Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: November ice jade initiative

The Three Kingdoms came to congratulate. The one that was originally greeted is the Fengyi Xuan, now the Pluto, but how does Fengyixuan do this kind of thing, so this burden falls on the blue ink string and drink the body of Jingwu, both of them work hard. To meet the three countries to come.

This month, the country came with the pro-Princess Yue Bingyu, Xueguo came from a snow country Wang Ye Xue Yu, but it is surprising that this country did not send envoys, but the National Prince sent a congratulatory gift.

It was clear that Lan Nian’s thoughts were clear. The country at this time was not stable. Although Hughes had already taken the position of the Prince, the emperor above seemed to be dissatisfied with Hugh, and a Prince and an emperor were fighting. The pressure was still very high. However, it can be seen that Hugh’s ability is indeed not small.

Windwing Xuan dressed in a blue dress and dressed up in a good dress, and took care of it. After carefully looking at the doctor, there was nothing wrong with it. He took the blue hand and took the ride to the palace. After all, the three countries came to congratulate As a Pluto, he must go, and he must be with him.

But when Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian came to the temple, the people in the entire hall were all together, and even the emperor Feng Xuan and the empress Moon White Lotus sat there, and more importantly, even the Queen Mother Arrived. Lan Younian was silent for a while. She was ready to get up early because she knew that she was going to have a party today, but Feng Yi Xuan refused to let her sleep until she was naturally awakened to take her into the palace. This is good, they become The most eye-catching pair.

Yue Bingyu looked very carefully at Lan Yu Nian, the fiancee's fiancee, the legendary girl, but had to admit that Lan Yunian was really beautiful, much more beautiful than her former beauty. .

Blue mourning is dressed in a white gauze robe, textured mottled, elegant and beautiful, with a hundred skirts on the lower body, a hundred embroidered ornaments on the waist, a silver belt around the waist, a thin waist, and a piece of Pluto’s main mother, Yu Pei, swaying. Hanging on the waist, the hand-fibre is held in the hands of the nearby Pluto, and the white jade on the head and the white robe on the body meet.

The wind wing of the side is wearing a black robes, with an ink belt around the waist, and the jade belt is shining, flying with the wind, but the only thing that is not quite gregarious is the ugly one purse at the waist. The arrogant scorpion is like a star in the sky, tightly absorbing the hearts of the people, and the thin lips gently squatting at people, making people unable to see his emotions, and his posture is as tall as a jade mountain, and his style is fascinating. Open your eyes.

"Pluto and the county owner are coming, get into the seat!" Feng Xia smiled and glanced at the two men and gave them a helpless look. What happened was to congratulate him on his place. The two men could not be honest. Do you have trouble?

"Emperor!" "Emperor!" Fengyi Xuan took a blue etiquette for a courtesy, and Fengyi Xuan took the blue mourning and sat in their exclusive seat. Now the seats of Pluto and the county have been arranged. Together, this is what the emperor personally told.

However, I haven’t waited for Fengyi Xuan and Lan Younian to sit down. The upper emperor’s Empress Dowager said, “Being a king and a country’s county owner is late, you have placed the emperor and the mourning home. In the eyes?" Since the last time, the Queen Mother has not only hated the blue secluded thoughts, but even the Fengyi Xuan has been disgusted.

Feng Yixuan did not pay attention to the reprimand of the Empress Dowager. He still took the blue secluded singer, but at this time, the wind and the summer sighed. "The Queen Mother is not angry. It is also awkward. Busy and handed over to him, so busy is not open, so the late is also understandable, and the Blue County Lord is also instructed to come with Pluto, saying that the two did not do anything wrong!"

The Empress Dowager’s face, which was said by Feng Xia, was very ugly. Anyone who saw it was the maintenance of the two people, but it is a pity that even if it is maintenance, no one dares to say anything. After all, it is the emperor who defends them. This wind country dominates.

"Shu Wenfeng Blue County master knows the book, but today, the look of the princess is very eye-opening, the blue county owner of an unmarried person is sitting next to the Pluto, this is not an ignorance?" Yue Bingyu looked at Pluto From the beginning to the end, I didn’t look at myself and I was full of eyes. The blue mourning was very embarrassing. Moon Bingyu felt that Pluto must be confused by the face of Blue Nian Nian. She is the one who loves Pluto most. She must Will grab the Pluto back.

Lan You Nian, this is the sound of the moon ice jade, the moon ice jade today is obviously very intentional, the hair is high into a flying cloud, the long and smooth neck, tied with a thin blue The satin color makes the swan-like neck looming under the cover of the satin, more infinitely charming, wearing a blue skirt, embroidered with small stars on the skirt, delicate and charming, jade-like The slender arm is looming in a tulle-like dress, and the figure is graceful and temperament, but the temperament is disgusting.

"The princess of Ice Jade is doing this today, but the owner of the county thinks of the practice of the Princess of Thousands of Spirits. Is this the attitude of your moon country?" Lan Younian said that the fruit handed by Feng Yixuan is very contemptuous. She is really hating such awkward woman.

"Yeah, the princess of Bingyu is too rude. This is the county owner of the wind country, and today's position is the command of His Majesty. Is the Princess Bingyu dissatisfied with the arrangement of His Majesty?" Feng Xia’s side is scolding, and the Queen’s party is very majestic.

"Emperor..." Yue Bingyu looked at Yuebailian incredibly. Although she is not familiar with this emperor, they are not all princesses of the moon country. If Moon White Lotus does not help himself, then there is no chance of winning.

"This palace is the wife of His Majesty, the queen of this wind country, not the emperor of the ice jade princess, but also hopes that the ice jade princess is cautious!" Moon White Lotus sat in the red queen's palace dress and sat on the top below. Bingyu, these brothers and sisters are nothing but hypocrisy. Now that they have a husband, they have friends, their home is a wind country, and everything in the country has nothing to do with themselves.

Moon Bingyu looked obviously as a princess, and he was the favorite princess of the father, but now the most unpopular white lotus princess has become the queen of the wind country, Yue Bingyu is very uncomfortable, she does not I like any woman who is better than herself. She thinks that all the good things in the world should be their own.

Yue Bingyu looked at Yuebailian, and after a sigh of relief, she resumed her feminine appearance. She did not let Pluto see her unscented side.

"Is this the glory of the Queen of the Winds? How do you say that the Queen of the Winds is also the princess of my country? Isn't it true that the world is ridiculous?" Yue Bingyu said with a firm voice, it seems that she is the righteous people.

Feng Xia anger patted the royal case, and said to the moon ice jade dissatisfied, "Is the queen the wife of the ,, the female ring did not teach the ice jade princess to marry the husband? The queen has now married the 朕, then that is The embarrassing queen is the mother of the wind country. Is the ice jade princess a hard queen in the days of giving him a congratulatory message?"

The maintenance of Feng Xia’s heart made Yue Bailian’s heart warm, and the emperor and the empress looked at each other. The ministers knew the emperor and the empress, and felt that today’s wind country will prosper in the future. .

Although Yue Bingyu has become violent because of Pluto, but Yue Bingyu is not a stupid woman, so Yue Bingyu has a slight smile and is very moving. She apologetically said, "This is the princess. Passing over, just seeing the emperor is so happy, and also please Fenghuang Emperor Huang Han!"

Feng Xia looked at Yue Bingyu so he was not blamed for anything. After all, he was a country emperor who had a conflict with a princess who came to congratulate, more or less lost the gentleman's demeanor, although he is not a gentleman. !

"No problem, but I still hope that Princess Bingyu can talk more and think about it. After all, today is the place to come and congratulate!" Feng Xia’s words represent this matter, but it also represents the warning month. Ice jade should not make any moths.

After all the countries presented the gift of congratulations, Yue Bingyu couldn’t help it, and gave a gift to the windy summer monk, “The Princess of the Wind came to the country for the good of the two countries. Come and kiss! Also look at the wind and the emperor!"

Feng Xia wrinkled his brows. "There is already a queen, and the Queen is a good example of a woman. I am here today, and I will announce that there will be no such thing in the future."

After Feng Yi Xuan’s only one person, only one after the wind and summer 让 is to make many ministers very fearful. After all, Pluto is just a prince, so only one woman still said the past, but the emperor is the emperor, need to open for the royal family. How can I have only one woman?

"I still hope to think twice!" The ministers all got up and beheaded, hoping that Feng Xia can recover his life.

"The emperor is too arrogant to do this. The emperor is the emperor who needs to open the branches for the royal family. How can a queen only!" The Queen Mother did not agree with the wind and summer, and could not understand the children who were still very obedient. How did it become as difficult as the child of Feng Yi Xuan.

"Under the sacred sacred purpose, do you want to let the singer love the singer? Is it the king of a country, how can the words of the export change?" The imperial minister of the wind and summer monk opened up the ministers and dared not say anything again. After all, the emperor Maybe it’s just for the time being, and if you meet a beautiful woman in the future, you will definitely be admitted to the palace.

The blue mourning is also the first time to feel the imperial power of Feng Xia, it seems that those days have been in the Tibetan Mastiff, and only then he and Feng Yi Xuan can avoid a lot of chasing.

"The wind and the country are so infatuated that the princess is very admired, but this princess came to the wind country to be the father of the family to come and kiss, and if the princess married the wind country, then the father will give the princess a few City Pond as a dowry!” Yue Bingyu said with some pride that the price is big enough. If Pluto smashes himself, he will not need to use a soldier to easily get several cities. It is a smart person who knows How to do.

The words of Yue Bingyu are so many people who are "squeaky", how many temptations are there, and many ministers are watching the upper elders hope that he can return this princess, but Feng Xia is still laughing and not answering, is not embarrassing.

"The good intentions of the moon country have been received, but the queen has already had a queen..." The wind and summer face refused to change color.

"No, I am not married to the emperor, but the king of the wind!" Yue Bingyu looked shyly at the winged wing, sitting there, very boldly said his thoughts, because she knew her If you are not active, you will not be able to marry the man in this life. (..)

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