The white bone army surrounded Pingcheng from all directions, and at this moment, it was impossible to even a sparrow, and flew out silently.

More and more evolutionaries noticed that when they saw the army of white bones appear, their hearts would stop beating.

Li Jiang's cold sweat was about to flow down, and his heart was suddenly beating wildly!

Of course, he knows the prestige of the bone king and the white bone army, thousands of fierce beasts surround a city, I am afraid that there is only one thing to slaughter the city!


Li Jiang roared in his heart.

Taking advantage of the fact that the white bone army did not form a closed circle, he happened to be a flying evolutionary, and the chance of successful escape was as high as ninety percent!

Just do it when you think of it!

Now time is more expensive than anything, and when the army of white bones forms a closed encirclement, it will be too late to say anything!

He is now the evolutionary of the Awakening Realm Two-Star, and he is a guest of honor in any city.

The good life has just begun, and it is impossible to tolerate dying in Heicheng.

Not only did Li Jiang give birth to the idea of escaping for his life, but the rest of the evolutionaries were also thinking of ways to avoid the sight of the white bone army.


Li Jiang's back shook slightly, his dark brown wings spread, soared to a height of fifty or sixty meters, hid behind the white clouds, and gradually moved away from Pingcheng little by little!


A high-pitched bird song sounded, like lightning striking a soul.

Immediately after that, a cyan figure streaked across the sky, and Li Jiang didn't have time to react, and was swallowed into Er Qing's stomach by two or three mouthfuls.

A little blood falls to the ground and turns into gorgeous fireworks!

Three blue-scaled eagles also appeared, dominating the sky realm and overlooking the entire Jiang City.

The number one place on the list of fierce beasts was a blue-scaled eagle.

However, it has disappeared for too long, and it is suspected that it has died, and has fallen out of the list of fierce beasts.

Now three more blue-scaled eagles have appeared in the field of vision, awakening the fear of all the evolutionaries in Heicheng, and directly extinguishing the hope of escaping through the sky!

The news of the invasion of the white bone army was like a hurricane, which blew through Pingcheng in a few minutes.

Everyone's state of mind collapsed, and they fell to their knees almost in madness.

"What the hell did we do wrong!"

"Pingcheng is just an ordinary small city, please let us go!"

"Ahhhh, I just got into college, I have excellent academic performance, I planned my future life yesterday, and I am going to die today?"

"Can I use the four lives of my whole family to spare my infant child from dying?"

"Where are the evolutionaries!"

"Where is the chaebol, where is the country, where is the palace of the human king!"

"Why didn't the country launch a nuclear bomb and nip the bone king in the bud, and now that there is a slaughter incident, who can save us!"


Traffic was paralyzed, water and electricity were cut off.

Lin Ye sent white bone servants to destroy the power lines and signal towers, and Pingcheng suddenly became an isolated city!

Isolated and silent.

A light gray smoke appeared out of thin air, and the speed of diffuse was beyond imagination, and it filled the small half of Ping City in tens of seconds.

Lin Ye broke through to the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, and the smoke released was even greater, enough to cover the entire Pingcheng!

Light gray smoke has the effect of shielding signals.

Things such as mobile phones and computers that are used to communicate with the outside world are now not even as good as a brick for self-defense.

High-speed trains, trains, planes, cars...

A series of transportation vehicles were also paralyzed, and anyone who wanted to escape the realm of Pingcheng was destroyed by the white bone creatures.

A high-speed train that was moving was found by several bone cows, and no one survived.

A civilian passenger plane that had flown to a high altitude, carrying hundreds of passengers, was about to leave the Pingcheng realm, but was still shot down by the Blue Scale Eagle.

The people who secretly drove their cars to escape, without exception, all turned into cold corpses.

Heijo.... Become... Cages.

Everyone smelled death and fell to the ground to pray to the heavens.

Seven hundred thousand people are trapped in cages, like lambs about to be slaughtered.

The fact that Pingcheng was surrounded by the army of white bones was not only known to the locals of Pingcheng, but also to the people of the entire Great Xia Dynasty!

From the beginning of the revival of Aura to the present, there has been a fierce beast siege for the first time.

Evolutionaries from cities close to each other vainly tried to understand the situation of Pingcheng.

When it was dozens of kilometers away from Pingcheng, the hidden white bone creature suddenly came out and bit off its head.

This is the moment.

Lin Ye sat quietly on a boulder, silent like a sculpture.

Six or seven thousand white bone servants were ready to go, and as long as Lin Ye gave an order, Pingcheng would turn into a dead city in an instant!


The hall of the nuclear bomb launch center covers an area of about 800 square meters, and a hundred staff members dare not breathe.

They have used all means and still cannot contact Pingcheng.

The satellites in outer space had no choice but to see a light gray fog that obscured the entire Pingcheng.

Now the dead or alive of 700,000 people, they don't know!

The signal in Heijo was cut off and no message could be delivered.

Several officers wearing dark green guns and general level all stiffened their expressions, and they all looked at Ye Nantian in the middle.

They realize that they are doing it wrong.

Knowing that the Bone King was really angry, he vowed to slaughter Heicheng!

If the Bone King had maintained the attitude that the well water would not violate the river water when they broke through the Heavenly Tribulation Realm, the current situation might not have occurred.

700,000 innocent people of Pingcheng will be buried at their hands!

There is no regret medicine in the world, and what should be solved now should be how to calm the monstrous anger of the bone king!

Ye Nantian looked like an old ten-year-old, his eyes stared straight at the big screen, and there were bruises on his forehead!

"Absolutely... Can't let the bone king... Slaughter the city! There

was silence for four or five seconds before he spat out a sentence.

The resolute face of the knife and axe reveals determination, and the vicissitudes and deep eyes set off waves.

After many years of singing, he finally straightened up again, like a long spear out of its sheath!

Several general-level officers were in a trance, and stood in place in unison, as if they saw Ye Nantian, who had been invincible on the battlefield again!

"You guys sit in the launch center, I'll go to Pingcheng to solve the problem!"

End of words.

Ye Nantian disappeared from the nuclear bomb launch center and had already stepped on the plane flying towards Pingcheng.


The Bone King did not launch the order to slaughter the city, and everything still had room to turn around.

When Li Yiyi saw Ye Nantian disappear, his heart couldn't help but hurt fiercely, and he immediately began to contact Lin Ye.

She felt how terrifying Ye Nantian really was!

Just now, Ye Nantian shook out an ocean-like fluctuation, and the powerful and unparalleled spiritual power seemed to be able to sweep everything, and at that moment, Ye Nantian seemed to become the center of heaven and earth!

"The Heavenly Calamity Realm... Fifth Order Pinnacle! "

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