Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 04 rescue ghost four

"Xuan, I have to leave the capital for a few days!" Lan Younuan sat in the Zhenwei Pavilion and said to Fengyi Xuan, also said to Feng Xia and others.

Feng Yixuan’s look is a bit chilly, but I also know that it’s definitely her decision to do so, so she just looked at the blue and blue thoughts. He never stopped to read what he wanted to do. What he had to do was Protect her and give her a soaring sky.

Or Ghost III explained everyone's doubts and said, "We have lost contact with Ghost IV recently, so the younger sisters have to go to investigate!" With the spirit of Ghost IV and the power of the ruthless Court, Ghost IV disappeared for no reason. Ghost 3 and others are very worried, and Blue Nian Nian is still unable to sit still, so he is going to go to the place where Ghost is located.

"I will go with you!" Feng Yixuan said directly, he simply did not want to be separated from his thoughts, and he was afraid that there was danger. Fan Yi Xuan would not even agree to let Lan Youn go alone. .

Lan You Nian knows that this will happen, but she does not want to let Feng Yixuan follow her own. Feng Yi Xuan has her own pride. If I follow my own daily, I am really awkward. It seems that From the beginning, Feng Yi Xuan was accommodating himself.

"Xuan, I will go alone, but I know that you have been training the military recently! And the place where the fourth brother disappeared is Qinghui Zhenmu, which is not far from the capital. If I have not returned after three days, you will go again. Ok?” Lan Younian discussed, Qinghui Town is a relatively rich town, so Lan Younian asked the four brothers to go there to develop the power of the ruthless pavilion, and it took only half a day to go to Qinghui Town from the capital.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the blue mourning, but this time Lan Yu Nian did not give in, she was not only because the Pluto is now training, or because of the restlessness in the capital today, this Tao Tao they did not even have Investigate, Lan Youn is not assured, but if Feng Yi Xuan is in the capital, then she will be a lot of peace of mind, she has always believed in the strength of this man.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at the blue secluded thoughts and refused to retreat. He also knew that this thought would not be promised, and his most fear is to make his mind unhappy, and Feng Yixuan is also very clear that there is a Beijing capital. Hidden cancer, so it can only be temporarily separated. I think that I will not see it for three days in the future. The atmosphere of Fengyixuan will become cold like winter, so that everyone in the room will look at the blue mourning. Let Lan You think about his own man, just let it cool, what is really scary?

Lan Younian also saw everyone's protests. The small hand on the table grabbed the big hand of Feng Yi Xuan. Sure enough, Feng Yi Xuan's body was mild and a lot of breath. I saw everyone surprised and thought that Feng Yi Xuan changed his face. Fast.

"This peach aphid, I always feel very familiar!" Lan Younian once again said his feelings, but he could not remember when he had seen such a woman, after all, Tao Hao’s face is also very beautiful. It should not be so easy to forget.

"I see that this peach aunt does confirm the literacy, otherwise it will not be so targeted, and there should be people behind this peach ape, or the woman's IQ is afraid that he will not come up with those tricks!" Xia Wei analyzed that recently he had suffered several losses in the hands of this peach aphid, and his father had a big gap with him now.

Regardless of the eyes of everyone, Fengyi Xuan picked up Lan Younian and sat on his lap and said, “The **** next to Taotao is a fake eunuch!” The observation of Fengyixuan is always much more detailed and more toxic than the average person. The average person can't really escape his eyes. ,

"What?" Everyone was surprised to say that after all, there is a fake **** around Gongyi, but it is not a play. The courage of this peach is really not too big. If it is checked out, then it is a sin.

"Do you want to sue to the emperor?" asked the blue ink string. After all, the emperor is somewhat dissatisfied with the prince. These things can be seen from some things in the dynasty. The blue ink string is more or less a friend.

"Yeah, if the emperor knew that Taoyuan had raised a fake eunuch, then the peach aunt would be finished!" He Chuyang also echoed, after all, the peach aunt wanted to frame his sister, even the grandfather I hate it very much. I have been on the book many times to cut the position of the scorpion of the peach scorpion, but the imperial emperor has always ignored it.

Feng Xia thought about looking at his brother and asked "A Xuan, what do you think?" When his brother discovered it, he did not dismantle it. He was afraid that he must have his own plans, although everyone thought that Axuan was just a coward. I don't know that Axuan's ingenuity can't match myself.

"Even if the father knows that it is a fake eunuch, Taotao must have an excuse to hide it!" Feng Yixuan opened, everyone listened and agreed very much, after all, these several confrontations can also be seen It is really a shrewd, and the most important thing is that the emperor now believes in Taoyuan, which means that the emperor will say that it is a planting, and at that time, it may steal the chicken and not eclipse the rice.

"So let the emperor personally go and see it, let him know! Let him know that he brought a green hat!" Lan Younian took over the words of Feng Yixuan, and there is revenge in the middle. Who let Lan Youn know the wind wing? Xuan’s childhood was very annoying to the emperor. If it wasn’t the father of Feng Yixuan, she would definitely kill the wind wing, but it might be better.

"Look, it’s too embarrassing!" He Chuyang and the blue ink string couldn’t bear to say, after all, it’s an emperor of a country. If you know that your favorite nephew has brought a green hat to yourself, it’s a good time to come out. The wind congress is chaotic.

"Good!" Feng Yi Xuan and Feng Xia Yan said in unison, they have no expectations for the father, but the practice of Lan You Nian is very irritating, so the two agree. Everyone sees that these two people agree that there is nothing to say, after all, sitting here is not a good person!

After everyone used the lunch in Zhenwei Pavilion, Lan Younian immediately changed his body and the ghost three left the capital, and Feng Yixuan stood in the gate of the city for a long time before he was ready to return home. Now because there is no thought, it seems There is no point in returning to the government. Feng Yixuan turned to the military camp.

When Lan You Nian and Ghost Three came to Qinghui Town, it was just in the evening when they came directly to an inn under the ruthless pavilion.

When I saw the ghost three and the blue secluded mask with a mask, I immediately went down to the "master, three sons!" I also had fear in my heart. He did not expect that the four sons would disappear here in Qinghui Town, and he was shocked. Go to the master.

Lan You Nian and Ghost Three went into the box on the third floor, and Lan Younuan sat down and asked, "What happened?" The magnetic dullness of the voice was filled with the breath of the superior, and the management collapsed to the ground in an instant. It’s not that the housekeeper is afraid of death, but it is true that he has responsibility.

"Sigongzi has been developing business since he was in Qinghui Town, but there has been nothing wrong with it, but it is so good. After that, the four sons never came back after going out, and they are anxious. When I found out, I found out that the four sons were missing, so I told the headquarters! "The management will clearly explain the matter to Blue You."

After listening to the blue singer, my heart was a little anxious. The fourth brother is not someone else's family, but his own brother. If the fourth brother really has something wrong, Lan Younian feels that he will not be safe in this life.

"The four sons have encountered anything in Qinghui Town, or who, nothing to say!" Lan You Nian said with a cold voice, and now can only find some clues from these clues.

The hair of the management began to think carefully, then suddenly said, "There was a quarrel between the four sons and a woman, but it was a long time ago. I have never seen the woman since, but since then The four sons seem to be wrong, can't say it!"

"Women?" The ghost three opened the folding fan. "Isn't it the ghost bond that the ghosts made?"

"Do you think it is you?" Blue sneaked and looked at the ghosts three, the four brothers are usually very cold, the average woman really does not want to provoke, but this time Lan Yu Nian really guessed wrong, this time It’s really the ghost of the ghost four.

"Check where the woman appeared, where is the person, where is it now!" Lan Younian said, the management immediately ran out to start collecting information, after all, the news of the ruthless pavilion is everywhere, can not say how detailed But it is also considered a first-class intelligence organization.

On the second morning of the second day, Lan Younian took the news of the management and looked at it. This said that the quarrel with the ghost four was the daughter of the county magistrate. This woman looks beautiful and has always been the representative of the uninspired. On the same day, after seeing the ghost four, I saw the ghost four at first sight, and let the ghost four be the door-to-door son-in-law of the family. How can the man of the ghost four kind of character agree, but the ghost four is not the indiscriminate killing of innocent people. So there will be a dispute.

"Three brothers, do you want to go to the house to see?" Lan Younian said to the ghost who just got up, although Ghost III did not say anything, but Blue Nian Nian saw the worries of Ghost III, and Big Brother, etc. Everyone's letter is worried about the safety of the fourth brother, so the blue secluded mind does not wait to directly rescue the fourth brother. After all, the woman who was missing from the fourth brother was also there.

"Go, I have to see what kind of tigress is going to smash the ghosts!" Ghost III said with some curiosity, the martial arts of Ghost IV are there, and it is common to have been injured for so many years. But being taken away by such a woman, more or less is still damaging to the wise.

The two men said that they flew to the Tuen Mun, but they did not find the figure of Ghost IV in the circle. They did not see the figure of Miss Fuxi. The blue mourning saw a prostitute walked over and gave it to the dagger. On the neck of the prostitute, the voice said succinctly, "Where are you Miss?"

"I..." The prostitute shivered with fear. She couldn't see the person behind her, but the voice was enough for the prostitute to be afraid.

"Say!" Lan Younian said, he drew a dagger on the neck of the prostitute, and the prostitute's neck quickly shed blood.

"Miss is in the prison of the prisoner in the government, and it is still in the cell of the criminal!" The prostitute quickly said it.

Blue secluded a hand blade will stun the prostitute, and the ghosts and three people are full of anger in the eyes of both of them, even dare to detain the ghost four here, this woman really **** it! (..)

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