Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 1139 Elementary Developed Countries

Time flies, and in the busyness, it’s the end of the year again.

This year is Wang Ye’s first year after taking office, and now it’s time for him to come up with his first “answer sheet.”

Excluding military, diplomacy, and personnel matters, because ordinary people cannot feel the changes in those areas, what everyone is most concerned about is naturally economic development.

Whether the country has become richer and how much GDP has increased is what everyone is most interested in!

The government also produced this year's financial report and disclosed various economic data to the country.

In 2009, the country's GDP in US dollars reached 2.9 trillion!

Last year, the total GDP barely reached 2 trillion. This year, it has increased by 900 billion, with a growth rate of 45%!

Many people feel a little unbelievable when they see this data for the first time, thinking that it is written incorrectly.

Or it's just a lie!

However, the financial department also provided detailed statistics in the report, and also specifically explained why GDP could grow at such a high rate this year.

First, within this year, there are many large-scale fixed investment projects. For example, the production bases of several major Japanese automobile manufacturers have officially been put into production and have begun export sales to other European countries. There are also several large Samsung projects with a total investment amount of more than 200 yuan. billions of dollars, as well as national investment in infrastructure, etc.

These fixed investments alone are close to US$300 billion!

Fixed investment is also included in GDP data...

Secondly, due to the impact of the economic crisis in Europe and the United States, as well as the continued strength of the country's own economy, the ruble's exchange rate has risen considerably!

This is reflected in the GDP data calculated in US dollars, which is equivalent to an increase of nearly 20 percentage points "out of thin air"!

If calculated in rubles, the GDP growth is not so exaggerated, but it is still very amazing.

Damao’s GDP statistics are calculated according to the expenditure method. The specific formula is:

GDP = final consumption + government expenditure + fixed capital formation + net exports.

There are four key data in it. Let’s not talk about consumption for the moment. The last three are real and cannot be faked. Thanks to Wang Ye’s radical economic policies, government expenditures have increased significantly every year!

In addition, under the leadership of Wang Ye, the business environment has been improved and economic vitality has been enhanced. Therefore, in recent years, a lot of foreign investment has been attracted to Russia, and many projects have been launched, and they are all of a large investment type. .

As for net exports, just look at several pillar industries of DaMao, such as energy, metals, automobiles, chip wafers...

These are all big exporters!

Therefore, in Wang Ye's first year in office, he produced such a report card that was so good that it was a bit ridiculous!

Some may say that he was lucky to take office at a time when the Maoist economy was experiencing explosive growth.

But this actually makes no sense, because the reason why the economy has performed so well this year is also inseparable from the various economic policies Wang Ye has promoted in the past few years.

Don’t forget, he has been the director of the Economic Affairs Committee for several years. Over the years, he has been leading the country’s economic direction and policies!


After this year's economic data was disclosed, it immediately caused a sensation around the world. After all, the size of the Mauritian economy is not small. Last year, it was also one of the top ten countries in the global economy.

On this basis, and at a time when the global economic crisis has just improved, it is indeed amazing to achieve such a high economic growth rate.

Compared with the GDP of many European and American countries this year, instead of rising, it has fallen, which is even more valuable!

"The New Economic Miracle!" The eyes of the world turn to Eastern Europe"

"Amazing 45% growth!" 》

"Russian Economy Returns to Its Peak!" 》

"In the next decade, the best investment area for global capital is Russia!" 》……

Various economic newspapers and periodicals have begun to study the so-called "Russian Miracle" and explore why Russia has achieved such brilliant economic growth despite the adverse general environment.

Of course, in the global GDP rankings, China has indeed reached fourth place, second only to the United States, Japan and China.

Even surpassing the old economic powerhouses Germany, France and Britain!

In fact, on this list, except for China, Russia and India, the top ten countries have not only not increased but also decreased to some extent compared to last year!

Because the economic crisis began to subside only in the middle of this year, the economies of many countries were still affected in the first half of the year.

For example, in the United States, the year before last, in 2007, the total GDP was 14.8 trillion U.S. dollars. As a result, this year it was only 14.4 trillion U.S. dollars, which is 400 billion U.S. dollars less than two years ago...

Therefore, in comparison, Da Mao's economic achievements are even more dazzling!

Moreover, this total GDP of US$2.9 trillion also "triggered" an "achievement", that is, this data means that China has entered the ranks of "elementary developed countries"!

This is the goal that all the old men have dreamed of since the disintegration of the former Soviet Union...

According to common international standards, so-called developed countries are also divided into three categories:

The per capita GDP of highly developed countries reaches US$40,000.

The per capita GDP of moderately developed countries reaches US$30,000.

The per capita GDP of the primary developed countries reaches US$20,000!

In 2009, the total population of Mauritius was 143 million, and the country's total GDP was US$2.9 trillion, so the per capita GDP just exceeded US$20,000!

Therefore, there is no doubt that Da Mao has indeed entered the ranks of primary developed countries!

At 8 pm on December 31, Wang Ye once again gave a nationally televised speech.

In addition to congratulating the people of the country on the New Year, they also officially announced the news that the country has officially become a developed country. This goal that the people of the country have been looking forward to for nearly two decades has been achieved!

After Wang Ye announced the news on TV with a smile on his face, fireworks were set off in cities of all sizes across the country, and countless people holding national flags came to the city center to participate in the New Year's Eve carnival...

I have to say that in the first year after taking office, Wang Ye’s answer sheet was perfect!

According to some media surveys, Wang Ye's current poll approval rate is as high as 99.99%. It can be said that people across the country are very satisfied with his performance in office and hope that he can continue to lead the country forward.

Some people even became ardent fans of Wang Ye, and publicly launched a collective application online, asking Wang Ye to ascend the throne and become the tsar...

This is no joke. This is the character of Lao Maozi's nation, which worships the strong and heroes extremely.

As long as you can make everyone see hope, it doesn't matter what gender, age, nationality, or ethnicity you are!

Of course, it is impossible for Wang Ye to reverse the course of history. Being a tsar and not a tsar, apart from a name, does it have any other benefits?

It is absolutely impossible for Wang Ye to do this kind of thing that will only make people jealous but have no real benefits.


Wang Ye has a personal account on Facebook, and he has always posted some work pictures and the like. He is also the number one V on Russian Facebook, with over 30 million followers!

You should know that Russian Facebook is only open to operate in Eastern Europe, where the Internet penetration is higher in Russia. The population of neighboring countries is not large, and the Internet penetration rate cannot keep up with that of Mao, so the overall number of Russian-speaking netizens may That’s about 40 to 50 million.

More than half of Russian-speaking netizens are fans of Wang Ye. This proportion is still amazing...

However, after his New Year's televised speech, his number of Facebook fans skyrocketed again, increasing by several million overnight!

Nova, who is responsible for the daily maintenance of Wang Ye's Facebook account, thought that something was wrong and that someone had "maliciously" brushed Wang Ye's data. However, after questioning the Facebook operations department, she learned that there was nothing wrong. Errors and anomalies, those who have just followed Wang Ye and become his fans are "living people", and most of them are netizens from neighboring brotherly countries...

As for why those people suddenly paid attention to Wang Ye, this question was quickly answered, because many people started to leave messages on Wang Ye's Facebook with roughly the same content.

They are all expressing their respect and admiration for Wang Ye, as well as congratulations on Russia becoming a developed country, and expressing their envy for the Russian people to have such an excellent president as Wang Ye. By the way, they also express their yearning for international metropolises such as Moscow and Petersburg. I hope that I will have the opportunity to study (work, settle) in these two big cities in the future.

It can be seen that Russia's becoming a developed country will have a huge impact on its neighboring brother countries!

Originally, after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the entire Eastern Europe region became synonymous with poverty, chaos, and backwardness. Each of the "brothers" was worse off than the last!

Even if the situation in Da Mao is a little better than that in other countries, it is not much better.

As a result, in just a few years, Da Mao has transformed from a relatively backward country to a developed country!

When people in neighboring countries see it, how can they not be envious and yearning for it?

And in the past few years, due to Wang Ye's leadership, Russia has indeed become more open and friendly, especially in taking the lead in establishing the Eastern European Alliance, which has given people from all over the world the convenience of free travel among the alliance member states.

To be honest, many people in neighboring countries have already regarded Da Mao as a "lighthouse"!

The biggest ideal of students in those countries is to be admitted to a prestigious school in Moscow or Petersburg, and then find a decent job in Moscow after graduation, and then buy a house, settle down, get married and have children.

If they can do this, even if their lives are complete, they will become the best in everyone's eyes!


Wang Ye also knew about these reactions from the outside world, but he didn't pay too much attention to them.

In his view, this is all a matter of course.

Mauritius has a very good foundation. It has a small population, an astonishingly large land area, and rich resources that are the envy of the world. As long as the direction is correct and the policies are effective, wouldn't it be a matter of minutes to become a developed country...

After several years of hard work, this goal has been successfully achieved, but Wang Ye will definitely not be satisfied with this. He also has more ambitious goals!

Just after the New Year, Gryzlov came to Wang Ye's office and brought up something that made Wang Ye quite embarrassed...

“In a few days, I will jointly propose a motion with several deputy speakers to amend an article in the constitution.

That is to say, regarding the terms and years of the Kremlin's term, I think that the terms were drafted too long ago and are no longer suitable for the current situation, especially the current situation of our country.

As young and energetic as you are, and you perform so well, your term should not be limited, and five years is a short term.

So I plan to propose that there be no limit on re-election, and that each term be changed to six years! "

Grezlov said to Wang Ye with a serious face.

When Wang Ye heard this, he didn't say anything for a long time. It was hard for him to express his position on this matter...

Because obviously, if this thing can succeed, he will be the biggest and only beneficiary!

Everyone knows that according to the current poll situation, Wang Ye should still win the next election with an absolute advantage, and the next one after that...

As long as he doesn't commit suicide or cause any major outrage, he can be re-elected!

Considering that he is only 26 years old this year, no one can tell how many terms Wang Ye can be re-elected.

Even if he is elected every six years and is re-elected for five consecutive terms, it will only last 30 years. Wang Ye will only be 56 years old at that time. If placed in the same position in other countries, he would still be considered a "young man"!

It’s quite “scary” to think about it…

As for why Gryzlov made such a proposal, Wang Ye could roughly guess it.

Regardless of whether he makes this suggestion or not, it is a sure thing that Wang Ye will be re-elected in the next term. That will happen ten years later. Gryzlov has already retired. Anyway, this position has no "fate" with him. "Yes."

In this case, he might as well do a favor and sell it well in front of Wang Ye, so that Wang Ye can remember his favor and take more care of himself and his children for at least two terms and a total of twelve years.

As for what will happen after two terms, it has nothing to do with me!

Therefore, he is naturally willing to do such a free thing, and he is very confident that this proposal will be passed in the Duma.

Obviously, among the major factions in the Duma, it is estimated that the Silavik group is not happy, and other factions are willing to continue Wang Ye's re-election.


After thinking about it, Wang Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This is a matter for your Duma. It is not suitable for me to make any statement. If you think it is necessary, then do it."

In fact, Wang Ye also meant this tacitly, but he couldn't say it outright.

To be honest, even if Gryzlov doesn't come to mention this matter to Wang Ye today, maybe in three to five years, Dania or Oleg or Zhirinov will take the initiative to mention it. !

Of course, it won't be that early.

But since Gryzlov wants to promote the implementation of this matter while the country is officially entering the ranks of developed countries, when the whole country is celebrating, then Wang Ye will follow suit...

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