Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 194 blue ink string wedding

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The business in the store is really too busy in the New Year. Many times, there is no time to eat even the rice, so recently Zhenzhen is trying to squeeze out the time and more

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"Okay!" After the blue singer finished speaking, she fell asleep for a while, but her mouth seemed to be slightly hooked, and it seemed that she was happy even in her dreams.

"Sleep!" Fengyi Xuanyuan said, but he himself looked reluctant to close his eyes, he was greedy but satisfied... It seems that after he missed his thoughts, he became different. He had people who care. There are people who want to break into the blood of life.

Feng Yixuan felt that he was very greedy. He once liked this woman's heart. Later, he knew that he liked his own thoughts, and then he began to long for them to be justified, so they decided to kiss, but now he is I am eager to get married. It seems that he will not be satisfied after meeting this woman. He loves her too much, so he always wants to have two people together forever.

"How long will you wait!" Feng Yi Xuan does not actually say love, but because it does not, so every time he said everything is from the heart, the most sincere is often the most touching, and blue Reading is the one that is moved.

Feng Yi Xuan is allowed to blame the blue secluded, and he does not hurt at all. He likes to look at the different appearances he has shown in front of him. That makes him have a feeling of being alone.

"How?" Blue Nian Nian reached out and twisted the arm of Fengyi Xuan. Like a small pepper, he said, "I don't want to wait?"

"There are still two years!" Feng Yixuan said dissatisfiedly, he really can't wait, for the woman in the arms, don't say that he can wait for two years, he just watched the wedding today, and he has some hearts. Unbalanced.

"When I am married, I will marry you!" Lan Youn said with a smile, in the Fengguo women can be married when they are 16 years old, but more women are married at the age of fifteen, even 13 There are both old and new, but that is because the women are the official pieces of the game.

"That thought, when can you marry me?" Feng Yixuan's voice with a rare depression, he looked at the petite people in his arms sighed "I feel that I can't wait!" ”

"Nothing, just feel happy!" Lan Youn smiled and answered, is really happy, now there are many people who love themselves, and these people will find their own happiness, Blue Nian thinks this feeling is very it is good.

“What are you thinking about?” Feng Yixuan asked the cover of Lan Younian’s quilt. Actually, since that happened that night, he often wanted to let him know how to help himself, but he did not. I am willing, but fortunately, as long as I leave him, I don’t have this kind of **, so many times they are not in the same bed, but tonight, Fengyi Xuan does not know why she wants to sleep with her, although every night I want to think about it tonight.

The hot day soon passed, and when Lan Younian was in the arms of Fengyi Xuan, he really looked forward to their wedding. I don’t know if I would be as uneasy as a flower. But happy again?

"You wait, I must be there one day!" Feather said swearingly, but everyone laughed, and Jing Wu'an was speechless, because no matter how strong the plume is, he is still in bed. Above.

"You still go back and practice the pressure!" said the ghost three contemptuously. He blocked the blue ink string to a lot of wine tonight, so it was inevitable that he would speak straightforwardly, and he lived in the sales hall. Where can I go to innocence? But everyone is not a man of temperament, so I don't mind.

"You said that we want to go to the cave room?" Feather asked a little excited, after all, they have no friends, and today a few people are sincere friends, so always be happy when friends are close friends.

Today's Feng Xia and others are bitter and haha ​​watching two pairs of newcomers, because they once lost a lot of money, so they have to give a lot of money. When the groom is toasting, the wind and summer are more angry and start to fill the blue ink string. Wine, but unfortunately today's He Chuyang and Ghost III are not good to deal with, or let the blue ink string slip away early.

Lan Youn looked up and saw the wing wing Xuan, sitting on the side of the man's seat, looking at himself tenderly. It seems that whenever he turns back, he can see that the man is standing not far away from him and watching himself tenderly. Never left.

As a prostitute of the blue house, Lan Younian is now the most expensive woman in the capital. She is quietly standing next to the blue building army and watching the blue ink string holding the flowers and hands, watching them Worship, watching the oldest wedding.

When Feng Yixuan left to go to the front hall, there was still some embarrassment in the blue singer. She seemed to expect to marry him!

But fortunately, Fengyi Xuan is not a person who has no sense of proportion. After sending Lan You Nian to Lan Fu, Feng Yi Xuan will sort out the blue messy clothes and make some messy clothes. "In the future, our wedding will definitely be more beautiful than this. !"

There are always a lot of people on the road looking at the relatives of the Lanfu Master and the county owner. It seems to be very lively, and the blue singer is caught in the sudden arrival of the wind wing Xuan, because the wind wing Xuan was very dissatisfied with his thoughts and stayed with the flowers for so long.

Lan Younian and Yue Bailian supported the flower head covered with the hijab and walked out of the county government. There is nothing to be loved for Hua Mu, and Yue Bailian will pour the flowers to the sedan chair, while the blue The ink string rides on the high horse and walks all the way to the blue song.

The blue ink string is funny, and the ghost three who is the pick-up directly gives the blue envelopes prepared in advance to the blue and the white lotus, completely ignoring the look of the face and the blue ink string that He Chuyang wants to stop. Ghost three knows that there is money to give to the younger sister.

"Brother, red envelope?" Lan Nian Nian stood in front of Hua Mu's body and said, "No red envelope, I can't let the bride!"

It’s not just the blue ink string that comes to pick up the pro, but also the first Yang and the ghost three. There is no such thing as a ghost. It’s for the Beijing Wu’an to pick up the relatives, but the three ghosts are soft and hard. Let him come, after all, Ghost 3 is very fond of watching the fun.

However, the news came that the bridegroom had already arrived outside, because there was no relatives in Huamu, so there were not so many false gifts. The blue ink string went straight into the new house and looked at the groom’s official. Sitting there and covering the head of the flower is also a burst of excitement.

Blue is so warm and laughs, then says, "You are your own lucky star in the future..."

Hua Mu took a handful of blue and sings, and Yue Bailian said, “I never felt warm after my parents died. I am so jealous that a lot of people are not ashamed. I thought this was my life. But I didn't expect to meet you, let me have friends, I didn't expect that I would walk with the blue ink string. I will have a home in the future, read my sister, do you know? You are really my lucky star. !"

Blue singer pats the flower and puts the hand on his hand to comfort the road. "Don't be nervous. You see that there are our friends around us. In the future, there will be a brother, a husband, a father, a sister, and everything. Good!"

"Looking at my sister, I..." Hua Mu was suddenly afraid of the blue-speaking hand and said, "I am nervous!"

Perhaps it is not accustomed to such a costume, the flower is always moving from time to time, but such a careful bridal makeup is not allowed to move freely, and Yue Bailian will not let her get it when she looks at it. Spend your own makeup.

The dressing 嬷嬷 抹 嬷嬷 嬷嬷 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹 抹The whole sky is ignited. No wonder people are the most beautiful day for women. It is the day of marriage. The blue mourning is quite insightful at this time.

Lan Nian Nian and Yue Bailian looked at each other and smiled. Blue Nian thought comforted. "No way, isn't the bride like this? Just forbearance is good!" She knows that Hua Mu is a very simple and hearty woman, so Usually, her dress is always the easiest. She likes men's dresses because it is more comfortable.

The dragonfly in the palace is dressing lips for the flowers, and the complicated headgear is pressed against the head of the flower, and the flowers are helplessly facing the blue and the white lotus eyes, and the distressed said, "This headpiece is good. Heavy!"

Because Hua Mu is in the capital, there are no relatives and no friends. In order to fear that she feels lonely, Lan Younian and Lan Qu and others went to the county government early, and Bai Lian also came to the county government from the palace. As a friend of Hua Mu, she was with her.

Today's Lan Jianjun retired his body-changing attire, wearing a black gilt with a golden edging, standing in the hall of the blue house and nodding his head at the voice of the coming man, he was now It is a happy life as a father, and I feel happy for the happiness that my son can find.

Lan Jianjun is not a person who likes to spend extravagance, so although it is a member of the blue ink string, but it is not much luxury, but how to say that even the generals are not luxurious, but others can not match, today's wedding many high-ranking officials in Beijing Do not come to participate.

Today's Lanfu is even more lively, because today's Blue House's young master blue ink string is going to greet the county's main county's lord, and the two have been preparing for the marriage since they set their parents, but they have never been there. Find the right opportunity, but now everyone is in the capital and it is a good day on New Year's Eve. The blue Jianjun will make a decision on the board and let the two get married. The blue ink string and the flower-mu are also true love, so it is logical to prepare for the wedding.

In winter, the snow of goose feathers fell down. The ground is snow, thick, soft; the house is snow, white, loose and soft; the tree is covered with snow, and the snow bends the branches. The sun shines on the snow-capped mountains and shines brightly.



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