"Good!" Emperor Feng Xuan said happily, he saw that this woman is not afraid of a country princess can play a country princess between the applause, simply let the emperor want to applaud, "Let the two princesses together!"

"Children obey!" The wind was frosted, and her original dance was hard to beat, but the music was suppressed by Lan Younian. Now there is such a good opportunity to get out of the limelight. How can she let it go?

The Emperor Feng Xuan did not want to let his daughter out of the limelight. He was worried that Lan Younian would not dance, so that two princesses could not face the face of the wind country.

The month of the thousand spirits disdainful look at the wind with the frost and then looked at the blue and mournful, the mouth silently said a few words to the blue secluded words "You lost!"

Lan Nian Nian is not angry, but follows the palace girl to change clothes, and the moon and the wind and the wind have to go down to change the dance clothes.

"A Xuan, do you want to talk to your sister who will dance?" Feng Xia asked the younger brother who was left in the air because of the blue secluded thoughts. In fact, he was very worried. They had never seen the blue mourning dance and danced. It is necessary to exercise. They are not afraid of the shame of the wind country, but they are afraid that someone will say that Lan Yu is not thinking.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the glass in his hand. The whole party was so boring because of the departure of the banquet, after hearing his brother's question. Feng Yixuan thought about it carefully and never seemed to have seen dancing, and never heard that he would dance.

"How about it? How can it be?" Fengyue Xuan Junlang is like the face of the cold star, revealing the cold meaning of "can't talk, kill!"

Jing Wu'an looked at the silent summer wind, they seem to have not seen such a cold and sorrowful wind wing Xuan, since Blue Yu Nian came to Feng Yi Xuan, this cold man seems to meet the spring, I don't kill people often, but I can't forget the cruelty in his temper. Now it seems that Feng Yi Xuan has changed, but if someone touches his scale, the consequences will be unimaginable.

At this time, the blue mourning was led by the palace lady and went to a room to prepare for changing the dance clothes. When Lan You Nian was preparing to undress, suddenly the voice said coldly, "Come out!"

She knows that the man in the dark is more martial than himself, but the intuition of Lan You Nian is very precise. This is a common problem for people living in the dark, so Blue Nian can clearly feel that there is an unclear vision in the dark. Looking at yourself.

Hua Xiuyi did not think that the vigilance of such a young woman was so high, he only had a great interest in this woman, on the one hand because of the woman herself, and on the other hand because of the concern of Feng Yixuan. Therefore, he saw that Lan You’s reading out for the dance clothes would follow. There is nothing to be embarrassed about Hua Xiuyi. He has seen many women around him, but a woman like Lan You Nian is I have never seen it, and now I am getting ready to see how the body under the faceless face is unexpectedly discovered.

Hua Hughi walked out from the shadows and saw that the woman in white looked at herself with no eyes, no fear, no love for her face, it was really fun!

Lan You Nian looked at the flowers that came out of Daxie. She did not expect that the person in the dark would be the Prince of the Flower Country, and what is the Prince of the Flower Country following with himself? How many odds do you have to fight with him?

Lan Younian threw the white dance dress to the side, and looked at the enchanting flower Hugh and asked "I don't know why the flower king prince followed the little girl?"

The smile of Hua Xiu Yi’s mouth has not stopped, but Lan Yu Nian is very clear that this man’s bones are cold, and the more gentle he smiles, the more he cares.

"What's the matter?" Hua Xiuyi looked at the blue secluded thought standing a few meters away from him. Even if he couldn't see the face, it would be enough to attract people, and he could still be so calm. It was really rare. "Look at the legendary girl!" ”

Lan Younian is blind to the temperament of the man who is more enchanting than the woman, although the sound is still soft, but the air-conditioning is true. "The banquet has already seen it!" You have already seen it so you can roll it.

How can Hua Xiuyi not hear the meaning of blue secluded thoughts, but he did not leave but slowly walked toward the blue secluded thoughts, and then extended his white innocence as a woman’s hand wanted to touch the blue secluded thoughts. Eyes, but suddenly stopped.

Because his abdomen is being touched by a stone-cut dagger, Hua Hughi is sure that if his hand dares to touch the woman's eyes then the dagger will surely puncture his abdomen.

Hua Xiuyi thought that Lan Yu Nian was just a very talented woman, and her personality was quite different, but now I can see that the blue sacred can be so easy to face the dagger, and I can confirm this. A woman is definitely a man of skill.

The smile of the flower and the mouth of the mouth was more and more intense, the hand that stretched out was not recovered, and the dagger of Lan You Nian was not recovered, and the eyes looked cold and cold.

If someone sees it from a distance at the moment, I think it is a fragrant scene. The glamorous man looks at the woman's face, and the petite woman holds the man's waist. Where do you know that the two are now arrogant.

"Magnetic..." The sound of the dagger piercing the flesh sounded clearly in the small room.

Hua Xiuyi immediately flew away from the side of Lan Younian, smelling his fingers and enjoying it.

The blue eyes of the sorrowful eyes reveal the bloodthirsty coldness. It is the cold from hell. She did not expect the man to dare to touch himself. According to the saying, the person like Hua Xiuyi is simply a person who cares for himself. I am not allowed to be injured at all.

Hua Xiuyi did not think that this woman actually did not show mercy, but fortunately, she wouldn’t be smothered by herself. It’s normal to watch her as if she had to kill her life, but she thought of herself. To the beautiful and extreme eyes, the flower should feel the value!

Hua Xiuyi looked at his abdomen's injury and found that it was not serious, but it was also a flash of his own! Hua Hughi generally wants to kill himself or suffer losses, and he will try his best to kill him. But today, Hua Xiyi does not want to kill the blue singer. He is like a novelty toy.

Lan You Nian wiped his eyes, because too much force, so there was red blood around her eyes, but Blue Nian Nian felt very angry, except for anyone who recognized himself, touched himself, Blue You Nian will feel resentful.

Hua Xiuyi did not think that he was so disgusted by this nakedness, and watching the woman wipe the skin like a baby so rudely, Hua Hugh should feel that there is something wrong with his appearance, otherwise how could it be a woman This is awkward.

After the blue singer felt that his eyes were wiped clean, he picked up the dagger and attacked the flower. The method was fierce and the trick was full of killing.

However, Hua Xiuyi did not think that the martial arts of Lan Younian’s martial arts would not be so eccentric, even if he coped with it, it would be quite laborious. If it was not his own martial arts, he would be seriously injured today.

"Blue girl, would you like to change the dance dress?" The voice of the palace lady waiting outside the door passed into the room.

The room's powerful blue mourning and flower yiyi are all flashing, and Lan Nian Nian knows where it is and who is the opposite man. If he really killed him, he would be afraid of bringing trouble to the wind country. She Although there is not much sense of belonging to the wind country, but thinking that Feng Yixuan and his brothers are people in the wind country, Lan Younian still stepped back a few steps.

And Hua Xiuyi is not really trying to kill Lan Younian, he has not found such a person who is interested in him, except Feng Yi Xuan.

Hua Xiuyi looked at the blue and blue eyes, the interest in the eyes was strong, and then flew away from the room.

"I will wear it soon! Please wait a moment!" Lan Younian said to the palace lady outside the door.

Lan Younian wiped the blood on the dagger and then hid the dagger into the clothes. Her chances never left the dagger, except at the side of Fengyi Xuan.

In exchange for the white dance clothes, in fact, it is said that the dance clothes are more ethereal than the average clothes, and the gauze is mopping the floor, so that the blue singer’s accident is that the dress of the dance dress is embroidered with a large flower of Manzhushahua. Lan Yu Nian looked at it and laughed. This must be prepared by Feng Yi Xuan, and only he would be so careful.

After listening to the clothes, Lan Youn looked at himself and then sat down in front of the bronze mirror to look at himself. She didn't like to apply rouge on her face, but looked at the red look around her left eye. I still picked up a pen and painted a bright red Manzhushahua in my own corner of my eye, just to cover up the redness of my eyes, it seems more mysterious.

The veil was brought out of the room with blue sorrow, and the palace lady who was waiting outside saw the blue sorrow and lost her mind, or the blue singer looked at her and then returned.

The palace girl herself did not know what happened to her. How many beautiful maidens she had seen in the palace, but even if the three ladies of the blue house did not show their face, the temperament of the whole body made people feel beautiful, and they could not help themselves. Be attracted.

"Prince!" A guard looked at the blood on the belly clothes of Huaxiu and asked, who actually injured the Prince! Prince has never let himself get hurt for so many years.

Hua Xiuyi nodded and said, "Go get a suit!"

After the guards listened, they immediately left to get clothes. They didn't ask who hurt the Prince. After all, the person who injured the Prince was usually treated by the Prince. Even if he didn't come out, the Prince would kill that person.

The place where Huaxiu should stay at this moment is in an inconspicuous room in the palace. It is a good time to look at his own wounds and casually bandage it. Thinking about the woman who is different, Huaxiu should feel that he should be with Fengyixuan. Fighting for a fight.

The three people who changed clothes were waiting in the screen on the corner of the main hall. The first one was the wind with frost, the second one was the moon, and the third was the blue.

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