Reborn Sells Instant Noodles In America

Chapter 252: Little storm at the wedding

Lin Zidan raised his head and glanced at Chen Lin, who had just been deflated, and saw that he was pretending to be talking eagerly to Jack at the moment. Lin Zidan didn't want to have a conflict with this guy in front of Emma, ​​but since he was shameless, Don't blame him for being rude.

Our Chinese weddings are quite cumbersome. Before the start, a bunch of relatives and friends gathered around to take pictures with the newlyweds. After the shooting, they were ready to go to the wedding process. Lin Zi was afraid that Emma would be bored, so he brought the peanuts and candies in the fruit bowl to her.

Emma ate two jellybeans that had been tied together, and sat there motionless, looking at this environment, which was very unfamiliar to her, with her big smart eyes. Occasionally swept across Shirley, who was peeking at her, and smiled slightly.

"Would you like to eat this?" Lin Zidan asked her if she wanted to eat melon seeds, seeing that some people were eating melon seeds.

"I don't know how to eat~" Emma whispered in Lin Zidan's ear secretly.

"Hehe, that's what it is, I'll peel it off for you." Lin Zidan said with a smile after listening.

All the dried fruits that Laomei eats are peeled, even sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are shelled and sold.

So it's no wonder that Emma can't do anything about the dark pile of watermelon seeds.

In fact, these watermelon seeds are really not easy to peel. Lin Zi was careful to peel them, and many were peeled by him.

Fortunately, Emma ate slowly, so Lin Zidan peeled it off and put it on the shallow plate in front of Emma.

"I'll go, watch you two spread the dog food~" Zhang Jing couldn't help saying sour when he saw that they matched well.

"You just mentioned your Alice, where is the person? Haven't done it yet?" Lin Zidan ignored his envy, jealousy, and hatred, and continued to peel off slowly.

"Alas! It's a long way to go!" Zhang Jing couldn't help sighing.

"Aren't you always getting more and more courageous? Keep going~" Lin Zidan said with a smile.

"Why do I want to cheer up! It's a pity, I have to go back at the end of the month, and the movie is about to start running promotions,

Also count on this film to make money and buy a suite in B city directly! "Zhang Jing sighed.

"Then you can find a way to get Alice into China to make clothes for your little stars~" Lin Zidan said calmly.

"Hey? Why didn't I think of it? Let someone from our company contact her directly and let her go to work in the mainland.

If I go, I don't believe that she is willing to leave the child behind. I will go back first and finish the child's nursery.

At that time, I will be able to get close to the water tower, hahaha~~”

Zhang Jing was immediately excited when he heard this, and wished he would call people in China now.

Lin Zi worried that your son is only one year old. But seeing him so happy doesn't make him happy either.


The wedding finally started. The bride and groom walked to the center of the stage during the wedding march. The master of ceremonies guided them to serve tea to the elders, and the elders stuffed red envelopes and jewelry for the new couple.

No matter how much red envelopes were given, the emcee would read out loud, what the second aunt gave $200, and the eldest aunt gave a pair of gold bracelets or something.

After a round of tea, the bride was covered with gold necklaces and bracelets, gold rings, and the bracelets were exaggeratedly worn from the wrist to the elbow. Gold rings, some with doubles on their fingers.

"Wow~" Emma couldn't help but exclaimed when she looked at the grand scene where the bride was wearing a traditional red wedding dress, all dressed in gold and silver.

"A lot of this place is rented, just to save face." Lin Zidan whispered in her ear.

"Really? Why?" Emma looked confused.

"Just because of the "wow" in our mouths, hehe~" Lin Zidan didn't know how to translate the custom of Chinese people who like to slap swollen faces and make fat people to her, so she replied after thinking for a while.

"Oh, that's really wow~ hehe~" Emma said with a smile.

At the same time, the emcee in front excitedly shouted to the relatives of the woman's family to serve tea.

The woman's parents presented a pair of gold bracelets, a pair of gold rings, and a red envelope of $10,000 each.

"Wow, there is also a set of two-family single-family villas in Brooklyn!" The emcee shouted excitedly.

"What's the villa?" Emma asked incomprehensibly.

"Yeah, in China our parents would like to leave everything to their children," Lin Zidan explained.

"Where do their parents live?" Emma had a hard time understanding this kind of gift from the Chinese.

"Their parents are richer. This set is specially bought for their children. They have other places to live."

Lin Zidan thought that maybe this was just to save face, but he didn't want to explain this to Emma.

Chinese parents have really done their best for their children and then died.

Most people's hard work is to make the next generation live easier than themselves.

Don't suffer the hardships you have suffered, don't suffer the sins you have suffered.

Especially the first- and second-generation immigrants in the United States, some of whom have worked hard to be restaurants all their lives,

Just so that the next generation of children can change their destiny through good educational conditions.

It is a pity that many children from F state, unless they study very well and then change careers, there are still some children who fail to learn.

In the end, I had to go back to my parents and continue to run the restaurant.

With a flexible mind, his restaurant has become better and better. Like a small shop selling Roujiamo in Xi'an, it has opened a dozen or 20 branches.

There are also some who are ignorant and incompetent. After hanging out for a while, they still go back to their parents to eat and grow old, and finally rely on their parents to make a living.

When the bride and groom in front were serving tea, the audience also began to enjoy a delicious dinner. Lin Zidan took care of Emma carefully, helping him pick fishbone and shrimp, while he just watched her eat happily.

"Emma, ​​do you like Chinese food?"

While eating, Zhang Jing talked to Emma through Lin Zidan, asking this and that, Lin Zidan several times wanted him to shut up and eat well.

But later found out that Zhang Jingwen was what he wanted to know, so he continued to serve his goddess silently.

While eating, Emma replied in a low voice that she liked it. When she answered, in order to let Zhang Jing hear, she would involuntarily lean towards Lin Zidan, as if she was deliberately whispering in his ear.

Lin Zidan enjoyed this kind of beauty very much, and could not wait to give Zhang Scenic a compliment secretly.

"The bride and groom have toasted, thank you all the guests for coming, let's wish the bride and groom a hundred years of marriage, and give birth to a precious son early!"

At this moment, the master of ceremonies led the bride and groom, as well as a group of relatives and friends, toasting at each table, just to their table.

"This is a gift I gave you. It may not be as expensive, but I chose it myself. I hope you like it~" Emma said, taking out the jewelry she prepared from the small bag at hand and handing it over.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, thank you~" Chu Shaojun's daughter-in-law happily accepted the gift.

"I wish you all the best." Emma suddenly got stuck when she said this. She wanted to say what the emcee said just now, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Have a good relationship in a hundred years, give birth to a precious son early." Lin Zidan hurriedly continued on her behalf.

"That's right, it's a long-term relationship, and you will have a son early." Emma repeated with a smile.

Chu Shaojun and the others went to the next table to toast, and Lin Zidan discussed with Zhang Jing and said that it was time to prepare to go back.

At this moment, I suddenly heard Chen Lin and Xue Li, who were sitting across from them, arguing quietly for some reason.

When Lin Zidan turned their heads to look, they saw that Chen Lin suddenly put the chopsticks on the plate and made a crisp sound.

Then he roared at Shirley: "You like being served like that by a man, so go find another one,

I don't have the ability to be a T-dog! After speaking, he couldn't help but glance at Lin Zidan.

"I'm idiot~ Are you tired of living crooked?" Before Lin Zidan could speak, Zhang Jing threw a pair of chopsticks over and hit Chen Lin's plate. The plate was lifted and fell to the ground with a clatter. Crispy.

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