Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 443 New Member

February 13th is also the eighth day of the lunar month in China.

Maybe many of Wang Ye's old high school classmates, including Zhang Xiaoxi, haven't started back to school yet.

As for Wang Ye, he arrived at the Duma Building in the morning. There is an important meeting to be held today.

After getting off the Big G and standing on the square in front of the Duma Building, Wang Ye looked up at the huge golden double-headed eagle badge on the top of the building.

Lao Maozi may have a special liking for gold. The gold-plated double-headed eagle badge is very common in national institutions and the offices of leaders.

On the wall of Wang Ye's office, there is a medium-sized golden double-headed eagle badge inlaid on it...

Although the floors of the Duma Building are not high, the building area is very large and it looks very majestic!

At this moment, many members of the Duma have arrived one after another. Everyone walked in twos and threes to the building. Luxury cars gathered in the small square, including Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Hummer, and even Rolls-Royce. top luxury cars.

It can be seen that the congressmen are all worth a lot of money...

Of course, Wang Ye didn't let his entire fleet park in front of the door. He just came over in a big G. He didn't want to be too pushy.

With so many Duma members, Wang Ye currently only knows Zhirinov, and he doesn't know anyone else.

But it was obvious that many congressmen knew Wang Ye...or Mikhail.

After all, during the election campaign, he was famous as the "youngest member of Congress ever", so everyone was naturally deeply impressed by him.

Many people nodded to Wang Ye, and Wang Ye responded with a smile.

Of course, Wang Ye could also see a hint of hostility or...jealousy in the eyes of some people!

After all, he is too young. Standing among these people in their thirties, forties or even older, he is a bit eye-catching...


Following the crowd, they passed through the security check and entered the Duma Conference Hall.

The hall is like a movie theater, except there is no giant curtain. There is a podium at the front, with a row of long tables and a few chairs placed against the wall.

Obviously, this is where the Speaker and Deputy Speakers are located.

In front of this row of tables and chairs is a small podium. If a member of Congress needs to give a speech or report, he will stand here.

Under the rostrum, there are rows of separate seats, 450 in total.

These are the seats for ordinary MPs.

There is a small table in front of each seat, which is convenient for placing documents, name tags, drinking water and other items.

Of course, on the wall behind the rostrum, there is another shining golden double-headed eagle badge, which is very conspicuous!

Wang Ye's seat is in the first row, but relatively close to the side. After all, their faction does not have many Duma seats, only more than thirty, so it is not a big party.

After entering the conference hall, Wang Ye quickly walked to his seat and sat down.

Everyone else was in their places, and it was almost ten o'clock.

On the rostrum, several people filed in from behind. Wang Ye recognized two of them. The one who walked first was Gryzlov, the speaker of the Duma and the leader of the largest party in the Duma!

This is also a legendary figure. Five years ago, he was an ordinary engineer and entered politics by chance.

In just five years, he became the leader of the largest party in Russia!

When the Duma changed this time, he was also elected as the new speaker, which can be said to be a meteoric rise.

Gryzlov is tall and burly, with short and messy gray hair, and a neatly trimmed beard on his upper lip, which is also gray in color.

His face is very serious, giving people a feeling of calmness and authority, which is quite aura.

The other person is naturally Wang Ye's immediate boss, Deputy Speaker Zhirinov.

Wang Ye, the other deputy speaker, didn't know him.

Several speakers and deputy speakers took their seats one after another. As Speaker Grezlov stood up and announced that the meeting officially began!

The content of this meeting is also very simple, which is to form various committees in the new Duma.

What are the International Relations Committee, National Defense and Military Committee, Legal Committee, Economic Committee, etc...

Of course, the lists of each committee have been discussed in advance by several factions. Everyone has a tacit understanding to "divide" the quotas of several committees based on the inherent sphere of influence of each faction, the number of parliamentary seats, etc.

The members who can enter the committee are naturally the backbone of each faction!

With the announcement of the list, the name "Mikhail" appeared on the list of the Economic Committee without any suspense...

There are eleven members in this committee.

To Wang Ye's surprise, Gryzlov actually concurrently served as the director of the Economic Committee!

It can be seen that the Economic Committee is still very important in Gryzlov's eyes.

Except when Wang Ye stood up to signal everyone when the list was announced, he never had a chance to speak from beginning to end.

However, the small meeting that took place immediately after the conference was the most important.

Eleven members of the newly established Economic Committee came to a small conference room upstairs and held a meeting...


"Okay, now we all know each other. In the next few years, I hope that everyone can work together to make plans to improve our country's economy! Everyone here is a business elite, engaged in various industries... …”

Grezlov personally presided over the meeting and assigned everyone a task, which was to ask everyone to come up with a plan after they returned.

You can start from the industry you are in, or you can lay out the plan at the national level. In short, it has one purpose. As long as it can promote the country's economic development, and as long as the plan is practical and feasible, there will be no problem!

After assigning the task, Gryzlov turned to look at Wang Ye.

He said with a half-smile: "Mikhail, you are the youngest in the entire committee, but you are also the richest! I have heard about your deeds a long time ago. Many people say that you are a business leader among the younger generation. He is a once-in-a-century genius! I hope you can come up with a satisfactory plan, but don’t let everyone down..."

The eyes of the remaining nine committee members were also focused on Wang Ye's face, with different expressions.

There is appreciation, encouragement, and disdain...

Wang Ye was shocked, this old guy!

This is a game of overt praise and secret disparagement!

In front of so many business leaders, saying that he is a once-in-a-century business genius is not causing trouble for himself.

And he directly put himself on the line. If the plan he comes up with in a few days is not good enough, it will be really embarrassing...

However, over the past decade or so, the Russian economy has been in a mess, which is caused by many factors.

No matter how virtuous or capable you are, you can just come up with a plan and change your life against the odds!

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