"That is really strange. The royal army and the guards are everywhere in the palace. What kind of thieves can enter the palace, can the Queen's partial hall steal the calligraphy and painting, and still not alarm anyone?" Xia Wei asked inexplicably, although the tone was gentle, but there was an aggressive situation.

Followed by the darkness behind the wing wing, he turned a blind eye. He wanted to say that the man was him, but now he listened to the four kings and said that he seemed to be very powerful.

This is a lot of people who have some doubts. After all, the palace is not an ordinary place. How many people in the rivers and lakes can enter the palace? After all, the guards entering the harem are not simple people, and the investigation is also very rigorous. They know that when they entered the palace, they first came in with a waistband and then sneaked into the harem.

"Which kind of people in the world can't, how can the four kings frame this palace? If no one has stolen the calligraphy and painting, why should the palace use such a method? Isn't this a problem for the palace itself?" The queen is not What a simple woman, in a few words, is also reasonable.

But Feng Xia is a savvy fox. He had no intention of arguing with such a woman. But when he thought of his sister’s command and his own brother’s eyes, Feng Yixuan said righteously. Multi-character paintings will be stolen all at once, so why should the Queen not sue to the father, so that you can find out where the thief is, and you can recover the paintings as soon as possible, but now it is only now that everyone knows, or Lin Guiyan’s eyes I saw that it was not for everyone to be in the dark?"

The Queen still wants to distinguish something, but the wind and summer eyes blinked and said, "And the Queen is not just not letting everyone know, but also using these fakes to taint everyone's eyes, the father and the ministers are not fools? ”

The final words of Feng Xia can be described as quite serious. They directly set the charges for the Queen to be lax and deceive the Holy Spirit. However, Feng Xia said that the sentence is reasonable. Most people are also dissatisfied with the Queen’s practice. Can afford a mother of a country?

The Queen has been speechless, not to mention the fact that Feng Xia is not as full of arrogance as Feng Yi Xuan, but the noble atmosphere of the whole body is also suppressed, so that the Queen can only be anxiously squatting underneath.

The second prince, Feng Shaochu, looked at his mother and was blamed but could not make any words. Not only could he not plead for his mother, but he also had to clean himself. After all, the Queen is just a woman, but it is not like this. I am afraid that I am involved...

For a time, the entire palace was full of people, and everyone was waiting for the emperor’s decision.

"Queen, can you tell the truth?" The emperor looked at the queen who was lying on the ground, his eyes flashed dissatisfaction, but looked at the Anzhen phase sitting there and knew that today is not a good time to abolish, and the exchanges of various countries will be Arrived, if there is any scandal in the wind country at this time, I am afraid that I will lose the face of the wind country.

"It is not good for the courtiers, and the courtier is willing to be punished!" Although the queen did not understand what the emperor asked, he also said that the emperor said that he would not have any big problems.

The emperor looked at his four sons and six sons. He always felt that the matter was a bit sinister, but it seemed to be just an accident, but in any case he also saw the meaning of the two children who wanted to punish the queen.

"In this case, the future affairs of the palace will be taken care of by the Queen Mother, and the Queen will move to the Buddhist temple to concentrate on the Buddha." The emperor did this by depriving the Queen of his rights. Only one queen’s title was left, but this matter was There is no way to ask for love, but after all, it is indeed the Queen’s negligence.

"The lost calligraphy and paintings of the ministers will be made up by the Queen himself, including the palace. If you can't find it, you will lose money!" The emperor said, since the Anzhen is not very rich, it is up to them to make up. Post it, the treasury is not for these things.

The Queen wants to ask for sympathy, but when she looks up, she sees the dissatisfied and majestic eyes of the emperor. The Queen also knows that even if she asks for her own feelings, it is useless. Unfortunately, her own savings for so many years are not enough. This time it turned out to be a turn. .

A good appreciating session will end because of the sinister things. The ladies of the official family also went out with the parents early, but most of them have a whisper about the Queen’s practice. After all, no one likes to deceive. What's more, let them take out the real thing but change the fake?

"Is my sister doing a lot of money this time?" Jing Wuan said with a smile, after all, this time they all know that Fengyi Xuan gave the blue sacred thoughts, and even the silver that was drawn from the counterfeit was also blue. In the purse, they have to sigh that Feng Yi Xuan is really a big buck.

"No brother, is this a red-eyed?" Lan Younian was sitting in the carriage.

"Hey, there is no way to make a red eye. I don't have the good life to send me money!" Jing Wuan exclaimed.

"This time, the Queen’s school also had a big blood. How many silver paintings are needed to make up for it? It seems that Feng Lin Chu will have a hard time for a while!” Feng Xia said, “But thank you for this. What about my sister's plan?"

Lan Nian went to no pride and said very peacefully. "Even if I don't have my plan, you will have a better way to suppress the Queen's faction. But it is because I am bored. With my troubles, everyone's good intentions know!"

How many of the emperors who know how to survive in the palace are simple? Although the method of wind and summer is not seen by Lan Younian, but it is also known to be extraordinary, and Fengyi Xuan is not to mention, as for Beijing’s Wu’an, how can a famous military division have no city? However, everyone sees that they want to play with themselves, so they don’t know what they care about and love blue sorrow. Blue Younian has now treated them as their own, and of course they will treat each other sincerely.

Feng Xia and others also did not expect Blue Yuen to read so thoroughly, they really treat Blue You Nian as a little sister, so when Lan Yu thought how to toss, not only Feng Yi Xuan is willing to pet They also help each other. This is also the place where they are different from other people. They are always cruel and cruel to the enemy, but they are dedicated to their own people, which is why the blue mourning is like Feng Xia, etc. The reason for a good relationship.

"In this case, it’s good to have a few sisters in the future to taste a few jars of wine for us!" Feng Xia said, since the last time I drank a blue tea in the Yu Nian Ge, I never drank any wine. After such a good wine, they said to Lan Younian several times, and Lan Yu Nian did not give it.

The plume was once sneaked into the secluded pavilion, and wanted to know if the wine was hidden in the secluded pavilion, but did not find the wine, but was also caught by Feng Yixuan, and since then Never dare to sneak into the secluded court.

"I know that Xia Wei’s brother has grapes from the tribute..." Lan Younian said, but he was interrupted before he finished.

"Is my sister love to eat grapes? It is not easy. When I return home, I will send the grapes to my sister!" Feng Xia said, the grapes of the tribute are really good, the skin is thin and juicy, and the palace is only I gave a few princes and princesses, even some nieces did not.

"Mind, I have more in your house!" Feng Yixuan said unhappyly, he wants to take what he wants, and he does not want other people's things.

Blue secluded to see that there is no sentimentality, looked at the wind wing Xuan "Do you not mine?"

"Yes!" Fengyi Xuan nodded, and he liked the feeling of being without each other.

"That won't be!" Lan Younian appeased Feng Yi Xuan and said, "I want to make wine, I need a lot of grapes, so you must have me!"

"Good!" Feng Yixuan said, but the mind is thinking about how to make the so-called wine, you must first taste it, although I really want to take over, but I am afraid that I will be angry.

"Wine?" The eyes of Jing Wu'an are bright. "It is definitely the best that the younger sister brewed!" This is not the meaning of Jing Wu'an, but the food that Lan Younian made every time. Beautiful teas are things that they have not seen before.

"Wine is made from grapes. If you can't hide your baby after you have brewed it, you have to let us taste it!" Feng Xia snorted, he was not afraid of blue sorrow, not for them, but Knowing that their younger brother's temper is afraid of being jealous will not let them drink.

"Well, first give Xuan a taste, then give it to you!" Lan Younian said directly, she has now seen Fengyi Xuan very important, so it will not say it.

After the wind wing Xuan listened, the lips were raised, and I couldn’t wait to laugh out.

Feng Xia and Jing Wu'an are also smiling, and they are very fond of the blue-and-white personality.

At this time, the empress and the wind are less anxious, but it is very anxious to have so much money at once, even if the queen is hard to live, and the wind and Shaochu are ready to kill Linfen’s capable person, only to find that this person has already left, and now more There is no way to find it.

The Queen will let the wind and Shao Chu find ways to sell, but I don’t know why those expensive things don’t have a **** shop for a good price. Those jewelry and other things are almost worthless. Where do they know that many pawnshops in the capital are blue-and-yellow industries, and invisible blues and sorrows have earned a fortune.

The Queen and the Wind Shaochu thought about a lot of ways before they got enough of the silver. The Queen’s mouth is now bubbled up because of the recent events. It’s not so good to go. Those ministers who are still very optimistic about him are now whispering to him. This is not a good thing for them.

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