Reborn Spoiled Ming Wangfei

: 5 lively King's Mansion

Lan Nian chanting said, "This will not be..." Lan Younian felt that she was embarrassed to say it. She did not think that her first redemption was actually taken as a baby by Feng Yi Xuan. These days change

Feng Yi Xuan took out the sheet in the closet, and then handed it to the blue secluded ear. The blue singer took it very unexpectedly and found that it was really the quilt on the day of their wedding, then the blue singer was big. The eyes saw the **** color of the red in the middle of the fire red sheet.

“There is really nothing!” Feng Yixuan said that he was not very embarrassed, but this time Lan Yun’s thought did not give the wind wing Xuan the opportunity to wrap the quilt directly to prepare for the ground, but in the moment of the next place, the blue and white legs and feet were soft. I couldn’t stand and almost fell, but fortunately, Fengyi’s eyes and eyes quickly caught Blue Nian’s thoughts, and did not say a word to Lan Younian’s clothes.

"Take it over..." said Blue Nian.

Feng Yixuan’s eartips were red and red, and he quickly closed the closet. He replied, “Nothing...” But the style of Fengyi’s wish to cover the blue is still doubtful. After all, Fengyixuan is in front of the blue mourning. I don't know how to hide myself, or that Fengyi Xuan never thought about hiding anything.

“Xuan, what is that?” asked Lan Yu’s doubts. After all, Feng Yi Xuan has a cleansing. Many times, when things are used up, they are burned. Their things are also cleaned immediately, but Lan Yu Nian thinks that the sheets are fundamental. It was very unexpected that it was not cleaned.

After wearing his clothes, Feng Yixuan went to the closet and took clothes for the blue quilt to wear. The blue mourning looked at the red sheet in the closet and was somewhat surprised, because the quilt was the quilt on the day of their wedding.

Feng Yi Xuan cocked his body and got up. Although the two had been close to each other, the blue singer still shyly regained his gaze.

"Missing" Fengyi Xuan's forehead against the forehead of Lan Younian, said with a hoarse voice "It is really a good taste, I can't help it, but you can rest assured that I will pay more attention in the future!" Feng Yi Xuan said very seriously, and Lan Yu Nian did not really get angry. When they said love, they got up.

Lan Younian’s body was immediately stagnated and immediately caught the big hand of Fengyi Xuan to eat tofu. He hated to say “Xuan, if you are so intemperate, I will not let you go to bed anymore!” Lan Younian feels that nowadays It’s just that I have to eat my own hungry wolf all the time. The key is how this hungry wolf can’t feed.

"Wake up?" Feng Yixuan asked, the big hand still touched the blue back and smooth back.

When Blue Nian Ming wakes up, I feel that my body is still a little sore, but Blue Nian Nian also knows that this can't blame Feng Yi Xuan, because sometimes the wings of Feng Yi Xuan can not resist.

"Okay, okay, I can't say it!" He swayed his head and went to work. The master's room was not lit up until now. These subordinates were miserable. These days, they were almost tired of dealing with those duties. Oh.

"Dark three!" Dark four yelled, "How can you be an unmarried woman?"

"Yeah, Wang Ye is so distressed, Wang Hao, don't worry about it!" said the dark three-player haha. "I say that the power of the prince is so strong, isn't the **** blessing still Wang Hao? Women need to love!"

"Blue dance, I believe that Pluto will be measured!" Lanqu also frowned and said that although everyone knows that the newly married couple is very normal, but Wang Ye did not come out in a few days or scared everyone.

"How can a young lady be so tough? I don't know if Miss is good now!" The blue dance was anxious, but none of them dared to knock on the door. After all, they were very clear about the temper of Wang Ye.

The dark one stood there, comforting the way, "Wang Ye has a sense of doing things, and said that Wang Ye has not been close to a female color for so many years. Just opening a cockroach will also make some time for it." He said that he also feels a little embarrassed. The time is long, but Wang Ye will never hurt Wang Hao!"

"Why didn't Wang Ye and Miss come out?" The blue dance stood in the distance of the courtyard and looked at the closed door and asked. "It has been three days. Except for Pluto who came out to take the meal, I didn't see the lady." ,What should I do?"

Looking at the sleeping thoughts in my arms, Feng Yixuan felt that his heart was soft and incredible at this moment. Looking at Feng Yi Xuan, he also slept with the blue secluded, sleeping in a luxurious and beautiful room. For men and women who are naked, men hold women tightly, women rely on the nest in the arms of men, and they are inseparable from each other...

Feng Yi Xuan did not sleep for a while, and then I fell asleep. Looking at the blue-gray wind wing Xuan Xuan, I also knew that it was really tired. Although I had a rest in these days, I just woke up. They used to spend all their time in bed. He felt that he was full of food and refreshment, but the anti-concept was hard work.

"Okay!" Feng Yi Xuan kissed the forehead of the kiss, and resisted the ** that he still wanted. He patted the back of his bright face. "Sleep, I don't want it, hey, sleep!"

For Feng Yixuan, he is not a heavy person. He didn’t even have a ** when he didn’t meet his thoughts. But now Feng Yixuan feels that even if he is dead, he is willing, not enjoying. The taste of reading never knows how it feels.

Feng Yi Xuan looked at his body and his body, and the purple eyes became more and more deep, but it seemed to be really exhausted when he looked at the thoughts. However, it is really a taste of good thoughts. He simply can't hold it. He can't wait to always want to press her under her body.

"Xuan, don't, beg you..." The voice of Lan Younian was slightly hoarse and crying. She didn't think that Feng Yi Xuan was so hungry after she opened it. Since they were married, they are now three. Days, they have not been out of this room for three days. In addition to the daily meal in the wing of the wing, the blue mourning was pressed by the wind wing Xuan on the bed all day. I really can't climb up.

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