don't worry, I can do it!"


When Wang Ye walked out of the office, his adoptive father walked him out of the door.

Before he reached the stairs, Wang Ye saw Gurbrev waiting at the corner, waving to him...

We came to Gebrev's office together again.

As soon as he entered the door, Gebrev closed the door behind him and asked nervously in a low voice: "What should I say? Is the matter settled?"

Wang Ye nodded slightly.

Gazev breathed a sigh of relief, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he said repeatedly:



I have long felt that that position should be yours!

Why should Meddev fight with you?

The same goes for Grezlov, he's an old man who should retire and take care of himself, so why bother getting involved?

As for your daughter-in-law Rosiana, her level is still a bit lower than yours, haha. "

Wang Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly, not knowing how to respond.

I have to say that the little old man Gebrev has always had nothing to say to himself.

Perhaps it was because he was his "discerning eye" and had dug it out with his own hands, so he felt honored to see himself coming step by step...

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