Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 23 princes of the palace

There is a light beauty on the soft couch of Yu Nian Pavilion. It bends like a moon, and the eyelashes resemble a butterfly. A red cinnabar is placed between the two eyebrows. It looks gorgeous and enchanting. The face is agar and jade, and the blow can be broken. The clouds are rolled up, revealing the neck of the jade, the clouds are stacked and forged, and the ground is full of fluttering. Only a few long fingers are exposed. It is beautiful from afar.

Ghost doctors and other people saw such beautiful scenery as soon as they entered the You Nian Pavilion. Even if the blue secluded thoughts were the little gimmicks they watched growing up, they also had to feel that time really rushed past the water, once The child of Lingyu has now become a fairy beauty.

"Master! How come my brothers are coming today!" Lan Younian looked at the ghost doctor and five brothers who appeared here and got up quickly. The blue song came to the tea set, and the blue secluded tea was for six people. Asked, in the past few days, Master lived in the palace of Pluto, and several brothers lived in the sales hall. They thought about it for a month after they detoxified themselves.

Ghost doctors drink blue sorrow and brew good tea. The mood is much better. Drinking and drinking is still the best taste of tea. The likes of these stinky sons are useless, but fortunately. I took the little thought back.

"For the teacher to stay in the capital for so long, no one in the medical valley went back to take care of it. Today, the teacher is here to tell you, ready to go back for the teacher!" Although the ghost doctor is not willing to give the youngest disciple, Lan Younian, but he As a person in the rivers and lakes, I still like to stay in the medical valley, but I don’t like this too busy city. The ghost doctor thinks and jumps with anger. "If you don’t go back, you will be bored by the dark guards in the palace." !"

The ghost doctor said that a few people also nodded with the same feeling. The ghost two shouted loudly, "You don't know the little sister, the recent dark guards of the Pluto House not only disturb Master, but even us. Have not let go!"

Lan Nian Nian was surprised to see how many people complained. She really didn't understand why the dark guards of Pluto's House harassed Master, and they secretly defended them. This is definitely what Feng Yixuan told, and Blue Clan asked curiously. "Is it because they are embarrassing you?" If this is the case, she has to talk to Fengyi Xuan to talk about it. After all, Master is very important to themselves and is an indispensable family member.

Ghosts five quickly waved their hands, although they came to complain about the complaints, but did not think about provoking the feelings of the younger sister and Pluto, after all, now they have accepted the fact that Pluto became a younger brother.

"Hey! If it's awkward, let's just forget it, because those secret guards are just too good for us. If you want to send them in a hurry, do you have the help of the Guardian of the Pluto!" Ghost said coldly, this half In the month, he was almost crazy by the dark guard of the Pluto. If you want to fight with them, rest assured that those dark guards will definitely let you, and the respectful attitude will make the ghosts very painful.

"Ah?" The blue mourning is a bit confused. What does Fengyi Xuan do for this purpose? Even if Master and other people are her family members, they should not do this, and how these secret guards will become so " Shameless?

"What the **** is going on?" asked Lan Yuyan, who was wearing the sleeves of the ghost doctor. She saw that Master was very angry, but now some people are so angry about Master and others!

Although the ghost doctor is angry with Feng Yixuan’s actions, but the little apprentice who has grown up in his care has no temper, just said with a beard, “The stinky boy wants to marry our family’s little thoughts, hehe! How big is the little thought, just want to abduct you! For the teacher does not agree, he even let those dark guards keep appreciating for the teacher, is the teacher like that?"

Ghost III quietly gave Blue You a "you know" look, and I don't know who took away so many good herbs in Pluto, and let the dark guard of Pluto find him delicious and delicious. Master is now really older and more fun to play!

"Hey!" Lan Younian squirted the tea in his mouth. She never thought that Feng Yixuan would do this in order to meet her as soon as possible. Lan Nian thought about what she said on the day to let Master When others agreed, it would be strange to think of Fengyi Xuan even if it is a good way to please people. No wonder Master will be angry.

"The Master, did you promise it?" asked Blue Curious, curiously, the dark guard of the Pluto Palace, but she was very cold and cold, but if she was in front of her own person, she was completely another face. It’s completely awkward.

"You!" Ghost doctor clicked on the blue forehead's forehead, and hated the iron and said, "How old are you thinking about marrying someone! And you haven't married the stinky boy yet, you started to turn your arms out. I’ve been hurting you for so many years!”

Blue Yuen blush's defense "Where do I have?" But the few people in this room can't believe it.

Just when everyone laughed and teased, Lan Jianjun and Lan Moxian also came to the You Nian Pavilion. Lan Jianjun saw the ghostly doctor’s very respectful salute “Mr.!”, Blue Jianjun is so respectful. Because of the reputation of the ghost doctor on the rivers and lakes, it is more important that the old man saved his daughter and raised his daughter to raise an adult. Lan Jianjun was more grateful to the doctor than anyone else.

The ghost doctor nodded, although he knew that Xiaonian had forgiven his father, and they thought it was a good thing, but from the heart, the ghost doctor had no good feelings for this blue Jianjun, so of course there was no good face. However, the ghost doctors who looked at the little thoughts did not make others difficult.

"How come the father is coming?" Lan Nian thought about how everyone came together today.

"For the father is for your marriage, Pluto has already raised a relationship with the father. Today, I heard that the gentleman came here. After all, I have been raised by my husband since I was a child. This marriage has to be said by the gentleman!" The army said directly after sitting down. In fact, he was also shocked by the sudden mention of Pluto. After thinking about it again, he still wanted to let the old doctor of the ghost doctor come to the idea.

For the performance of the blue Jianjun, the ghost doctor said that he was very satisfied, and the face of Lan Jianjun was much better. He looked at the blue mourning eyes and contained the kindness. "Although the teacher is not willing to think so early. Married, but the teacher also understands the feelings between you, it is already autumn, and after the winter has passed this year, when the next year, when you are fifteen, you will be married!" The ghost doctor said that his heart was sour. Then, yelling at the outside, "Bad boy, if you are not good for the little thoughts, there is still regret time for the little thoughts!"

The ghost doctor’s voice just fell, and Feng Yi Xuan and Feng Xia and others went straight into the courtyard of You Ning Court. Feng Yi Xuan took Lan You Nian into his arms and said, “I will not give it to me. Read the opportunity to regret!"

Feng Xia and others are also really happy for Feng Yi Xuan. Ghost Three looked at Feng Yi Xuan and said, "Since you are married next year, Pluto can not converge before our eyes. The younger sister has not married you yet!" I was angry at the fact that I was harassing myself all the time. The people under Pluto were all ridiculously ridiculous. Ghost 3 felt that if they did not agree that the younger sister would marry Pluto, then the next day would be awkward. pass.

"She will marry me!" Feng Yixuan said with pride. The most proud thing for him is that he has established a ghostly force in the ghost field. He is not on the battlefield to kill the enemy and let the enemy back. No one in the church dares to provoke, but he can finally find his thoughts. This is the most proud thing.

"The shop on the south side of the capital can give you!" Feng Yixuan thought about it and said to Ghost III.

Ghost Trinity was very excited. The shops on the south side of the capital were really very profitable, but he couldn’t get it all the time. Now the shop of such a gunman is actually giving it to himself. When the ghost is three, both eyes start to pop up. The silver is coming. But Ghost III didn't know at this time. He didn't make more money than ruthless pavilion, and the ruthless pavilion was blue and secluded. So, Fengyi Xuan only said that the shop in his hand gave blue secluded thoughts.

After everyone discussed it, the ghost doctors explained that Fengyi Xuan had a lot of things to pay attention to. After all, the poison of the blue sorrow body was cleared, but the poisonous hair of so many years has made the body of Blue Youn’s body lose a lot. It is good to nurse.

"Isn't Master not staying for a few days?" asked Blue, who was reluctant to ask, although he knew very well that this capital is not suitable for Master Jianghu.

The ghost doctor looked at Xiao Nian as if he was a child. He was somewhat dependent on his master. Just because Feng Yi Xuan had to **** the apprentice’s unhappiness, the ghost doctor shook his head and said, “Medical Valley still needs the old man, the ghost two. And Ghost IV and the old man return to the doctor Valley!"

Ghost II and Ghost IV have no objection to the arrangement of the ghost doctors. Even if they don’t go back to the Valley of Medicine, they will be in the rivers and lakes. In fact, there is no difference between them, but no matter where they are, because they know where their home is, they Not alone.

"There is to be more careful in the future. The last time the stinking boy wrote to the old man to ask the old man who would use his face to change people's face, and this time the poison of the little thoughts is not the poison that ordinary people can make!" When the doctor said this, he was obviously worried. "There is only one person in this world who can make this poison except the old man!"

"Master, who is it?" Ghost asked curiously, and they did not think that there is a man who has a doctor's skill in this world, and this person has never heard of Master, and they rely on these ghosts. Others also know that this person is not a good role, but this person has already hurt the younger sister, then you must not let go.

Ghost doctor sighed, as if recalling, "If the teacher did not guess wrong, this person should be a poisonous woman. She used to be a teacher, and she was a teacher and a young teacher. At that time, I concentrated on medical research, and the poisonous lady was unacceptable in terms of poisoning, and the poisonous lady was very surprised that we didn’t have any friendship. Later, the poisonous lady was murdered in the same valley and was rushed out by the master. I have never seen it again for the teacher, but from what you said, this poisonous lady is afraid of what has been invested in it and has been doing harmless things!"

"This poisonous lady has made a few trips to the younger sisters or said that it is really vicious for the wind country. So, did the master let the disciples stay in the capital?" Ghost asked, after all, the usual master always let himself go back to the doctor. Things, but this time Master left himself in the capital.

"Well, if you have met the poisonous lady, you must be careful, you can avoid it and avoid it. Don't be desperate!" Ghost doctors yelled at Lan Younian and others, and they couldn't compare anything with the ghost doctor. The safety of a junior is important.

"We know, I will protect my thoughts!" Feng Yixuan assured that he had already let his thoughts hurt once and there would be no second time, and that poisonous lady should also be removed, otherwise it will always be It is a cancer.

"Master, how is the martial arts of the poisonous lady?" Feng Yixuan asked, after all, they knew nothing about this poisonous lady. Even the ghost domain and the ruthless pavilion did not have the poisonous lady's line.

The ghost doctor recalled and said, "The poison is very good, so the poisonous lady's light work is also very good, but the martial arts is not high! But the poisonous lady is poisonous all over the body. If you want to catch her, you must not be too close. can!"

Although Feng Yi Xuan is very proud at present, and he is still conceited as a superior, but in front of the ghost doctor, Feng Yi Xuan is a very respectful nod.

The ghost doctor said that even the lunch was useless. He left the Nian Nian Pavilion with Ghost II and Ghost 4. He left the capital and returned to the medical valley belonging to the rivers and lakes.


It’s been seven days since the ghost doctor left the capital. Lan Younian has been taking care of the ruthless pavilion recently. Today, I just had a break to prepare some peach blossoms, but I haven’t heard of Hua Mu and Yue Bailian before I started. The screaming ran into the Yu Nian Pavilion, and even the rarely-saturated blue songs were a little excited.

"Look, go to the hall and go see!" Hua Mu pulled the blue mourning and began to rush to the hall. Lan You Nian was preparing to refuse but was pulled by the other hand by Yue Bailian. Under the blue secluded thoughts, I had to walk into the hall with everyone.

However, when Lan You Nian came to the hall, he knew why they were so excited, because today is the day when Pluto’s family is going to be a bride, but it’s not a big deal. But it’s not important. What’s important is the scary gift. .

Lan Younian knows that the bridesmaids of the average family are four or six, even if the bridegroom or the county owner is eighty, but the blue mourning looks like the gift from the palace of the king is really not Clearly, the bride price has not been put down, even the blue house's door is also full of a Taiwanese dowry, has been piled up on the street, it is estimated that there are hundreds of such dowry, it is considered This world woman has the most dowry.

Lan Nian Nian stood at the door of the blue house, listening to the sound of the dark four, and Lan Bo's eyebrows nodded, even the blue house door was full of envious people complaining about a rare gift.

Originally, the person who was going to be a dowry was a highly respected person, but today the Lanye’s dowry was actually the Beijing’s Hou Ye Jing Leng and the emperor Feng Xia, which is the first person in history to receive such a privilege, but the blue The commemoration was not a bit of a surprise, but my heart was still moved by the fact that Feng Yi Xuan paid so much attention to this affair.

"Build a military, look at this is a gift list!" Jing Leng handed a long offer to Lan Jianjun, and his eyes were somewhat gratified. His two nephews found their love, so he As a cockroach, I am relieved.

Lan Jianjun looked at the dowry, even if he was prepared, he was still shocked. Many things on the dowry were hard to find. It seems that Pluto’s daughter is really moving the foundation of the Pluto. Come out, Lan Jianjun is very satisfied.

"Lan Bo, put these dowry points into the warehouse and put them in the dowry after the marriage is finished!" There is no greed in the eyes of Lan Jianjun. The usual dowry is for the woman's residence. However, the Lan Jianjun did not take it, which made several people admire the blue Jianjun.

Since the next banquet, the streets and alleys of the entire capital city have been rumored that the dowry of the princely government to the blue house can not be placed. The woman who once felt that Pluto was terrible and afraid to marry, now everyone is envious of the blue mourning. The protagonist, Lan Younian, still lives his usual life.

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