Reborn Russia As An Oligarch

Chapter 563 Not an ordinary big one

This new company can be regarded as Wang Ye's "private money".

He plans to take part of the dividends from the Kitty Eagle Group and inject capital into it.

It didn’t have much money, and at the end of June, Kitty Eagle Group had just distributed a dividend.

After the opening of the three gaming centers, business has been quite good. Although the tourism business has just started, there is not much revenue yet.

But just from gambling projects, especially in Moscow, the income is huge!

After excluding all labor expenses and setting aside enough cash flow, Wang Ye also received a dividend of nearly US$200 million!

This is only the dividend for the first half of the year. When the dividend is paid for the second half of the year at the end of the year, it is expected to be even more...

And there is no need to use the money for the time being.

Although Wagner Security Company and Crime Investment Company are both bottomless pits, there is no need for Wang Ye to "subsidize" these two companies out of his own pocket.

Wagner does not need a large amount of funds in a short period of time, because the equipment and other equipment have been purchased, and the daily expenses can almost break even through the gold mines in Africa and the security business of the Yukos Group.

As for Crimea Investment Company, it has the cash cow of the Siberian Gold Mine to provide "one-on-one support", so it does not need Wang Ye's money.

So let's add up the dividends he just received, and add up the wages and bonuses from several of his companies, and he will get a total of 200 million US dollars!

Wang Ye planned to transfer the 200 million U.S. dollars back to China and give it to Zhang Xiaoxi to purchase some real estate.

Although housing prices in the capital are no longer cheap, from Wang Ye's perspective twenty years later, they are still cheap!

And he doesn't expect how much money he can make from the house he buys. He mainly buys properties in rare locations. In a few years, even if he has money, he won't be able to buy them.

For example, those courtyard houses, villas in the city center, etc...

Of course, just buying these would definitely cost more than 200 million US dollars, so Wang Ye also planned to let Zhang Xiaoxi acquire some commercial real estate in better locations.

Then just hold it and collect rent.

At the end, Zhang Xiaoxi seemed to ask a question casually.

"Wang Ye, are you really relieved to hand over so much money to me? Aren't you afraid that I will take the money and abscond?"

Yes, 200 million U.S. dollars. This is an astronomical figure that most people have never seen in their lives!

Wang Ye smiled lightly and just said: "It's okay, I can still trust my own judgment, you are not that kind of person."

Zhang Xiaoxi is indeed not that kind of person, but the reason why Wang Ye dares to trust her to manage so much money is because he is confident enough.

Now, if he wants to find someone, he can find him even if he hides in the corners of the world!


At Sheremetyevo Airport, the tour group gathered again.

Wang Ye also sent Zhang Xiaoxi over. When saying goodbye, Zhang Xiaoxi suddenly plucked up the courage and gave Wang Ye a big hug.

Wang Ye was caught off guard. Before he could "retaliate", Zhang Xiaoxi had already let go of his hand and took a step back.

Her cheeks were a little blushing, and she said in a pretentious manner: "Hee hee, isn't this the etiquette here? I'm going to do as the Romans do! Okay, I'm leaving. You, a busy person, go back to your work. If you have anything to do, Let’s call.”

After saying that, he waved his hand and walked into the international departure hall with his suitcase.

Wang Ye also waved his hand, turned around and got into the car.

After the motorcade left, Zhang Xiaoxi, who had just reached the door of the departure hall, stopped and turned around to look at the retreating motorcade, wondering what he was thinking.

After a while, he exhaled and turned around and walked into the hall.


On the plane back, by chance, Zhang Xiaoxi was next to the middle-aged aunt from the capital again.

As soon as she sat down, the middle-aged aunt asked Zhang Xiaoxi insinuatingly what the young man who picked her up did. For such a large fleet, the rent must be very expensive...

Zhang Xiaoxi was helpless. She didn't want to lie to others, but she couldn't tell others about Wang Ye.

He could only vaguely say that he was a friend of his who was doing business here, and the company was quite large.

As for Wang Ye's official positions, Zhang Xiaoxi didn't mention a word about them.

But even so, the middle-aged aunt was extremely sour.

“Oh, these days, the brave are really exhausted, and the timid are starved to death!

I heard from my son that there are many Chinese business owners here who look rustic and inconspicuous, but they are really rich.

It is said that in a big market, if you pick anyone randomly, they may be millionaires, and even multi-millionaires are nothing there.

Gee, is money so easy to make?

But let me say, it would be decent to work in a national ministry like my son did.

Although the salary is not much, it is stable..."

She rambled a lot, but what she meant was that being rich is no big deal, and we people in the capital should pay attention to our dignity!

Zhang Xiaoxi didn't want to get entangled with her on this topic, so she deliberately changed the topic and said: "By the way, Auntie, I want to ask you something. I heard that there are some large courtyard houses for sale in the old city. , is it expensive?”

When we talked about this, the aunt became more energetic and said, "You have asked the right person! I work in the relevant unit, let me tell you..."

It's a coincidence that this aunt's job is related to real estate, and she is very familiar with the old courtyard houses in the capital.

The two had quite a common topic on this matter. Zhang Xiaoxi just told her that a friend of his wanted to buy a few houses in the capital and was interested in those old courtyard houses.

“Tsk tsk, then your friend is so rich!

Those larger courtyard houses are really not cheap, costing several million.

Let me tell you, what's so good about those dilapidated houses? With so much money, wouldn't it be better to just buy a newly built building? The price is still cheaper.

And let me tell you, private reconstruction of courtyard houses is not allowed. Even if it is renovated, it must be reported to the relevant departments and approved before construction can start. Anyway, it is very troublesome.

Therefore, those courtyard houses are not easy to sell. If you really want to buy them, it is not difficult. "...


After chatting with the middle-aged aunt, Zhang Xiaoxi gained a lot and gained some understanding of real estate in the capital.

But it wasn't busy yet, she was just doing her "homework" in advance.

The plane arrived at the Capital Airport. After getting off the plane, Zhang Xiaoxi took out his mobile phone and called his parents at home to tell them that he had returned to China and that he was safe.

"Haha, have fun. You are the first member of our old Zhang family to go abroad. You will gain a lot." Dad joked with a smile.


Zhang Xiaoxi showed a smile on her face and said playfully: "That's right! The harvest this time is not as big as usual!"

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