Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 228 Getting on the same boat

Meshkov smiled and said confidently: "There is no problem with this matter. This is the largest foreign investment in Crimea in many years. This is something that is beneficial to all the people of Crimea. What about the parliament?" I don’t dare to stop you. The problem is, after the election is over, if I am not elected and step down, no one will be able to protect you in the subsequent events.”

After finishing speaking, he gave Wang Ye a meaningful look.

Wang Ye immediately understood that if he handled this matter through Meshkov, he would be in the same boat as him!

Meshkov ensures that his business goes smoothly, enjoys various privileges, and makes a lot of money!

I want to use my abundant financial resources to do something for him...

However, Wang Ye does not reject such things. The rules here are like this, the fittest survives, and the winner is king!

If you want to do big business here, there are some things that you cannot avoid.

Since he had chosen to take this path at the beginning, Wang Ye was mentally prepared, and he also planned to "break hands" with the influential figures of this era...

The key to the problem now is that Wang Ye needs to weigh whether the cost of "supporting" Meshkov's re-election is worth it.

Crimea is a small place with a total population of only over 1.7 million people, which is equivalent to a larger county in China...

The election method is also a referendum. Whoever gets more votes will be successfully elected.

Among them, the operable space is relatively large!

Moreover, the funds required are not very large and Wang Ye can afford it.


After thinking for a moment, Wang Ye raised his head and said with a smile: "Mr. President is a Russian and a good friend of the Russian people. Moreover, under your leadership, the relationship between the Crimean Peninsula and Russia has always been very good. This is well known to all. Things. So as a Russian, we can be regarded as compatriots. It is my duty to support your election!"

He has expressed his position and made it clear that he wants to support Meshkov in winning the presidential election!

In the Crimean Peninsula, the population composition is also very complex, with more than thirty ethnic groups!

But among them, the Russians account for more than 60%, and they are undoubtedly the largest ethnic group. People like Meshkov, Agelina, and Natalia are also Russians, so they Only then will he have a natural affinity for Russia.

When Meshkov heard this, he was overjoyed!

He originally just said it tentatively, wanting to see Wang Ye's reaction.

After all, Wang Ye is now begging him to do something. Even if he doesn't want to fully support him, he will still give some "political donations" to some extent.

A rich man of this level would never be too stingy with his money, so just spending a little casually is not a small amount.

Then your campaign funds will be much richer and you will be more confident.

Meshkov still has popular prestige in the Crimean Peninsula, but elections are still full of uncertainties.

Therefore, all kinds of publicity, speeches, rallies, and canvassing votes before the election are still indispensable. If you have sufficient funds, you can have greater control.

If we look at developed countries in Europe and the United States, those general elections are all funded by money to be honest!

According to statistics from the United States, during the 2000 American election, the two presidential candidates spent a total of 200 million U.S. dollars!

As far as Wang Ye knows, this amount will continue to rise rapidly in the next dozen years. In a certain election, two candidates "burned" 14 billion US dollars in order to compete for that position...

The campaign model in Crimea is similar to that in Europe and the United States. If you want to win, you must first rely on the personal charm of the candidate, and secondly, which campaign team has a funder who is richer and willing to spend money!

However, Crimea is relatively poor and there are no decent companies at all. Naturally, there is no situation where any candidate can obtain large political donations and then crush his opponents.

Therefore, in the past, most candidates relied on their own influence and personal charm, which is considered fair.

However, there may be variables in this election. In the past two years, Meshkov has not had a good relationship with the parliament, so his power has been relatively restricted, and many proposals have not been passed by the parliament.

Now that another general election is approaching, some people from the opposition parties have come out and said that they want to "snipe" Meshkov, thinking that he has been in power for too long and that Crimean politics needs fresh blood!

Meshkov has been preparing for the general election recently, but Crimea is really too poor. There are not many decent companies. There are only some small-scale food processing plants, breweries and the like. This can attract How much “sponsorship”!

While he was worrying about it, he came across Wang Ye coming to invest, so Meshkov immediately had an idea...


"Haha, this is great! Mr. Mikhail is such a generous person. In this way, I have some art collections in the study room upstairs. I would like to invite you to come and taste it. It will also be a good place for Mr. Yuri and other Let’s discuss the details of the investment,” Meshkov said with a smile.

It was obvious that tasting some art was an excuse. He wanted to drag Wang Ye to the study room to talk about the election in detail...

However, it is not convenient to talk about these things in front of everyone. We need to go to the study to talk alone.

Wang Ye nodded, stood up with a smile, "Well, Yuri, you can discuss investment matters with everyone again. Katya, come with me."

Katya quickly stood up, followed Wang Ye, and followed Meshkov upstairs.

The reason why he called Katja was that Wang Ye planned to leave this matter to Katja for follow-up.

The presidential election cannot be settled in a day or two. It takes a long time. How can he have the leisure and energy to follow the whole process.

Don't forget, there is a big business worth billions of dollars waiting for him on the other side!

Therefore, this matter has to be left to Katya, and Katja is now regarded as Wang Ye's more trustworthy "one of his own", and Wang Ye is also slowly cultivating her.

Meshkov glanced at Katya in surprise, but didn't say anything. He just smiled and took Wang Ye and Katya upstairs.

When they arrived in the study room on the second floor, they closed the door and there were only three of them left. Meshkov asked them to sit down separately.

Finally we can talk about something "direct"!

"Mr. Mikhail, you know that elections cost money..." Meshkov was a little reluctant at first and said carefully.

Wang Ye smiled and directly interjected: "Don't worry, I know all this! Since I want to help you, I must do it absolutely, not only to keep your position as president, but also to get enough votes in the parliament Seat!"

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