Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1124 Everything is worth it

Wang Ye's proposal was obviously beyond Gryzlov's expectations. He was stunned for a long time and did not react.

Zhirinov, on the other hand, smiled and agreed.

"Yes, because of the general election during this period, the whole of Moscow has been in chaos. I think many people are not focusing on work.

At times like this, stability is the most important thing!

An important institution like the Duma must be controlled by a highly respected person.

Originally, Mikhail was going to take over as speaker, so of course there was no problem, but the situation changed and he was going to participate in the general election, so the position of speaker of the Duma became vacant again.

No matter from every aspect, Grezlov, you are the best speaker candidate, bar none! "

He was also making a statement, which meant that he supported Gryzlov to continue to serve as speaker.

With his and Wang Ye's support, it is basically a certainty that Grezlov will continue to serve as speaker, unless he himself is not happy.

The question is, will he be unhappy...

Of course Grezlov would be happy!

The reason why he said he wanted to retire at the beginning was just because his group's power in the Duma had shrunk repeatedly, and he couldn't get enough support within the faction. He wanted to retire out of frustration.

Of course, even if he didn't retire, he would definitely not be able to compete with Wang Ye.

But now the situation is different. Wang Ye will no longer compete for the position of Speaker of the Duma. He will turn around and participate in the general election to join the Kremlin. He has also made it clear that he will support himself in continuing to serve as Speaker of the Duma.

How could he not be happy?

So before Zhirinov finished speaking, he hurriedly said:

“Misha’s proposal is indeed very interesting.

Originally, I was going to participate in the general election, but as you know, my election could not continue due to various reasons.

To be honest, I personally don't care, but those comrades who have been supporting me will be disappointed. They hope that I can continue to do more for this country.

If I return to work in the Duma, this can be regarded as my explanation to everyone!

Moreover, after Misha enters the Kremlin Palace, there will definitely be many people who are not convinced and will confront you overtly or covertly, or they will work against you.

We old guys, like me, Zhirinov, Gebrev, etc., can help you deal with those guys, saving you from wasting too much thought and energy on these places. "

What he wanted to express was to "help Wang Ye get on the horse and give him a ride." It has to be said that the political traditions of various countries are actually similar...

Wang Ye nodded with a smile and said that Gryzlov is right to think so. He is still in the prime of life and can still shine, so why retire?

Of course, Grezlov also knew the "rules" in reciprocating the favor. He patted his chest and said that his newly established faction would fully support Wang Ye's campaign and would never let anything slip.

Not to mention Zhirinov, but don't forget, that faction was founded with money from Wang Ye's "uncle" Hovchenko, and he was on Wang Ye's side from the beginning to the end.

Everyone is on the same front as Davarich, so it is more relaxed and pleasant to talk now. Both Gryzlov and Zhirinov have made it clear that they will give their full support to Wang Ye in the next election and even after he takes office. In his work, everyone unites and works together to do a good job for the country.


After taking care of Gryzlov, it was almost past five o'clock in the afternoon. Wang Ye went to the Turandot restaurant without stopping. He had already made an appointment with Meddev to have dinner with him.

In that special private room, Wang Ye and Meddev sat face to face. Although the table was filled with delicious food, it was obvious that neither of them paid attention to the food.

Meddev's face is not very pretty, which is understandable.

After all, since last year, he has been the most popular successor to the Kremlin, and he has been recognized by most people in the faction, as well as the full support of his adoptive father!

No matter how you look at it, his election winning rate is very high, and he is also the most promising candidate to take over the Kremlin.

The result was great. First, Gryzlov jumped out to challenge him. From internal fighting to outside the faction, not only was the competition fierce on the surface, but he also tried his best secretly.

In the end, both of them suffered losses and were eliminated from the competition...

After the meeting at the Kremlin Palace today, there was no smile on Meddev's face. His face was gloomy and even colder than the freezing weather outside!

Now facing Wang Ye, he managed to squeeze out a smile.

Looking at Wang Ye, who was sitting opposite him, Meddev felt as if he was in over his head. Sometimes it was ridiculous to think about it. He had been fighting with Gryzlov and Rosiana for almost a year, and huge amounts of campaign funds had been poured into them. , each tried their best, but in the end, all three of them were eliminated at the same time.

Wang Ye has always expressed his unwillingness to participate in the general election. When the three of him fought fiercely, he hid and watched the show from a distance, and did not spend a penny on the general election.

But in the end, it was as if he had been identified as the Kremlin’s position, and it simply had to be him!


Wang Ye understood Meddev's mood, smiled slightly, picked up the decanter on the dining table and poured him a glass of red wine himself, and then poured himself another glass.

He raised the goblet and said: "This glass is not to celebrate anything, I just hope that our cooperation in the future can still be as pleasant as before."

Meddev also picked up the glass, shook his head with a wry smile and said: "The cooperation in the past was naturally pleasant, but in the future... Oh, I'm not saying that I don't want to cooperate with you, but I probably won't have the chance to cooperate with you in the future. You cooperated.”

He was already frustrated because Meddev knew exactly what being eliminated from the election meant to him.

The faction spent so much money and resources on him that the entire faction even split apart. It can be said that all the treasures were placed on him!

But he disappointed everyone who supported him...

You can't blame him. After all, the degree of chaos in this election has exceeded everyone's imagination. Even the current Kremlin has never experienced such a scene.

However, failure is failure, regardless of the reason.

It is conceivable that when Wang Ye comes to power, his position as prime minister will definitely be gone. After all, if Wang Ye wants to take full control of the situation, he must appoint someone from his own faction in the government.

After losing his important position and losing the support of the faction, what else can he do?

Perhaps, going back to your alma mater and becoming an ordinary teacher is the best ending...

There may even be "liquidation" within the faction!

In order to push himself to the top, the faction invested huge amounts of money and political resources, and everyone's hopes were pinned on him.

If he was successfully elected, everyone would be happy, but now not only has he not been elected, but he has also directly lost his qualification to run. Meddev really can't imagine how some radical members of the faction will treat him...

Therefore, what Mikhail is saying about future cooperation is just polite words. How can he be qualified to cooperate with the future master of Kremlin?

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Wang Ye said in a sincere tone:

"How could it not be?

As long as I win the election, I will immediately nominate you as the prime minister of the new government.

Your achievements in this position in the past few years are obvious to all, so I believe you can still do it in the future, or even do better!

Looking at the entire Moscow political scene, to be honest, I can't find anyone more suitable for this position than you. "

Meddev's hand shook and all the red wine in the glass spilled on the white tablecloth, but he didn't care about that.

He stared at Wang Ye in disbelief and asked with a slightly trembling voice: "You want to nominate me?"

Wang Ye opened his eyes wide and asked in surprise: "You still don't know? Didn't Kemiya and I go and talk alone after the meeting? I told him about this at that time."

Meddev shook his head, "I really don't know. But, do you really want to nominate me to continue to hold this position?"

Even now, he still can't believe it.

Wang Ye nodded and said with a hearty smile:

“Not only will you stay in office, but Gryzlov will also continue to serve as speaker, and Rosiana will continue to serve as governor of the Moscow region.

Since everyone is doing such a good job, there is absolutely no need for me to replace them with new candidates.

There is a sentence that I have repeated several times today, but I still have to repeat it in front of you.

That is, in the next few years, stability will trump everything else!

We must maintain a stable organizational structure, put aside all personal grudges and factional interests, and lead the country forward with all our heart and soul.

This is our responsibility and mission! "

Meddev listened stupidly to Wang Ye's exciting words. He suddenly felt a little ashamed. In the past, he felt that he was not much worse than Wang Ye in private, but that his luck was not as good as his. If he was given the same Given the opportunity and platform, I may not do worse than him!

But today, in front of Wang Ye, he really felt ashamed!

When the young man in front of me said those words, his whole body seemed to be glowing!

"So, are you willing to join us and do something for this country and its people?"

Finally, Wang Ye looked at Meddev sincerely and said.

Pursing his lips, Meddev nodded heavily and said, "Of course!".

Wang Ye smiled and stretched out his right hand, and Meddev quickly stretched out his own hand, holding the two hands tightly together...

After the matter was told, the atmosphere in the private room became obviously much more harmonious in the following time, and Meddev also had a smile on his face.

Because his biggest worry has been dispelled, the originally dark future has become brighter.

Now this result may be the best for him.

But deep down in his heart, he began to feel some dissatisfaction with the Kremlin...


After eating with Meddev, Wang Ye returned home directly because Constantine had already arrived.

Entering the brightly lit living room of the main building, Constantine was talking to Rosiana. When they saw Wang Ye coming back, they both stood up to greet him.

Wang Ye stepped forward and hugged Constantine, and said with a smile: "I was too busy today, so I couldn't pick you up at the airport."

Constantine said nonchalantly: "What are you talking about? I come here often and I am already familiar with it. So many things happened today. You must be very busy. Rosiana also talked to me about something just now and asked you to go see me. Grezlov and Meddev, how was the conversation?"

Obviously, he knew very well what Wang Ye's purpose was in meeting Grezlov and Meddev. It can also be said that the outcome of Wang Ye's discussion with those two people will almost determine whether the next general election can go smoothly. Got it!

Wang Ye briefly talked about the process of meeting the two people, and expressed his promises to the two people without reservation.

After listening, Constantine thought for a moment, nodded and praised:

"You did a very good job and thought more comprehensively than I did. Indeed, letting them occupy those two positions is the best solution to the current situation.

Haha, I have said before that this election should have been your stage.

In the end, if you insist on being the speaker of the Duma and are unwilling to participate in the general election, then you can only push Rosiana out.

But it turns out that that position should be yours, and no one else can get involved. "

I don’t know what Rosiana and Constantine talked about before Wang Ye came back. At present, Constantine doesn’t seem to have much thought about Rosiana’s complete elimination, nor does he care too much.

After sitting down, Wang Ye asked with a smile: "Grandpa, Rosiana has told you everything that happened today. She, Gryzlov and Meddev have all lost the qualification to continue to participate in the election. Do you think Don’t you feel angry?”

Also, so much money and energy was invested in the early stage. It is conservatively estimated that the family's investment in Rosiana's election may not be less than one billion US dollars!

As for other invisible resources, let alone them. As a result, they have now directly lost their qualifications for election. No one can accept the change.

Constantine smiled heartily and said:

"Haha, when I first found out that Rosiana had lost her candidacy, I smashed the tea cup. How could I not be angry?

But when I learned that you had negotiated and all parties agreed to elect you to participate in the general election, I immediately stopped being angry.

Because Rosiana only has hope of winning, but you are different. Once you take action, winning is a sure thing.

It doesn't make much difference to me whether the two of you are in the Kremlin, so why should I be angry?

Just think that the funds and resources invested in Rosiana have paved the way for your election. As long as the result is good, it will be worth it! "

Regardless of whether it's true or not, Constantine's words still sound reasonable.

After all, Wang Ye and Rosiana are also a real family. It doesn’t matter whether the husband or wife takes that seat, and the Romanov family will benefit a lot!

Since he said this, Wang Ye will no longer mention Rosiana.

In fact, when he participates in the general election, he does not need any publicity at all, because there is no opponent at all!

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