Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1137 Step by step

Compared with the "thrilling" general election, this year's Duma election seems a bit calm.

There were basically no major incidents during this period. It took only one month for the election to be successfully completed, and all the newly elected or re-elected Duma members were in place.

The election results were also in line with most people's expectations.

The faction once led by Wang Ye, now led by Dania and Oleg, has still become the biggest winner in this Duma election!

We won 230 of the 450 seats, which is more than half!

The faction led by Zhirinov became the second largest force in the Duma, winning 80 seats.

The faction led by Gryzlov won 50 seats and became the third largest faction.

The original largest faction, the Shilawik Group, only won 48 seats this time, making it the fourth largest faction.

The royalists, with Rosiana as the representative and Dugin as the party leader, won 42 seats, becoming the fifth largest faction!

As for the small factions that were still able to get scattered single-digit seats, they were "annihilated" in this election change. This also shows that there will be no room for small factions to survive in the future Duma...

The new Duma's election was completed, and the Speaker and Deputy Speaker were elected at the first plenary session of the Duma.

Grezlov was elected speaker with a high vote.

Zhirinov was elected first deputy speaker.

Dania, Oleg, and Dugin are ordinary deputy speakers, and everything is going smoothly according to Wang Ye's plan.


In fact, before the general election in the Duma was over, Wang Ye had already had several closed-door meetings with Meddev, Gorbrev and others to discuss the list of members of the new cabinet.

The departments directly under Wang Ye's jurisdiction are naturally not within the scope of this adjustment. The focus is on fine-tuning some government departments without moving too many people.

However, for a key position, that is, the Minister of Finance, Wang Ye did not consult Meddev and made a decision directly.

The candidate he determined was Elena...

When he heard the name, Meddev seemed to want to say something, but in the end he held it back and did not raise any objections.

Elena is one of Wang Ye's most trusted people, and she is highly educated and highly intelligent. She has been working with Wang Ye for six or seven years!

In the past two years, Wang Ye has been entrusted with the important task of serving as the director of the Industrial Support Fund Office. She has disposable cash of up to one to two hundred billion US dollars every year, and she has performed particularly well in this position.

Industries such as automobiles, the Internet, and chips that have become the engines of the national economy have developed with the support of Irina's industrial funds.

Therefore, it does make sense for such a character to serve as the Minister of Finance.

No matter in terms of qualifications or ability, Meddev cannot find anyone who can compare with her...

So even if they knew that Wang Ye deliberately placed his confidants in key positions, others would not be able to find any fault.

Of course, after Elena becomes the Minister of Finance, she will still serve as the Director of the Industrial Fund Office. Anyway, as for money matters, Wang Ye will basically leave it to her!

However, Wang Ye plans to hand over the management of the newly established Kremlin special fund to Nova, so that his "sister-in-law" can slowly take over some important work.

After all, it is my own family, so I have no worries about using it. Moreover, the special fund is not a public fund. Sometimes some funds are used for special purposes. The fewer people who know about it, the better!


After the new cabinet list was submitted to the Duma, it was approved by vote the next day. From this, it can be seen that the relationship between the Kremlin and the Duma this term is also quite harmonious, and they work well together.

Of course, this is also because Wang Ye "started" in the Duma and still has great influence in the Duma.

If Wang Ye had not won the election in the end, but someone else had replaced him, the cabinet list might have been messed up...

After completing the two major events of the Duma and the Cabinet, it was May 2009, and Wang Ye's attention returned to economic development.

After nearly two years of economic policy stimulus and active rescue efforts by countries around the world, the economic crisis that began in 2007 and then swept the world in 2008 has begun to subside, and the global economy has begun to pick up.

In this global economic crisis, the traditional economic powers have basically been greatly affected, but there are also several large countries with relatively outstanding economic performance.

This includes China, India and Russia!

In particular, Damao’s economic growth rate in recent years has been particularly amazing!

It has been more than double-digit growth every year for five consecutive years.

Although one of the more important reasons is that the country's original base is very low, so once international energy prices rise or commodity exports increase, the country's economic growth will easily increase.

But it cannot be denied that behind all of this is Wang Ye's hard work and dedication.

Otherwise, why didn’t Mao’s economy develop for so many years before he took charge of the country’s economy?

The reason why he has been recognized by almost all factions and is in the position he is in today is because everyone thinks that he is a master of economics, and the country cannot do without him if it wants to develop!


On May 9, in Simferopol on the Crimean Peninsula, the heads of the member states of the Organization for Economic Mutual Assistance gathered together and held a meeting.

Wang Ye also personally attended and led the meeting. In fact, this meeting was held at his suggestion.

At the meeting, Wang Ye proposed the concept of "Eastern European Union".

The idea is to refer to the EU model and more closely link the economies of all member countries of the Economic Mutual Assistance Organization!

Everyone enjoys visa-free and tariff-free access to each other, and nationals of each country can move freely throughout the Eastern European Union. They can enjoy the national policies of the place where they are employed, working, studying, doing business, etc.

By then, everyone may just have different nationalities in their passports, but everything else will be the same...

Of course, in this alliance, Russian is naturally the official lingua franca. Originally, the most widely used language in Eastern Europe was Russian.

The reason why the concept of "Eastern European Union" was proposed at this time is that Wang Ye felt that the "heat" was almost there.

In recent years, through economic mutual aid organizations, he has made the relationship between Damao and its member countries very harmonious!

After all, he spends 30 billion US dollars every year to help these "poor brothers", how can he be unpopular...

In addition, in recent years, the overall economy of DaMao has begun to develop rapidly. Although the economies of the remaining countries have also improved, they are far less than DaMao in terms of size and growth rate!

Even if Wang Ye did not mention the Eastern European Union proposal, many people in neighboring countries are still yearning for life in first-tier international metropolises such as Moscow and Petersburg. Many students have gone through many layers of selection before they have the opportunity to go to Moscow and Petersburg. Opportunities to study at universities in big cities such as Fort.

It is conceivable that these college students will not return to their home countries after graduation, but will stay in big cities like Moscow and Petersburg to work and live as much as possible.

Now that Wang Ye proposes to establish an Eastern European Union, it is nothing more than to directly pierce the window paper, and everyone is embarrassed. Wouldn't it be better to "integrate" directly?

Moreover, it is only an "alliance" now. Military and political power still belongs to the governments of various countries. It is only "unified" at the economic level, so there is no need to worry about leaders of various countries having other ideas.

Besides, the successful example of the European Union is right there, and there are ready-made "answers" that can be copied...

To be honest, joining this kind of alliance is simply pie in the sky for small and poor countries!

Haven't you seen that there are many small and poor countries in Europe that have always dreamed of joining the EU? Isn't the purpose of joining the EU to receive huge subsidies every year?

In the final analysis, the EU is equivalent to rich countries such as Germany and France digging into their pockets to subsidize poor countries. This is the same as Wang Ye’s $30 billion a year subsidizing neighboring brother countries!

Therefore, although no Eastern European alliance has been established before, Wang Ye is actually doing the corresponding things. Now he is just determining the nature.

Of course, in this kind of alliance, rich countries have to pay large sums of cash subsidies to other member countries every year, which seems to be a big loss.

But in fact, rich countries that pay for it can also reap many potential benefits.

For example, if you get the tariff-free market opened by each member country, you can dump your own industrial products there, and you can also get cheap labor and their own cheap and high-quality resources...

So in fact, through this alliance, everyone can get what they need.

Since those small and poor countries cannot become rich through their own efforts, then leave the market and economic policies to the capable "big brother" to help them, and then the "big brother" will give them some subsidies every year to let them Live a more comfortable life...


During the meeting, when Wang Ye came up with a plan to establish the "Eastern European Union", he immediately received enthusiastic support from the heads of the member states.

Yanukovych immediately said that this is a good plan that will benefit the people throughout Eastern Europe. On behalf of the Ermao, he absolutely supports Wang Ye's plan and will immediately submit it to the parliament for voting and approval after returning.

The heads of state of Sanmao, Kazakhstan, Asia and the United States, Azerbaijan and other countries also rushed to express their support for the establishment of the Eastern European Union, and they all said that the sooner the better!

In fact, compared with the European Union, the Eastern European Union created by Wang Ye is not thorough enough.

Because there is one most critical thing that he has not started to promote, and that is monetary integration...

After the establishment of the European Union, each member state abolished its own national currency and switched to a unified euro!

Wang Ye mainly considers that countries like his brothers are relatively poor. If they directly use a unified currency, the exchange rate may not be able to handle it, and it may even directly drag him down!

The European Union has the confidence to use a unified currency, and in the first few years after its introduction, the currency value of the euro began to be higher than the U.S. dollar!

While they were having their meeting, the exchange rate between the euro and the dollar was still around 1.40...

That's because the EU is rich enough!

Although after two years of economic crisis, the EU's economic development momentum has slowed down and even begun to regress, its GDP is still as high as 17 trillion US dollars!

At the same time, the GDP of the United States was only US$14.5 trillion, so at that time, the EU was the world's largest economy...

How can Wang Ye's Eastern European Union compare with others? The total GDP of all the member states of the Eastern European Union, except for Mao, is not as high as that of the Mao family. The GDP of some countries can even be "negligible". Da Mao himself only has more than one trillion U.S. dollars.

In other words, the combined GDP of all the countries in the Eastern European Union is less than US$2 trillion, which is almost one-eighth of the EU...

Therefore, Wang Ye very rationally did not carry out currency integration. Everyone continued to use their own currencies. When the time is right in the future, we can promote the unified currency.

While Wang Ye was busy working on the Eastern European League, a sensational thing happened in Nanbang, thousands of miles away...


On the evening of May 10, Samsung Group Vice Chairman Lee Jae-young finished his work for the day and prepared to return home.

Recently, he has been working very hard. He arrives at the company very early every day and then goes home very late.

In fact, he was not like this before, but recently the old man has been seriously ill, and the group is about to officially elect a successor. His voice is the loudest, but there are still some controversies. Some shareholders question whether Lee Jae-young has enough ability to provoke the entire Samsung Group. This heavy burden.

So he has been working very hard recently, which is also to win the support of the whole group...

As the heir to a wealthy family, Lee Jae-young certainly does not neglect his own safety. Every time he travels, in addition to his secretary assistant, he is accompanied by a security vehicle with several heavily armed security personnel inside.

In the past, the children of wealthy people in Xiangjiang were kidnapped and made news. He didn't want to appear in similar news himself...

As the car sped through the empty streets late at night, Li Zairong sat in the back seat with his eyes closed, still thinking about tomorrow's work arrangements.

Suddenly he heard a roar, and then his driver exclaimed.

Before he could open his eyes to see what was going on, he felt a huge inertia coming from him. Without wearing a seat belt, he flew directly to the front row. He felt a sharp pain and then lost consciousness.

Before losing consciousness, the last thought in Li Zairong's mind was "Remember to wear your seat belt when riding in the car from now on..."

The next day, the same news appeared on all front pages of Nanbang.

"The heir of the Li family was unexpectedly involved in a car accident and was seriously injured!" 》

"The vice chairman of Samsung was involved in a car accident on his way home and was rushed to the ICU ward. He may not be able to save his life..."

Yes, the car Lee Jae-young was riding in encountered an out-of-control truck and hit him head-on on the way home. Because he was not wearing a seat belt, he suffered serious head injuries during the car accident and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

It is said that the situation is not very optimistic. Maybe the person can be rescued, but because of the head injury, his IQ...

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