Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 115 birthday feast

The blue house had a sound early today, and the small servants were busy and ready to come and go. "Father!" Blue ink string came to Lan Jianjun's yard early, please, "Congratulations to his father's birthday!", the blue ink string fell to the ground and bowed. When he was a child, he knew Lan Jianjun. At that time, Lan Jianjun was still a friend of his father. He always came to see his father and mother with his wife. However, he did not expect his father to die at the age of five, and his mother died. There was only one child left in the family. At that time, I was afraid of panic and I didn’t know what to do. At that time, my father and mother took me into the blue house and made myself a nephew of the blue house, so that I could have a home. . Mother is gentle and beautiful. She always takes good care of herself. She will cook for herself and will cook for herself. She will praise herself when she is doing her own good hair. Although his father was not good at words, he was serious, but he would teach him martial arts and archery. He slowly integrated into the blue house and accepted such a pair of parents. The family of three was very happy, even at the time. There is also an Anzhen mother and a few children, but the father never cares about them and does not look at them, and the mother seems to have never cared about them. Later, when the mother became pregnant, he saw that his father and mother were happy to expect the child in the mother's abdomen. At that time, the mother always picked herself up and said softly to herself, "You will have a little sister in the future. Do you like it?" The blue house has only a blue ink string. A child is inevitably lonely, so the little blue ink string is very eager to have a soft and cute little sister. He said to the mother who is full of maternal love in the sun." Mother, son will definitely protect her sister in the future, and will help her to beat the bad guys!" At that time, my father will always be happy and laugh and then hold myself up. "My son really has the ability! In the future, I will see you protect your little sister." "Well!" The little blue ink string clenched his fist and nodded. He answered very seriously and made his mother and father happy. Later, the mother was unfortunately born prematurely, and the government panicked. He was still anxiously listening to his mother’s shouting while he was standing with his father. None of them thought that the mother who was so weak would have given birth to her sister for the sake of the child in her belly. When the cry of the child rang, the mother was almost out of date. The father and himself stood on the mother's bed. The mother said palely to her father, "Our daughter is called Yu Nian, Yu Nian..." He took the newly born blue secluded to his mother, and the mother held the little baby. And stroking the baby's look "Mother's kiss..." "Xiao Ran..." At that time, the Lan Jianjun trembled and glared at He Xiaoran, He Xiaoran's mouth screamed in the arms of Lan Jianjun, and there was no stopping. Crying baby. It was the first time that the blue ink string saw the tears of the father of the iron skeleton. He was grief-stricken and wanted to accompany his mother. At that time, he just stayed with his father and watched his father’s increasingly silent face. My mother’s death is so hard for my father. So my father’s blue-and-yellow thoughts, the father’s innocence, just gave the sister’s yard the best 嬷嬷 and guards, but he never went to see it. After a look at her, he once tried to let his father care more about his sister, but he got the father's words. He thought that his father really didn't care about his sister. Otherwise, how could he treat his sister like this? Later, when he was thundered for a night, he was afraid that his younger sister would be afraid. Then he was anxiously dressed in a blouse and ran to the secluded pavilion. He saw his father standing outside the window of his sister’s sister and looking at the sleeping sister who was sleeping inside. The expression on the face was very painful. At that time, he realized that his father did not like to read his sister. He only liked to read his sister. On the other hand, he thought that he was a sister who killed his mother. Both of them were loved by him. He doesn't know how to face it. "Ink string?" Lan Jianjun raised the blue ink string, and asked the question "What happened?" "Nothing, just thought of the father's care and teaching of his son when he was a child!" Blue ink string got up and sat down to the blue Jianjun side. Lan Jianjun seems to think of the things that once happened, can not help but feel "you are the son of my blue Jianjun, do not care to teach you to teach who?" Said also shot the shoulders of the blue ink string. "Master, the blue song girl in the lady's yard asks for it!" Lan Bo said into the room. "Let her come in!" said Lan Jianjun. He wants to have a meal with his son and daughter only today, but how can he escape these entertainments in his place? Today, I am afraid that I will accompany the people who have been in the office for a day. The blue song went into the house and gave a gift to the blue Jianjun and the blue ink string, and then placed the box in the hand on the table. "Blue Jianjun, Miss is not very comfortable today, do not participate in the blue banquet's birthday banquet, so let the slaves send gifts, congratulations to the blue general's birthday!" Lanqu said that he also opened the box. There is a rare jade in the box, and the color is crisp and clear. At first glance, it is a rare jade that is rare. This kind of thing is probably rare in the whole continent, but Lan Jianjun glanced at it without any happiness. Look like that. The blue song has not been gentle in the whole body today, but it reveals a dissatisfaction and resentment. Looking at the blue Jianjun did not say anything, the blue song gave a gift. "If the blue general has nothing to do, the slave will go down first!" Go on!" Lan Jianjun waved his hand and let the blue song leave. Lan Jianjun looked at the rare value of the table, but could not say that the value of the city was not much worse than the jade, and said to the blue ink string, "for the father, I thought that I have begun to accept the father, it seems that her heart Still remember to hate yourself as a father!" "Father..." Blue ink string does not understand why her sister did not even show her father's birthday feast, which is not good for her, after all, rumors are hard to hear. "You can need your son to look at it?" asked the blue ink string. Maybe he can go to persuade his sister to appear in the birthday party, so that the father will have a lot of fun. Lan Jianjun put Yu Yuyi into the room and put it in, no matter how the daughter thinks, after all, this is also a daughter's heart for herself, but unfortunately she can't use her meal with her daughter. "No, if she doesn't want to be happy with her, now is what the father can do!" Lan Jianjun said, he left the room. He still has a lot of things to do today and there are many people to see. He How can you show a sad expression? The blue ink string looked at the old father who sighed low. He didn’t know what to do now. After all, the father used to treat his sister like that would really make people feel chilling. Now it’s okay to read your sister’s heart. One day, the relationship between the father and the sister will be better. Because the birthday banquet was at noon, the more recent officials who were in the middle of the DPRK and the Lan Jianjun had already carried their family members to the Blue House. Lan Jianjun stood in the blue house door and was gentle to everyone who came to the birthday party. The blue ink string standing next to him also said hello to each guest who entered the house. Lan Jianjun could not help feeling if his daughter Also staying with me, my life is worth it, but unfortunately... "The old minister participated in the Four Kings, Pluto!" Lan Jianjun gave a gift to several people who entered the door, and then looked at Jing Wu’an and laughed at "Jing Shizi, The county owner is also here!" "Blue General!" Jing Wuan and Hua Mu poured a gift, and followed the feathers and also gave a gift "Blue General!" "This is?" Lan Jianjun looked Asked about the extraordinary plume. "Father, he is the first Zhuangzi of the world, and he is a friend of his son!" explained the blue ink string. "Oo, it turned out to be the owner of Yuzhuang, please come in!" Lan Jianjun will welcome a few people into the government. The blue ink string led several people to look around in the blue house. Hua Mu couldn’t help but ask, “How come you didn’t see your sister today?” He said that he also pulled the arm of the blue ink string. Everyone has a relationship with them. It’s already clear, and it’s already strange. "You also know the relationship between the father and the child, I am afraid that I don't want to come out today, let her be clean and clean!" The tone of the blue ink string was helpless. Feng Yi Xuan stepped forward to go to the Nian Nian Pavilion to see, but thought of what he said to himself yesterday, after he entered the You Ning Pavilion last night, he was driven out and said, these days let Don't go to the Nian Nian Pavilion. Fengyi Xuan can not listen to anyone's words, but there is no way to be blue and mournful words for the ears, to resist the thoughts that I want to see and read, and follow the blue ink string in the blue house. "You are too insane, don't even call me together?" He Chuyang caught up with a few people, dissatisfied. The blue ink string was taken aback. After all, he still knows what his grandfather is. He hasn’t walked for so many years. “How come you? The grandfather knows that he must punish you again!” “Hey? I’m here, but my grandfather’s personally. Said, "He Chuyang said with a smile." After all, my sister is now in the blue house, and my grandfather will not be so angry that my uncle will not make it difficult for my sister to do it. Right, how can I not see my sister?" "She is not willing to participate in life." Feast, don't quarrel with her!" Blue ink string said, for fear that today's banquet makes my sister unhappy. It is almost noon that many guests have come to the party at noon. I have to say that Lan Jianjun’s contacts in the DPRK are still very wide. Many people have come. Even the emperor has personally given things into the Blue House. This is a great honor. A few princesses and princes have arrived, and Anfu is the son of An Zhenxiang. Although An Zhen Niang is a sly, but there is no hostess in the blue house, so on such an occasion, she is still like the hostess of the blue house in the lobby to the guests who come and go, and they are very favored. "Mother, Blue Nian Nian did not come!" Lan Ya said to An Zhen Niang, they originally prepared a lot of tricks to deal with Blue Nian Nian, what if she does not come then? An Zhen Niang looked at the banquet and did not see the blue sacred thoughts. Even the blue ink string table did not look at it. She thought about it and understood it. The prince ignored the little monk for so many years, in her heart. How could there be no resentment? An Zhen Niang smiled at the women around her, and patted Lan Ya’s hand. She shook her voice and said, “Don’t worry, my father’s birthday niece turns a blind eye. What do you say she is in the future?” Lan Ya’s eyes lit up, yeah. Today, the emperor is the most filial filial piety. If the blue secluded mind does not appear at the banquet today, then it is not filial piety. How can such a woman who is not filial to be a prostitute? In the future, who would dare to smash a woman who is still filthy? The old lady sat in the main position, listening to the flattery of everyone, very happy, and did not see the blue secluded heart sigh of relief, I do not know how she is older, but now more afraid of the blue Yu Nian, the pain of the night and night mouth made her more and more old. Originally, Xia Xia and Feng Yi Xuan needed to sit on the main seat, but neither of them was a person who loved the limelight. So they sat at the table with the blue ink string and others, and let everyone see the biggest two factions on the court. One faction is the queen of the two kings, the wind is less Chu, the other is Feng Yi Xuan, this supreme position is probably born in their two factions. At this time, the secluded pavilion was silent. Five men stood outside the attic. The five people who stood up in the crowd were now so anxiously standing outside the attic.

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