The recent capital city is very lively. It is because this year's four major country exchange banquets are held in the capital city. Nowadays, many people from other countries can be found in the capital city. Different people wear different folk customs to make the industry in Beijing also enter the gold.

"Miss, Bailian came the news!" Lanqu reported the news he received to Lan Younian. He said that Bailian had no news since he left that day. Miss did not ask too much, but did not expect Bailian now. I contacted the lady myself.

"Talk about it!" Lan Nian thought that the woman who looks beautiful and has a high degree of temperament is somewhat embarrassed. If she is a man, she is afraid that she will really like Bailian, but it is a pity that she is the daughter of her body, but she is still young. I want to be friends with Bai Lian. It is a pity that such a woman can’t miss her fear.

"This exchange meeting in various countries is held in Beijing, and among the people sent by Yueguo, there is Bailian!" Lanqu said, and then it seems that there is something wrong with seeing her own lady. Although the lady is very ordinary on the surface, they are ordinary. The young lady who saw it still liked this woman very much.

"Is there anything to say? Is it related to Bailian?" asked Lan Yuen.

Lan Qu thought about it or said directly, "This time Bailian seems to be a marriage to the princess, and Bai Lian seems to have agreed, fearing that this white lotus will marry the royal kingdom of the wind!"

The smile on the face of Lan Youn is still splendid, and there is danger in the splendid. The black swirl of the pupil deepens deeper. "The moon country is really a good idea. Does Bai Lian agree?" Lan Nian thought that Bai Lian’s temper is also not bent. Women, being so arranged in their own life, are afraid of it.

"It’s strange to be here, this is like Bailian’s willingness, Miss, do we need to intervene?” asked Blue Qu worried, thinking that such a wise and unparalleled woman would become a marriage if she entered the palace wall. Chess, it is a pity.

"No, since Bai Lian must have her intention to do so, wait until she comes to the capital to make another plan!" Lan You Nian thought that his eyes were cold. And if Bai Lian needs the identity of a princess, he must fulfill the princess's obligation. This is not us. Can stop it!"

The ruthless pavilion of Lan Younian is not small but can't compete with a country at all, and Lan Younian believes that Bai Lian must have her intention to do so, but at this time, Lan Younian did not think that Bai Lian did so. It is because of myself.

"The emperor of the Moon Kingdom, Su Guifei, died strangely not long ago, but it seems that Bailian should be done!" Lanqu said, after all, Bailian returned to the palace and still needed to end the hatred, but she did not expect to look so gentle white lotus. When I started doing things, there was a bit of a master's demeanor.

Lan Youn smiled and laughed, and sure enough, Bai Lian did not let herself down, and avenged herself!

"Miss, the county magistrate invites you to go horse riding today!" Lan Qu reminded her own lady that she was not in a hurry.

Lan Younian suddenly sat up and said, "For the Austrian, I have forgotten it, and I will take it out!", I went to the house a few days ago and told Lan Younian to go to Xishan for horse riding this afternoon. People invited to meet in Xishan, and now they are afraid that it will be gone.

Lan Younian put on a light and convenient ride, still pure white dress embroidered with Manzhu Shahua, covered with white veil and left from the back door of Lanfu, now because of the relationship with the blue Jianjun a lot, so in the blue Jianjun gave her daughter a lot of love.

When Lan Nian Nian came to Xishan Horse Farm, the endless green grassland, Hua Mu leaned into the blue Slim ride, long waited there for a long time, when he saw the blue mourning, he shook his hand excitedly and shouted. "Look at my sister, here!"

When Lan Yu’s thoughts came to the flower and Mu Mu, it was inevitable that some guilty said, “Mu’s sister has waited for a long time?”

Hua Mu’s big hands and feet don’t matter, “I’m not coming over for a while, but it’s also a good thing to look at the scenery in the government!”

Lan Younian knows that the recent turmoil of the Queens is very powerful. Feng Xia is also encountering many obstacles in the court. He is also surprised by the military. The blue ink string is a very busy person, of course, it is very busy. There is no time to accompany the flowers.

“Is riding on this horse race today?” asked Blue Yuen, who knew that Hua Mu was an unspeakable temper.

Hua Mu dumped and suddenly left the horse, and turned back to the blue secluded screaming, "Today, I want to compare with my sister, see who is going to the destination first?" Hua Mu leaned a few days before listening to the blue ink string said blue secluded The riding technique is very good. Hua Mu has always thought that his riding in the women is also very good, so listening to the blue ink string is inevitable and some thoughts are more than a try.

Lan Younian hasn't been riding a horse for a long time. The last time I took a horse ride, I tried it with my fourth brother in a horse farm in a small town. Now I think it is very much missed.

"Good! But I don't know what color can I win?" Lan Youxiao smiled and said that these are just to show the atmosphere.

Hua Mu has really thought about it carefully. After all, she knows that Feng Yi Xuan will be the best for the blue singer, and the cost of wearing and wearing is the best. Even the county owner can’t compare it. What is the color head?

Lan Younian looked at the flower Mu, so serious, I couldn’t help but say, "It’s better than this. If Mu’s sister wins, I personally go to the winemaking and give it to my sister. If my sister wins, I’ll cook myself. Would you like me to taste it?"

"Good!" Hua Mu also feels that such a color head is more interesting and more enjoyable than those things.

The two men looked at each other and galloped. The blue singer was riding and feeling the warm wind blowing through his cheeks. The mood was a rare pleasure. Perhaps there were always many things that suppressed all the blue and mourning. I just want to indulge one time.

Hua Mu looked at the blue secluded thoughts riding in front of her, and her heart flashed envious. She didn’t expect that her sister’s riding was really much higher than her own. Her riding was just a beautiful but not useful flower shelf, but This is not the case with my sister, I am afraid that this kind of riding is not the same as the blue ink string!

Blue mourning is in front of

Lan Younian was flying in front of the comfortable horse, but fell a lot of flowers and flowers. Although the ride was a little hard, but the smile on the cheeks was also very happy. After all, in the capital, she is always a county. Need to have a county owner attitude, and now it is also very happy.

Blue mourning looked at the sun above the top of the head, and the lush forest around the racecourse, suddenly pulled out a very cold smile, standing upright.

When Hua Mu was far away, he saw that Lan Younian’s ride was stopped when he was happy. Then he immediately went to Lan Younian’s side and asked, “What happened to your sister?”

"It's not too late, Mu's sister should go back!" said Lan Younian, who was close to Huamu.

The look of Hua Mu’s face flashed through tension but did not show it. He shook his voice and said, “How can I leave now? Isn’t my sister reading me?”

Lan Younian knows that Hua Mu is very loyal to this person. She is afraid that she can't persuade her, but the people who are hiding around me are not ordinary guards. They are afraid of being killers. Restoration is complete, although Hua Mu will write martial arts, but they are all a bit of a fist. They are afraid that they can't help anything. It seems that today is to see blood.

The enemy moved, and the blue mourning moved faster. The whole person was like a galloping lightning. He broke into the hidden place of the black man and took a dagger. The black man never thought that the blue singer’s skill would be so good. More or less shocked, but more is more tightly strangled.

Lan Younian will pour the flowers behind him, and the daggers in his hands will fly over the butterfly. The black people who rushed to her rushing and rushed to the ground, the blood of the heart was smashed, and it was actually killed by the air. . The blink of an eye, the black people all fell in the grass.

Hua Mu did not see such a ferocious thing, her face was a little white but her look did not have any resentment. She knew that many times you wouldn’t kill someone who would die, she would never be a woman who didn’t understand anything, she Have a measure of your own heart.

Lan You Nian looked at a group of black people who appeared again. The delicate face was with a sly smile. The soft voice was like the wind at the beginning of the winter and the coldness of the early spring. "It’s really unpleasant! How? Will it bother me?"

As soon as he said, he was clinging to the dagger and was ready to continue to kill. However, he was taken into a warm hug at this time. After the news that the blue wing was besieged by Feng Yixuan, he immediately rushed over, and the wind wing Xuanyu was covered with ice. The coldness of the cold, the sharp coldness, like a sharp knife and arrow, stabbed the black man in front of him.

And the blue ink string and other people who followed closely also rushed over, and the nerves that were swaying hard and swaying were finally fainted when they saw the blue ink string.

The blue ink string holds the flowers and looks at the blood in front of the eyes. I also know how much cruelty my sister’s means are. At the moment, although the blue mourning is much better because of the arrival of Fengyixuan, the cruelty and blood of the whole body. But still around, fearing that the flowers are so scared or nervous.

"My brother still wants to go back with his sister!" Blue Yu Nian said to the blue ink string.

The blue ink string looked around and the black man shook his head. Although he was distressed by the flowers in his arms, he knew what his duties were.

"Go back, otherwise I and Xuan will be distracted to take care of you, but it is even harder!" Lan Younian said, she knows that Feng Yi Xuan's martial arts is very strong, and they can solve these people.

The blue ink string looked at the wind wing Xuan, the wind wing Xuan cold face nodded and it was accepted, the blue ink string will hold the flower and the body will use the light work back.

"Can there be an injury?" Feng Yixuan carefully looked at the blue mourning, for fear of blue missed what was missing.

Lan Nian Nian shook his head, and the coldness in his eyes had not been dispersed. "You don't have to do it. I want to come by myself today!" Lan Younian has seen that Feng Yi Xuan is ready to let the dark ones clean up these people, but the blue You thought that the good mood that was so easy today was disturbed, and the panic in my heart wanted to see the blood.

Although Feng Yi Xuan is distressed by the blue mourning, but also knows that if she does not let her heart anger and fear, I have to hold the blue secluded and tightly "I am accompanying to read?"

Lan Youn thought that he had not seen Feng Yi Xuan murder, although he was rumored that he was very addicted to kill, it is inevitable to look a little more "good!"

------Off topic ------

I always see a lot of small partners let Zhenzhen more and more, Zhenzhen will try to be as much as possible, and I hope everyone can understand the busyness of Zhenzhen’s work. Thank you.

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