Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 40 dead, I am after you

A few people took the carriage and did not enter the capital city. They saw the blue Jianjun standing in a black robes. Looking at the distance from time to time, but when he saw the carriage of the Pluto, his eyes were filled with worries and thoughts. He did not think of it. My daughter was so daring to run to Xianglin City so much. These days, the blue Jianjun is worried about losing a lot of weight. This is the worry of the children!

Seeing that the carriage drove over to Lan Jianjun’s heart, Lan Jianjun also knew that it was too eye-catching at the gate of the tower, so he drove back to the government. Therefore, Lan Jianjun did not know that the carriage curtain behind was picked up by a blue singer. The blue mourning looked at the back of the middle-aged man sitting in front of him. It was clearly the general of the people, but the blue mourning. However, he felt that his back seemed to bend a lot, and his white hair was much more.

"Nat, this time the uncle has been worried, three days and two came to the palace to ask Xia Yu your current situation, this time if I and Xia Hao ran out of the capital, the uncle will also go to Xianglin City to see Yours!" Yue Bailian said, her woman's emotions are much more delicate. She also knows the things between the lover and the blue general. She also admits that the blue general had done something wrong, but now she has put it down. Then, Yue Bailian hopes that there is no need for everything, she does not get the father's love but hopes to get the father's love.

Blue secluded her lips, although she has forgiven the damage that Lan Jianjun once caused to the original body, but there is still a shackle in her heart. Although it is very good, it is less the atmosphere between the father and the daughter. Although the Lan Jianjun is a big old man, he certainly feels it, so many times he is very cautious with Lan Younian, and he is afraid of doing something to make his daughter hate himself.

"Well, I know!" Lan Nian thought put down the curtain and said, but my heart was happy because of the practice of Lan Jianjun, even if she didn't care, but she still had an expectation for this father's love, and her father for so long. It’s really good for myself.

"Back to the blue house!" Feng Yi Xuan told the darkness of the outside driving, they were prepared to go back directly to the palace of the king, because they have a lot of finishing things in the Xianglin City, so they are ready to return to Pluto. The government has dealt with things, but now it is the best decision for Fengyixuan to decide to return to Lanfu! In fact, at the beginning, Feng Yi Xuan really took a hostile attitude towards Lan Jianjun, because this man only made so many grievances, but now Feng Yi Xuan can feel the love for this father. The desire, and the blue Jianjun is indeed very good, so Fengyi Xuan is also really the blue Jianjun as his father-in-law.

"Pluto! Miss!" Lan Bo had already waited at the door. He was also excited when he saw the blue secluded heart. "Miss, the general is already in the hall. Is the lady going to see the general first? Or is it first to go back to the secluded pavilion?"

Lan Bo’s question is also justified. These days, watching the generals worry about Lan Bo’s day and night, he is also worried. Now, if the lady comes back, she will not be able to see the generals’ army. I am afraid that it will be uncomfortable, so Lan Bo is so unintentional. Raised, although this does not correspond to what he should do with an old slave.

"Xuan?" Lan Youn looked up at the wing wing Xuan, Feng Yi Xuan nodded without the blue singer, even if he and how to be close, but now he still left better, between the father and the daughter It is also a good thing to talk.

Feng Yi Xuan did not leave, but went directly to the Yu Nian Pavilion. Now the wedding of the two is just around the corner, even if Feng Yi Xuan has a name that goes straight to the name of the Yu Nian Pavilion, as long as it comes to the Nian Nian Pavilion at night, it will not be discovered. Enough.

The blue secluded step Yu Ting went to the hall of Lanfu, and saw the blue Jianjun sitting there. The dark black official clothing line was clear. It seems that he came back from the palace and went to the city gate to see if he came back. His posture is as tall and straight as a pine and cypress, his face is handsome and handsome, but his eyes are evenly added with a few fine lines, his hair is faint and can see white, which is more mature and calm, and it is hard to imagine how handsome the man is.

"Father!" Lan Younian relaxed his mood, like a little girl who returned home, ran to the side of Lan Jianjun, reaching out to hold the arm of Lan Jianjun, the father and daughter of two people at a glance.

Lan Jianjun saw that his daughter relied so much on his own appearance, and there was a warmth in his heart. It was obviously a general who was not ridiculous, but the kind smile on his face at the moment was not false. Lan Jianjun stretched out the rough big hand and touched the head of Lan Younian. Some of them said distressedly, "How is it thin?"

Nowadays, the blue ink string has become a family and there is a flower to take care of it. Blue Jianjun does not need to bother, and from childhood to the big blue Jianjun really did not pay for his son, now the daughter finally returned to her own Around me, my heart not only likes her daughter but also has a lot of apologies. So Lan Jianjun is very compliant with her daughter, but her daughter has not given him that chance. It’s really a daughter who is too sensible and does not need her father. What to do, Blue Jianjun is sometimes very helpless. The daughters of the family are so arrogant and arrogant, and then the father collects the money behind, but her daughter is not only a disaster, but also her daughter protects the blue house.

Lan You Nian touched his face, and then spoiled the words "Where is it thin? And isn't the woman thinner?" Actually, Lan Nianyan really belongs to the kind of thin woman. If she doesn't understand, she will feel her. Very weak, coupled with the stunning face, many times even the people around will naturally treat her as a weak woman.

"Noisy!" Lan Jianjun board raised his face and wanted to swear but was afraid of scaring his daughter. He gave a low voice to explain "Who said that women are thin and good? I feel that you are fat and look good!" Wing Xuan will definitely agree with Lan Jianjun here. Feng Yixuan always feels that he is too thin, but how to care is not necessarily to read long meat. For this matter, Fengyi Xuan does not know how much it costs.

"Isn't Pluto said?" Lan Jianjun suddenly said with suspicion that he was ready to go to Pluto to judge, and how the character in the body of Lan Jianjun was still so hot, fearing that his daughter would be dismissed by Pluto.

Lan Younian immediately took his father and rushed to explain that "Xuan every day tried to make some food supplements for me to eat and want me to grow meat, father!" Lan Youn said with a smile, "I am a small body is not long meat. Ah, don't know how many women envy?"

"You must not listen to those outside, and the women are thin and not good-looking. If you have nothing, just rest and eat more meat!" Lan Jianjun told him that he was already thinking about whether he would ask the emperor for a few royalties. The doctor came to the government. It is said that Lan Jianjun is conscientious in his life, but it is not easy for his daughter to use his identity.

"Know it! The father himself has to rest more. The father of the church should let his brother handle it. You, if you have nothing, come to the Nian Nian Pavilion to drink tea, or else you will go out to play with the bluebo. Play!" Blue Yu Nian's voice with her daughter's worries and blame, listening to the blue Jianjun heart is warmer than anything else, and sure enough, the daughter is the father's little cotton jacket.

"Well, the ink string is also very good!" Lan Jianjun is still very satisfied with his son. "You, don't have time to run around to be a father. For the father, you are more happy than anything!" People's feelings are very good today, but Lan Younian has always been very busy, and usually doesn't have much to eat with his father. When he talks about this blue secluded thought, he seems to be really negligent.

"Well, my daughter will have trouble with my father in the future!" Blue secluded and said, she seems to be a daughter who can be spoiled by her father. This feeling is different from that of Fengyi Xuan. One is family. love.

"How can it be annoying?" The father and the daughter sat down, and Lan You thought of pouring a cup of hot tea to his father. Lan Jianjun looked at him with emotion. "You, the marriage between you and Pluto is coming, and you know your good feelings for the father." But are you really sure?"

In some respects, Lan Jianjun is still very satisfied with this son-in-law. Especially from these experiences, Lan Jianjun also saw that Pluto’s feelings for his daughter’s favorite heart, but as a father’s blue Jianjun is still very worried. He feels that all men are not good things, and that their daughters are all good.

The look of Lan Younian is with the daughter's family's shyness but the look is firm. "Father, my daughter once thought that this life would not fall in love with anyone and would not marry anyone, but since he met Xuan, he warmed me. Dry heart, we are the other half of each other's life, the daughter is not married!"

Lan Jianjun also knows what his daughter is, and there is nothing to stop the meaning of the two. As a father, he is just like all the fathers in the world, afraid that his daughter is impulsive, and now sees his daughter. The firm blue Jianjun in the speech also gave a slight relief.

"There is no big skill for the father, but I don't have to worry about what I want to do in the future. For the father, I will always stand by my mind!" said the blue-building military's heavy-mindedness, which also explains his meaning. In the future, the blue house will Will be the backing of her daughter, even if it is Pluto can not bully her!

"Thank you father!" Lan Youn said with a smile, his eyes are happy.

"Stupid child, thank you to my father!" Blue Jianjun's kindness reveals a smile. As long as his daughter is happy, he is no longer a general, just the most ordinary father.

After finishing the talk with Lan Jianjun, Lan Younian returned to the Yu Nian Pavilion. Without her expectation, Feng Yi Xuan sat in the attic. Lan Younuan took the initiative to sit next to Feng Yi Xuan and set his own small The head was placed on the shoulder of Feng Yi Xuan.

“I’m in a good mood?” Feng Yi Xuan stroking the blue hair and smoothing long hair, because the blue sorrow is around, so the corners of his mouth are hooked up. Once he has no smile, but now the smile often blooms. In the corner of his mouth.

Lan Youn smiled and nodded, then suddenly got up and scared the wind wing Xuan.

"Xuan, let's go see the grandfather!" Blue Yumian suddenly said, from the father's happy look, Blue Nian Nian also knows that he usually does not care too much about his loved ones, suddenly remembered that has always been concerned The old man of his own, whether it was the blue secluded thoughts or the blue secluded thoughts of the present, the old man gave his infinite favor like the master.

Feng Yi Xuan also remembered what he had promised in Xianglin City, and He Taifu was the master of his time. He was very respectful to this old man, and he is now more respectful to the old man. .

"Well, do you want to take a break and go again?" Feng Yixuan is always concerned about the body that is always thinking, and no matter how important other things are, it is important to remember.

"No need!" Lan Younuan took the wing wing Xuan and walked out of the attic. "The grandfather doesn't know how to worry about us, or go to see his grandfather early to make his old man feel at ease!"

When the two came to Hefu, He Chuyang trained in the army. He was only He Taifu and his son and daughter-in-law. Several people heard that Fengyixuan and Lanyou were coming to the door to greet them. After all, the identity of Pluto is there, and the gift cannot be abolished.

But after waiting for a few people to go out to meet, Feng Yi Xuan and Lan You Nian have already arrived in the hall. Blue Yu Nian is very well-behaved. "Grandpa! Hey! Aunt!" Although she usually does not act very well, but in He Taifu's In front of the blue secluded thoughts still converge, not afraid that this old man is simply not wanting this old man to be disappointed.

"It’s good to come back!" He Taifu looked at his unyielding granddaughter before he bowed to Fengyixuan, but he had not been waiting for He Taifu to be supported by Fengyixuan.

"The grandfather won't fold me!" Feng Yixuan put his own posture very low, this is how the grandfather can privately salute himself.

He Taifu is very satisfied with Feng Yixuan's treatment. In fact, he has always been dissatisfied with the sudden marriage of his granddaughter. Although Pluto is indeed a dragon among people, Pluto was once his student. He Taifu is very clear about Pluto. Cruel temper, more or less still a little worried.

A few people said they went into the hall and sat down. He Taifu let his son and daughter-in-law retreat, and now there are only three people left in the hall.

"Pluto, although you are the only prince of this wind country, but some old men still have to talk!" He Taifu sat in the upper position, although the hair is white but the momentum of the whole body has become somewhat fierce, such a Fu Cai is the old man who stood in the hall for so many years, even the people who are respected by the Emperor.

"Grandpa please say!" Fengyi Xuan did not care about the attitude of He Taifu.

"Why did you go to Xianglin City this time? Although everyone is hiding the old man, but the old man is still very clear, but this is for the Pluto!" He Taifu looked at the Pluto sitting there and said, "The old man is such a Granddaughter, who once suffered so much, the old man did not agree to marry into the royal family, but now I can see that the two of you are not able to stop, but the old man is daring to ask today, Pluto may always read Is it so good? I figured out that any danger is also in front of my mind?"

"Grandfather?" Lan Younian can hear the dissatisfaction of Feng Yixuan in his grandfather's discourse, but there is nothing malicious, just a grandfather's concern and love for his granddaughter, but Lan Younian still reluctant to be wronged by Feng Yixuan. Because of his own reasons, Feng Yi Xuan is very tolerant and respectful to the people around him. The blue secluded mind is moved by the heart and feels sad, but now he is afraid of the foreign guild.

After He Taifu gave his granddaughter a look, he retracted his eyes and waited for the answer from Feng Yixuan.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at his thoughts sitting on his side with tenderness and tenderness. The thin lips lighted up, "I will stand in front of me, I will die, I will die after I miss!"

The low-alcohol and magnetic-filled words flow into the blue secluded ear, and the moment of hiding in the eyes of the blue-grandmother's ear, turned into a small insect, crawling into the atrium along her ear canal. Where it is, it’s a mess.

Xuan, I love you! Lan You Nian looked at the wind wing Xuan heart low sigh.

I miss, I love you very much! The love of Feng Yixuan’s eyes has never diminished.

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