Wang Ye was also helpless. Originally, he tried his best to avoid the troubles involved in the political arena.

I just want to make more money safely and invest more in potential companies, such as Penguin, Apple, and Google.

In the future, he will become the big boss behind these giant companies and become an invisible rich man with a net worth of hundreds of billions or even trillions!

Thinking about it makes me a little excited...

Moreover, once the situation here goes bad, he is ready to leave!

It's so dangerous here, people are going to die at every turn...

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes.

Inexplicably, he became a member of the Duma and a member of the Economic Committee, and his relationship with the Kremlin became increasingly close!

Now it's good to directly become the next generation successor of the third largest faction...

Who can I ask to reason with this?

It can only be said that I can’t help myself, everything is an arrangement of fate...


In fact, what Gryzlov said was not wrong, although Wang Ye's faction is the third largest force in the Duma.

But the strength is not very strong.

There are 450 seats in the Duma, with the first faction occupying a near-monopoly over 70%.

The second faction accounts for nearly 20% of the seats, led by the governor of Moscow State and others.

The third faction of Zhirinov, Wang Ye, and Abu only accounted for 10%, which is about 40 seats.

As for the remaining small factions, they only have one or two seats and are simply not worth mentioning.

It is worth mentioning that the one in Kremlin does not belong to any faction. On the surface...

Of course, the largest faction is actually under his control.

When Abu first entered the political arena, he was regarded by people within the faction as the hope for the future. After all, Abu was young, extremely rich, and had a good relationship with the Kremlin. He was called a new generation of oligarchs!

Of course, such a person has a bright future.

Don't think that oligarch is a derogatory term. In Russia, this term is definitely positive, at least for a long time, and it is what everyone yearns for.

It costs a lot of money to engage in factionalism, especially when it comes to Duma elections.

Having money means having a publicity advantage, which can help you and your colleagues in the faction get more seats!

Of course, everyone will support you and follow your steps, and you will become very influential and respond to everything!

It's a pity that I don't know what Abu was thinking. He suddenly resigned as a member of the Duma and went to the poor border area of ​​Chukotka. This is almost equivalent to "self-exile"...

Moreover, Abu has also announced that he will no longer participate in Moscow politics. From now on, he will be his governor of Chukotka and lead his fellow villagers to get rich together!

At that time, people in the third faction were very worried, feeling that this faction was going to die.

Some people even began to look for ways to switch to the first and second factions, hoping to find a way out for themselves.

At this moment, Wang Ye...

No, it should be said that "Mikhail" turned out!

He is younger than Abu, and is only 20 years old this year. He can be said to be the youngest person in high-level politics, bar none!

In terms of net worth, although Mikhail cannot catch up with Abu, the difference is actually not too big.

And don’t forget that after his farewell, he was supported by Kovchenko, the richest man in Russia!

In terms of image and influence, Mikhail became popular all over the country as soon as he debuted and became the focus of all media!

In terms of ability and talent, he traveled abroad with a delegation and directly won the biggest deal of the century worth US$300 billion!

Set countless records...

How can all this excite those of the same faction?

Of course, Mikhail is also regarded by them as the backbone and pillar of the faction!

Even though Zhirinov is now the deputy speaker and the leader of the faction, if all members of the faction were to vote, Mikhail would definitely get many more votes than him...

Wang Ye didn't have much contact with them, so he didn't know all this yet, but Grezlov knew!

Therefore, when there is a new legislative bill to be proposed, he must communicate with Wang Ye first and obtain Wang Ye's support.

When the vote comes by show of hands, as long as Wang Ye raises his hand to express his approval, everyone in the third faction will follow him and raise their hands!


He picked up the beer bottle and took a sip, letting out a long breath. He wanted to show a shy smile, but instead he grinned and turned into a bitter smile...

"What the hell! Speaker, you may not know that I am actually not too interested in these things. I prefer to engage in business, where it is more pure and there are not so many intrigues." Wang Ye said.

Grezlov understood Wang Ye quite well, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, comforting him: "Your environment is very good. You have a dazzling aura when you first entered the political arena, and there are so many people behind you supporting you. . Therefore, many real troubles will not come to you, and the atmosphere you face is already very friendly."

Wang Ye couldn't say anything else, otherwise it would be hypocritical.

Gryzlov is right. His environment and conditions are something that many people would envy.

As a result, I was still saying that I didn’t want to be in politics or hold those positions. If others heard it, wouldn’t it make my teeth itch with hatred...

"Okay, it's getting late. I made an appointment with someone for dinner at noon, so I'll leave first." Wang Ye looked at his watch. It was almost noon, so he stood up and said goodbye.

"Did you date a girl again? Although you are young and unmarried, you are free to love and no one has the right to care about you, but you also represent the image of our Duma when you go out. Be careful not to cause any scandals." Gryzlov He laughed and cursed.

There is no way, Wang Ye's beautiful assistant team is too famous in the Duma Building...

Secretly, ordinary congressmen may live a much more decadent and extravagant life than Wang Ye, but at least on the surface, they will cover it up.

Wang Ye grinned and did not explain.

He did invite a girl to dinner, but it was his cousin Ruan Xiaozhu!

Of course, there is also Nalan Yaqi...

I have been busy a while ago and have not had much contact with these "old friends". Now that I am back, I want to have a meal and chat together.

Nalan Yaqi complained to Wang Ye two days ago, saying that Wang Ye hadn't gone shopping or eating with her for a long time, and Ruan Xiaozhu usually went out with her to play.

She has been getting along well with Ruan Xiaozhu recently. The two girls are about the same age and both are close to Wang Ye.

Plus one is a "cousin" and the other is a "secret girlfriend", there is no competition...


After coming out of Gryzlov's office, Wang Ye didn't even go back to his own office, but went straight downstairs.

He called some of Seryozha's bodyguards and walked directly towards the Red Square.

They were not eating at Turandot today, but at a restaurant near Red Square, only a few minutes' walk away.

Ruan Xiaozhu and Nalan Yaqi were already waiting for him in the restaurant.

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